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FanFiction Laws!
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Lady Orrin
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 13
Even though I am not an author, I am a rabid fan of fan fiction, and my issue is with point-of-view switching (POV). When an author writes about the events in a story from character #1's POV then in the next paragraph states THE EXACT SAME THING as the first paragraph but subsitutes character #2's name for character #1's name. Nothing new was added to the story, it just makes the story that much longer and wrecks the flow of the passage.

#15- Thou shall use POV switches carfully
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 47
Lady Orrin wrote:
Even though I am not an author, I am a rabid fan of fan fiction, and my issue is with point-of-view switching (POV). When an author writes about the events in a story from character #1's POV then in the next paragraph states THE EXACT SAME THING as the first paragraph but subsitutes character #2's name for character #1's name. Nothing new was added to the story, it just makes the story that much longer and wrecks the flow of the passage.

#15- Thou shall use POV switches carfully

Exactly! If you're going to use first person POV, it is much easier to choose one character and stick with it through the entire story, unless one or two events require a switch.

Also, adding notes to declare which character's POV we are viewing is unnecessary. The readers should be able to figure it out from the content of the story.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 4
Law Number 16: Spell the character's names correctly.

It always irks me when character names are not spelled right throughout the whole story. I've seen things such as: Kanome, Ren, Seshouomaro...

I have a very hard time getting past errors such as that. It's not overly difficult to look up the proper spelling. Google is god.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 8
Okay, here's something I've read a only few times but it had just really thrown off the whole story for me:

Law #17: Keep track of your settings.

I've read like half a chapter occuring in one room where the characters are conversing, and when they all split up, they're outside in some completely different place.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 3
Law #18:
It's super annoying if characters just have voices popping into their heads out of nowhere, especially if there's no reasonable explanation at some point. Sesshoumaru's demon voice is acceptable, if it's explained why it decided just to speak up at that moment, but I'm a regular human just like Kagome and I don't frequently have random voices popping into my head telling me how hot I think this guy is (as she so frequently seems to have).... To me that indicates mental issues. I don't know maybe that's just me.
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Lady ky
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0
I agree with must of these laws and I know a few of them i've been guilty of in my early fanfiction days, oh the bad fics that must now die.

The thing that bugs me to most is overly detailing, a story can get good with three paragraphs of how Kagome dresses and what's on her shirt. yes I get people like to play "dress up Kagome" but dang it as a reader i don't need to know the size of her panties or how many times she applies lip gloss.

Law # whatever we're on Use descriptive powers reasonably.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 216
So here's a recaps of our "Ought to be a FanFiction Law's":

Law#1: Make sure the currency works in favor of your story!

Law#2: Don't let your characters fall into the abyss! They hate it there!!

Law#3: Modern conveniences like shower, toilet etc are not in the feudal era

Law #4: Please try to make your Characters realistic

Law #5: Please try to have your characters take their time with building their relationships. Try to add hardships and comedy to make it believable.

Law #6: Characters shouldn't just forgive others for a horrible injustice right on the spot!

Law#7: Please try to move the body in lemons in a believable fashion.

Law#8: - *K.I.S.S.[*keep it simple silly!]- bringing in a lot of main characters randomly with out cause or background, or adding too many people at the same time, (unless you can keep it organized and the reader un-confused) can really hurt your story. a reader confused is a reader gone

Law#9: If you abandon your story, please let us know in an outlined format what would have happened. OR allow someone to adopt it!

Law#10: Use Spell Check!

Law#11: Slow it down. - ie. I'm not saying slow down the plot, prolong the development of relationships, or anything like that. Just try to keep everything flowing smoothly.

Law #12: Use proper capitalization/punctuation/grammar/spelling. Even when you have the plot all mapped out in your brain and ready to be written down, don't forget the basics of good writing, especially in the summary and the first paragraph of a story.

Law# 13: No IM spelling. ex: "U" for "you", 4 instead of "for", etc.

Law# 14: No over-describing. - there can be a balance between action and description, it's not such a difficult thing to obtain, if one takes the time to think about it while writing.

Law# 15: No WALLOFTEXT - if it can be helped. IE: Paragraphs, paragraphs, paragraphs. I see this from time to time where an author would have their chapters written as one big block of text. I can not stand that, especially when the story has a lot of potential. So, paragraphs should be a must when it comes to writing fanfiction.

Law# 16: No dialogue jumble. where more then one character speaks per paragraph - I have read a number of stories where characters' statements are thrown together into one, big paragraph and I get totally confused over who is stating what.

Law# 17: thou shalt not capitalize words that are not proper nouns unless they are the first word in a sentence!

Law# 18: Thou shall use POV switches carefully - adding notes to declare which character's POV we are viewing is unnecessary. The readers should be able to figure it out from the content of the story.

