Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 16 Years ago
Karma: 0
* Grabs her collection of blank picket signs..and sharpies.
THATS IT! We have to do something about this live action nightmare!
*Gets the dokuga party bus, hands the girls some glitter sharpies and signs.
Possessed will drive, we will write.
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Posts: 290
Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 16 Years ago
Karma: 18
Um someone correct me if I'm wrong, but was Piccollo even in Dragonball? *shrugs*
Also I'm not agreeing with the cast so far for Avatar.
Last Edit: 2009/03/16 16:23 By Akay.
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 16 Years ago
Karma: 0
um i dont remeber that was so many years ago, i dont think so. Someone go ask the in the "I want to know" thread
Um akay we travel a lot. Have you noticed that?
*Adds to Her's and Akay's already huge Itinerary, right after "Deal with Kubo"
Last Edit: 2009/03/16 16:26 By .
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Posts: 290
Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 16 Years ago
Karma: 18
LOL I was thinking the same thing Nobo. Only thing is Kubo on our permanent list LOL. We seriously need to discuss Ichihime with him and continuous criminal acts of leaving us on the edge but since Hollywood is closer we will deal with them one sharpie and sign at a time.
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 16 Years ago
Karma: 4
Akay wrote:
Um someone correct me if I'm wrong, but was Piccollo even in Dragonball? *shrugs*
Yeah, but this is King Piccolo. When Goku killed him, he spit up an egg, which is the Piccolo of DBZ.
Father... Son... thing. XD
Status: Working on oneshots and fics
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Last Edit: 2009/03/24 01:57 By Snowdrop.
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
Nobody wrote:
um i dont remeber that was so many years ago, i dont think so. Someone go ask the in the "I want to know" thread
Um akay we travel a lot. Have you noticed that?
*Adds to Her's and Akay's already huge Itinerary, right after "Deal with Kubo"
Any chance i can join you two in dealing with Kubo? I swear that man will be the death of me.....
I just saw this browsing the anime news..I hope they don't ruin it because then I would have to rant too.
I watched the Cowboy Bebop movie just so I could picture Keanu as Spike....... if you think Matrix meets Constantine; I can almost see it. Of course even if Keanu does do Spike justice... there's still the fact that Hollywood will try to butcher it if they can.
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 33
This has all gone too far! When I was younger, I really, really wanted them to do a live action Sailor Moon movie. Now, I cringe. That really was my first anime show that I followed. There were some anime that were a part of my childhood favs, including Warriors of the Wind, which they later released as Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind. As a side rant, it really blew when they re-released this with celebrity voices (Uma Thurman and Alison Lohman, who I really don't count as a celebrity, by the way) after Hayao Miyazaki shot to fame in the US with Spirited Away. I saw the original in the mid-eighties...loved it them...and then could not find it. I looked everywhere. So, it is good that it was re-released because you could see it again, but it sucked that they re-dubbed it with more current celebrities just so people would buy it. WTF?? My first exposure to The Little Mermaid was also an anime. It was dark and scary and in the end, she turned to foam...no sanitized version with happy songs and happily-ever-after. That is how it should end. No bull, you know?
Hollywood has ruined so many good things. They make crappy movie versions of great books, which in most cases keeps the average idiot from picking up that wonderful piece of literature. This angers me, because for some reason, they keep taking books that I love and turning them into piles of crap that I shake my head and sigh at when I see them. Hollywood needs some good writers that can create original characters and plotlines! Yes, I know that it is ironic that I bitch about this when I write fanfiction, but I also work on original pieces, so I can keep my indignation on this subject.
Okay, so, I guess that is my rant for you. By the way, I thought the trailer for Blood+ looked very promising. I shudder to think about what Hollywood will rape next.
Last Edit: 2009/03/30 09:01 By Sessylove219.
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
I do have to agree with Sessylove219 Sailor Moon was the first anime i EVER watched then came DBZ and now that they are making that a real movie it makes me wont to cry my sisters boyfriend wants to see it some bad but when he fiends out that it is crap every one is going to have to hear it and well now i HATE Hollywood i mean i loved twilight but i mean some Meany girls are so into it and they never read the book i have been a fan of twilight from the beginning of 2004 i think that's when if first came out and what did Hollywood do they F***** it up i mean it was near the book but so of i just hope if they get the nasty little hands on any other animes like Sailor Moon or Inuyasha or Hellsing(My god i would die!!!) lets just hope that dose not happen!
YA i know that had noting to do with anime but you know i have seen to many things get turned into crap like now they did Astro Boy i don't even think i wont to see that! i have so many Animes i love and i have a felling that by the time i am 40 they are all going to be Live-Action movies(i am 18 now going to be 19 next week so that gives them 21 years!) as for the all the one that have became a movie there are some that are good BUT they where done in japan and so there for not done badly i don't know what's wrong with Hollywood but they just cant make any good movies i mean Spiderman sick of that Batman i love the old show but now that it just keeps on going i never see it again then there is the Hulk GOD I HAT THE HULK!!!!! sorry  i think the last good movie i went to see was Twilight and that was in November but it was not the best i have seen.
Any ways i am done i fell good now  but if they ever go near to Inuyasha i well kill them or go protest! 
haha my wesker beats your batman.....I WIN!!!!!!
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
You ladies said it so well! Im so for a protest!
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
haha my wesker beats your batman.....I WIN!!!!!!
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 52
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
JoshuaK wrote:
6. To finish off my post... anime as action movies... eh, I say leave them be. I swear if I hear that they trying to make Bleach, Inuyasha, or Naruto a live action I'll die big time!
I despise Naruto, so if they make a live action of the movie and it bombs and turns everyone off to that show, I'll really be pleased.
They should totally make pokemon a live action movie though. They've already had anime movies, but c'mon. But Ash, and others should be played by grown people, in an event like ten years into the future or something. Pikachu should be played by a badger painted yellow with brown stripes.
Naruto should just remain an anime... XD where would they even get a giant toad, slug and snake for summoning... sure there are some special effects... but uh... never mind... XD
Pikachu played by a badger painted yellow with brown stripes??
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Re:Rant [ or hissy fit ] 15 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 9
After seeing the preview in theater I was completely appalled at who they chose to play as Goku and even more horrified at Piccolo. I'm not a very big DBZ fan but I did watch it when I was younger and my favorite character is sill Vegeta. Gods...I hope they don't come out with a sequel like what they're doing to other movies.
Last Edit: 2009/04/03 05:29 By InuYoukaiLiz.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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