Reviews for You're Mine by Sayah1112

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I Love The Stuff I Review (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014


wonderbug (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

Yes, Sesshoumaru is not exactly the apologetic type! - but it seems like he's going to make up for it in his own way, by paying for Souta's medical expenses. :) Loved the insight into Kagome's conflicted emotions, could definitely feel her turmoil. D: Excited to see what happens when the two of them meet up next!

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, girl :( Don't worry about the delay! - take all the time you need to rest up and feel better :) Best wishes with regards to the house hunting and the little ones!



Mina (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

LOL! Kagome is feeling regretful and yeah I feel like you portrayed Sesshomaru quite well...last chapter he was a bit shocked. Then the anger set in. Great job! Hope you get better!

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

LOL I love how conflicted he is. He doesn't want to be like his father, yet he is angered that Kagome did not see him as her Alpha to go to him and tell him why she was working so hard.
The sentence. "paid in full" - I am going out on a limb and thinking he paid her brother's hospital bills and maybe her bills? I cannot wait to see her reaction when she finds out!!!!!!!
I wonder if Sesshomaru will smell or sense how upset she's been and care for her since she's hurting herself so much.

PLEASE update soon!!!
So sorry you are ill - I've had bronchitis for two months now and it is not fun! Get better soon!

mari (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

as always loved the update hope you are feeling better thank you .

Catalina (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

8D Sesshoumaru is a badass again! I love his badassness cuz that is NOW A WORD OFFICIALLY! I didn't see this last night, so when I got on today and saw it I was like "HELL YEAH!" but a toddler was wiggling on my lap, and pulling my hair the whole time, and I persisted anyway, because I FUCKING LOVE this story!

Lonelylulaby (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

That was excellent, and I have to agree with you that Sesshoumaru's reaction in this chapter seamed to be really in character.  I really enjoyed myself.  Ok now, when ever one of my leading ladies/men starts throwing up after having unprotected sex for a while my mind just makes a GIANT leap into pregnant.  But hey she could have just cried to hard too but pregnant is more exciting so I will hold out until I am proven wrong


ja ne till next tome and keep up the awesomesauce

T (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014


Debra (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

I can't wait for the next chapter! To see Kagome and Sess talk about things Is going to really good I just know it. We'll keep them coming please.:-)

RedRobin (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

even though the chapter was short, I still enjoyed it. I'm giggling in excitement at the thought of the next update. :)

Elizabeth (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it! Keep all that exellence coming!

sam (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

I seriously enjoyed this chap.  Sesshomaru's reaction seemed par for the course to me. Congratulations on the house hunting and baby on the way.  I somewhat understand what you're going through luckily I'm not far enough along for my sweet lover to keep me up. Keep up the good work.

MG (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

Love LOVE this story! I'm impatiently awaiting your next update! <3

Feel better soon!!

Night Wraith (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

I think Kagome pretty much hit the nail on the head and Sesshomaru is seriously deluded....

Caera (Chapter 11) - Sun 02 Feb 2014

i love the new update! thank you very much and i hope you feel better soon. some warm chicken noodle soup to help you!  :)

April (Chapter 11) - Sat 01 Feb 2014

First off great chapter I need more second 

1cup of freash lemon juice 

1/2 Cup of local honey

1 1/2 tablespoons of cinnumen 

and if your daring one teaspoon hot chili (not the powder) you need fresh that will get you better in no time heat it all in a pot and drink it down do it as often as you think u need it 

Ana (Chapter 11) - Sat 01 Feb 2014

Yes, please give Kagome some back bone in this! *.* 

I agree, he would react like this xD Still, it could hurt to see him kissing the floor now and then xD 

Thank you for the update! <3 

Shaneka (Chapter 10) - Fri 31 Jan 2014

Awesome chapter, goooo Kagome. Absolutely excited about the next chapter. Update quick.

Kagome Yuki Niwa (Chapter 10) - Thu 30 Jan 2014

After your review to ADLC I had to st and see what you had written! and HOLY SHIT was that AMAZING. I LOVE LOVE THIS STORY and I cannot wait for an update and also congrats on baby!  I will be stalking this story like no other :3

Mikazuki (Chapter 10) - Mon 27 Jan 2014

OMG!  I read this chapter.  And read it again.  Then I read it again and again.  I have read it so many times since you posted it that it only gets better.  Very well written despite your comments as I felt every bit of her outrage.  I am looking forward to your next update.  ^.^


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