Law# 19: Spell the character's names correctly.

Law# 20: Keep track of your settings.

Law# 21: Thou shalt not make characters Schizophrenic - if characters just have voices popping into their heads out of nowhere, especially if there's no reasonable explanation at some point. Sesshoumaru's demon voice is acceptable, if it's explained why it decided just to speak up at that moment, but I'm a regular human just like Kagome and I don't frequently have random voices popping into my head telling me how hot I think this guy is (as she so frequently seems to have).... To me that indicates mental issues. I don't know maybe that's just me.


Law# 22: Thou shalt not lead the reader on.

I have been reading a story when it feels like to me as a reader/reviewer that we are almost done with this, maybe 5 chapters and we got this wrapped up nice and pretty. You as an author have 70k or so, 20+ chapters... and then BAM there's suddenly ANOTHER villain, or SUDDENLY the main couple isn't working out and more time has to happen.

Its understandable that your muse may want to lead you on for more, but seriously i have stopped reading stories for this issue. If i feel like you can't make the close on a fiction i will stop reading. I don't want to keep going after i've waited months to get to what i thought was the end only for you to have issues so you start another mini arch in the story line b/c your having issues closing it.

Suggestion to fix it: At this point as an author if you feel your getting there i think you need to stop, take a deep cleansing breath and look at what you have. step back from it for a hot second and ask one of your loyal reviewers who has been with you from chapter 1 to chapter whatever the heck your on and ask them what they think should happen or how they'd feel about more open plotline.

I know this seems odd and for the most part we only write for ourselves the reviews are just icing on the cake, but seriously i think authors should take this into consideration.

Now about this thread...: Again PLEASE keep comments civil, i don't want to see rules written in ALL CAPS.

This is a rant yes, but i would like newer authors to be able to use this and judge what readers think about without feeling like a noob that's going to get their under0os sent up a fanfiction flag pole for doing some of this.

We were all new at one point or another, and all of these are things that everyone has stumbled over. And yes i know these aren't really RULES but more of a GUIDELINE for possible help but seriously i think these will help people if they see what their readers want.

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Last Edit: 2009/10/17 08:22 By sugar0o.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
One tip I've found helpful if one is so focused on one scene that they can't write anything or rush to reach it:

Write THAT scene first, but leave the start a little open so you can meld it into the story when it reaches the point where that scene is necessary. Then you can proofread and adjust things as needed and nobody else will know you wrote the end of chapter eight before you started chapter two.

Edit: Doh, I didn't realize this was a really old topic!
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Last Edit: 2010/04/21 01:13 By Sesshoumarus_hair.
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Beat Cop
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: -666
And, it's a very touchy subject. Everyone writes for different reasons and what makes one person happy to write may not be what most people would like to read. I think perhaps this thread tends to be too judgmental, so comment with caution or the thread will be deleted.

You're doing fine, shangri la
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Last Edit: 2010/04/21 03:41 By ladybattousai.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Been seeing these a lot lately so thought I would add them, and don't worry Lady B, I will be civil .

Rules # 24: Watch for length of paragraphs.

Now I know it was mentioned earlier about wall of text, but too small of paragraphs can hurt your story as well, especially when you have a lot of one liners in a row. Now as a more experienced author, I try to keep my paragraphs at around four sentences each, even when the next paragraph has an answer to the first, speaking in terms of dialog. However, I understand that newer authors would find it difficult to come up with so many connection sentences, ie things like the answerer thinking about the question for a moment or the asker watching the other person's face for expressions.

For newer authors, I would say trying to keep the paragraphs at around two to three lines, up to six if there is no dialog or just one continuous speaker. It can help with story flow and keep readers in the story.

Example bad: "There sure are a lot of stars out tonight, aren't there?"


Example good: "There sure are a lot of stars out tonight, aren't there?" Kagome whispered softly, almost as if she was speaking to herself rather than to her companion, as she leaned back on her hands and stared up at the star-filled sky. It was another of the many wonders found here in the Feudal era that she never really got to experience in modern day Japan. The lights and skyscrapers always blocked out the breathtaking view.

"Hn," Sesshoumaru replied as he glanced across the camp fire at the strange priestess. He could never understand why such a usual thing, such as the stars in the sky, always seemed to appeal to her so. They were there every night, just as they always had and always would, yet she seemed to view them as though seeing them for the first time.

Rule # 25: Bold and all caps are not your friend.

Some words really need to be emphasized, but there is a wrong way and a right way to do so. Using bold or all caps, are the wrong way. It tends to interrupt the story flow and is rather distracting for readers. Putting that word in italics or in between ' ', can get your point across without hurting your story.

