Next chapter, keep it coming.
Keep it coming.
Just punch him now and be done with it. Sesshoumaru is really gonna have Miroku kick the plan into gear after this. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Cute, keep it coming.
siblings. no respect for privacy. I wonder if Inuyasha will just forever hold this over Sesshoumaru's head or if he's smart enough to use it as blackmail. Things can only get better from here...right. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
oh my... Miroku is a gigolo? so now Inuyasha knows his big brother is virgin? so funny!
Interesting introduction to Miroku's character. Although it does make quite the point and paint quite the first impression. I wonder if Miroku will be able to help him with baby steps vs just jumping into the deep end. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Sess didn't know about women, I love it. I love this Sesshomaru nerd and virgin because I'm tired to read in the almost of fanfic a Sesshomaru super playboy and a god of sex and everybody want fuck with him.
Great chapter, keep it coming.
Interesting concept indeed! Most people picture Sesshoumaru as smooth and suave, not shy and awkward. You have taken the strong silent type and turned it on its head. wonderful. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Love it!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!
So far, so good. You have a very interesting idea and I would love to see how this progresses, though perhaps with a higher (and less strict) word count, considering updates will be sporadic :)
I must say, the instant I saw the length of the drabble, I felt admiration for you- I cannot write a 'perfect' drabble to save my life (let alone without a prompt), so kudos to you!
And now to talk about the actual writing! XD
I love it already- an enjoyable and brilliant summarisation of the prerequisite to the plot, concise yet still capable of evoking strong imagery, (the line about Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru perfectly showed us their relationship) and the final sentence was just masterful in drawing my attention.
*Adds story to Favourites list*
I believe the phrase is 'hook, line and sinker.' I will be eagerly awaiting updates :D (Sorry for saying 'I' so much!)
This story sounds interesting, keep it coming.
Your stories continue to intrigue me, especially because I have this recent addiction to finding stories where Sesshomaru isn't his usual: aka a demon lord. I'm dying to read more but I have to go. Please tell me I'll have quite a few lovley updates to look forward to!
dear lord! when I read the description my brain just exploded and immediately I think I have to read it. a Sesshomaru nerd and virgin is my dream... terrific
I read the description and though... "Oh lord, I have to read." XD Hope to read the next chappie soon! <3
omg. a nerd-sesshomaru fic?!? you dont know how excited i am for this! Just the summary alone is making me squeal!
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