Example bad: "I don't need you telling me to behave," Kagome grumbled as she turned to glare at Inuyasha.
Example bad: "I don't need YOU telling me to behave," Kagome grumbled as she turned to glare at Inuyasha.
Example good: "I don't need you telling me to behave," Kagome grumbled as she turned to glare at Inuyasha.
Example good: "I don't need 'you' telling me to behave," Kagome grumbled as she turned to glare at Inuyasha.

Rule # 26: Pick one nickname and stick with it.

Too many times I have seen authors used Sess, Sesshy, Sesshou, Sessy-kuns and Fluffy all in the same paragraph, most by the same character. If you really wish to use a nickname, simply pick your favorite and use it throughout your story. And remember to only use it within dialog, not in descriptions or story details.

Example bad: "How long to you intend to follow me, girl?" Sesshy inquired as he turned back toward her with his normal stoic expression.
Example good: "That depends, Sesshy, on how long you allow me to follow you," Kagome replied with a smug smirk.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
I tend to use all-caps if somebody is really screaming. Like, they saw somebody shot and they're screaming the person's name, I tend to write it as "INUYASHA!"

But overusing exclamation points can ruin it. There's no "INUYASHA!!!!" like you might see in comics.

And how come the interrobang doesn't get enough love?

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Last Edit: 2010/04/21 17:14 By Sesshoumarus_hair.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Trouble_In_Shangri_la wrote:
I tend to use all-caps if somebody is really screaming. Like, they saw somebody shot and they're screaming the person's name, I tend to write it as "INUYASHA!"

But overusing exclamation points can ruin it. There's no "INUYASHA!!!!" like you might see in comics.

And how come the interrobang doesn't get enough love?


If it's just one word, I tend to let it slip, but usually if they have one word in all caps, there's many more to come. Interrobang?
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 8
?! is an interrobang
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Ah okies lol.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
Thou shalt not use in-text author's notes.


Kagome stared deeply into Sesshoumaru's eyes (a/n: Kami, his eyes are so pretty *giggle*) as she waited for him to speak.

"Kagome." He said, his voice so serious it held the weight of the world.

(a/n: He's totally gonna propose!)

"Yes?" Kagome held her breath.

Sesshoumaru slowly sank to one knee in front of her, taking great pains to hang onto his pride. (a/n: Awww! *glomps him*) "Will you marry me, Kagome?"

I see those in what should be serious fics, and they totally ruin it.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 78
Uh, oh. I usually think those in-text author's notes are really funny. But I have strange tastes. I get as much fun out of the personality of the authors as I do their work.
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Kazu Hioshi
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
These are very good and having not posted any fanfiction yet I will certainly take these into account
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Kazu Hioshi claimed the Meido Zangetsuha of Sesshomaru at the Claim Game at Dokuga!

(Yes, I am quite aware of the fact that that sounds weird, but apostrophes turn into giant walls of slashes, and that cannot be permitted XD)

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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
Hey guys. I am glad the rules were posted. Some I knew but others were new to me. I have been using google to research but I have a question. Is there a list of particular links that would have information on proceedures / traditions? Sometimes I can find what I am looking for but there have been many times that I could'nt. Of course, since this is all new to me I could just be doing something wrong. One example would be an apology. Where I am some flowers, a gift and saying sorry is fine, however in Japan maybe there is a different proceedure you have to follow to show you are sincere in your apology. Any tips for a lost person?
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Beat Cop
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 29
In responce to R0o's law, 22:
While i agree, the an author should know when a good story has reached its natural end, I also appreciate the unexpected and angsty twist now and again.

Should be a law #25: (We're at 25 right?) When filling out the story summary section, PLEASE do your best to give a good summary. "Read and Find Out's" are lazy IMHO
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
Hairann wrote:

Rule # 26: Pick one nickname and stick with it.

Too many times I have seen authors used Sess, Sesshy, Sesshou, Sessy-kuns and Fluffy all in the same paragraph, most by the same character. If you really wish to use a nickname, simply pick your favorite and use it throughout your story. And remember to only use it within dialog, not in descriptions or story details.

Example bad: "How long to you intend to follow me, girl?" Sesshy inquired as he turned back toward her with his normal stoic expression.
Example good: "That depends, Sesshy, on how long you allow me to follow you," Kagome replied with a smug smirk.

Can I second this motion? esp. in regards to using nicknames only in dialogue? (This one drives me crazy!!!)

also - as there are two different 'accepted' transliterations for many characters (i.e. Shippo v. Shippou, Koga v. Kouga etc.) I think law #19 should be amended to read:

Law# 19: Spell the character's names correctly & consistently

Pick one of the accepted spellings and stick to it.
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Last Edit: 2010/07/01 15:02 By janey-jane.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 3
Hairann wrote:
Trouble_In_Shangri_la wrote:
I tend to use all-caps if somebody is really screaming. Like, they saw somebody shot and they're screaming the person's name, I tend to write it as "INUYASHA!"

But overusing exclamation points can ruin it. There's no "INUYASHA!!!!" like you might see in comics.

And how come the interrobang doesn't get enough love?


If it's just one word, I tend to let it slip, but usually if they have one word in all caps, there's many more to come. Interrobang?

I have to say, when it comes to capitalization, that in *most* (not all) cases when someone starts breaking out with the caps lock it really breaks up the story and kind of interrupts my "reading lull" of sorts. Personally, I almost never use caps at all, preferring italics and making things bold if I'm really serious... but that's just a preference thing, really.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 78
Actually, I try to write my stories in a way that maintains at least a bit of the comic-book, anime flavor, even in my rather grim story, "Double Vision". Even though I mix it up with big words, I love the "Biff! Bam! Boom!" vibes that make me hearken back to my days reading Batman comics!
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 11
Is it still okay to make suggestions even if you don't write fic? I read tons of it!

Make sure your timeline makes sense - I'm not sure how many people this bothers, but I'm always keeping track of the timeline in the back of my head - If you state that it's been 5 years since Kagome started her adventures, don't later say that she's 18, or talk about her college graduation (unless she's done some sort of accelerated program).

Research is your friend- google is a god, and a huge boon to writers AND artists. All professional writers do research. If your story is set in Japan its really jarring if you all of the sudden start talking about how much something costs in dollars, and it will take you about 10 seconds to convert the currency. If you're going to write about Kagome getting a car or driving somewhere you should be aware that in Japan they drive on the left, the driving age is 18, and most people in big cities don't own cars at all (I found this info in about 30 seconds via google).

Although it may seem nitpicky you never know who is going to be reading your story - for example I'm personally obsessed with historic costume so costume inaccuracies are glaringly obvious to me (this one is more obvious in art than fic, but it still happens). My BFF was a biology major and scientific inaccuracies really stand out to her.

I think its really obvious when an author pays attention and makes sure the little things are right.
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
Janey-jane wrote:
Research is your friend- google is a god, and a huge boon to writers AND artists. All professional writers do research. If your story is set in Japan its really jarring if you all of the sudden start talking about how much something costs in dollars, and it will take you about 10 seconds to convert the currency. If you're going to write about Kagome getting a car or driving somewhere you should be aware that in Japan they drive on the left, the driving age is 18, and most people in big cities don't own cars at all (I found this info in about 30 seconds via google).

Although it may seem nitpicky you never know who is going to be reading your story - for example I'm personally obsessed with historic costume so costume inaccuracies are glaringly obvious to me (this one is more obvious in art than fic, but it still happens). My BFF was a biology major and scientific inaccuracies really stand out to her.

I think its really obvious when an author pays attention and makes sure the little things are right.

I have to second this, majorly.
Mainly because I'm VERY particular about historical and biologic inaccuracies. That's one major pet peeve of mine.
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Beat Cop
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Re:FanFiction Laws! 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 29
Kitten wrote:
Janey-jane wrote:
Research is your friend- google is a god, and a huge boon to writers AND artists. All professional writers do research. If your story is set in Japan its really jarring if you all of the sudden start talking about how much something costs in dollars, and it will take you about 10 seconds to convert the currency. If you're going to write about Kagome getting a car or driving somewhere you should be aware that in Japan they drive on the left, the driving age is 18, and most people in big cities don't own cars at all (I found this info in about 30 seconds via google).

Although it may seem nitpicky you never know who is going to be reading your story - for example I'm personally obsessed with historic costume so costume inaccuracies are glaringly obvious to me (this one is more obvious in art than fic, but it still happens). My BFF was a biology major and scientific inaccuracies really stand out to her.

I think its really obvious when an author pays attention and makes sure the little things are right.

I have to second this, majorly.
Mainly because I'm VERY particular about historical and biologic inaccuracies. That's one major pet peeve of mine.

I third it. I'm a huge stickler for the little details... and historical inaccuracies (with the exception of creative liberties, that are well thought and make sense tot he story) drive me crazy! I'm not a walking historical encyclopedia or anything, so when even I notice a gross inaccuracy, it really grates on me. In fact thinks like that make me question an authors entire story, and usually causes me to just stop reading. I mean it would have to be a BIG innacuracy for me to notice.

Another I would like to add is for authors to remember dates and ages of characters. When in a story they say someone was such age, and another was such age and then later say they are a certain number of years apart, and the numbers dont compute, it drives me crazy. or if they say such an even happened in such a year, and imply a character was really young when they wouldn't have even been born by how old they said the character was.... it just confuses things. Keep track of dates and ages and the timeline to minimize confusion.
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