There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
There needs to be more naked Sesshomaru fanart... I'm just putting that out there. Ya know... just incase I'm not the only one who thinks so. 
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
you aren't the only one.
Well...I always need to practice men, how naked are we talking here? Like naked naked, or just mostly naked? What are everyone's favorite parts of the male body (besides the naughty bits) anyway? For example I happen to really like nice lean thighs (Troy & 300 = puddle of drool) and backs but it seems like everyone is always about the arms and chest.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: -666
Janey-jane wrote:
you aren't the only one.
Well...I always need to practice men, how naked are we talking here? Like naked naked, or just mostly naked? What are everyone's favorite parts of the male body (besides the naughty bits) anyway? For example I happen to really like nice lean thighs (Troy & 300 = puddle of drool) and backs but it seems like everyone is always about the arms and chest.
I'm all about the backs. Chests, arms and abs are nice, but nothing beats a nice back. Although the silhouette of a man alone is nice. Broad shoulders and narrow hips.
And it sounds like you farted in the beginning of your post... 
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
ahh, that's the fart of amused artistic pondering.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
I love chests and muscular arms but not too thick. Though if I were to be honest show me a toe or a nicely manicured claw and I'm no more good.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
Tactful nudity is always creative... although a full on money shot is nice too! lol
My fave parts of the male anatomy (other than the obvious) that I'd like to see more artists pay attention to, are the shoulders and the adams apple, its an aspect often too understated when studying the male anatomy. Oh and butts! Perfectly round, muscular, and entirely masculine back sides and thighs.
I also love a "peekaboo" image - the kind where sesshomaru or some other male is in a state of casual dress where perhaps he has left his haori open, or perhaps he has just finish practicing kata, and his hakama have slid lower. Or even (and kinda my fave) he's shirtless, and only in his hakama therefor the gaps in the side ties, leave a little side butt visible... very sexy. I imagine these scenes to be ones where the person isn't intentionally going for seduction, but the fluidity of the circumstances leading to a little "peekaboo" gives it a voyeristic charm.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 4
Ha! You certainly have thought this out.  Just remember, what one person creates is not always the way you would have seen it. That is the fun in imagination. I suppose that sometimes the imagination can use a kickstart. 
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 2
Money shot, Money shot, Money shot 
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 40
I agree with Lady B!
Backs and nice shoulders are what I'd like to see more of~
-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye
I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 67
Dragoness wrote:
I love chests and muscular arms but not too thick. Though if I were to be honest show me a toe or a nicely manicured claw and I'm no more good.
I like a good muscular torso and arms myself. Sesshy left a lot to the imagination in the series only going partially topless ONCE. So yeah, more gratuitous toplessness would be VERY nice.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 34
i like a good chest too. Not overly muscled but you know its there. I think of them as elegant muscles because they are subtle. *drools*
Other than that it is the eyes. OMG do i love sexy eyes.
I loved Foxxie's birthday pic for me though. That was some good...nekkidness.
*toddles off to go look at her pic.*
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
I realized in final act and in the manga where he acquired Bakusaiga, he does not have that much of a muscle and I think it fits him somehow. I prefer him with some muscle but not until it make him look like a wrestler.
will love to see some chest and call me crazy, some pubic hair extending to where his lower stomach is. I think it's kinda sexy where he's half naked and there's some silver hair on his lower stomach. XD 
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
feh. You ALL know you wanna see a money shot.  It's okay, me too.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 5
Actually, I don't really feel the need to see a money shot. I personally don't find men's naughty bits that attractive, really. I'm more a chest/arms kind of person, and I full heartedly agree with KyuubiPandoraChan when it comes to 'love tracks' 
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 16
I agree with Mitsje.
Man-bits are kind of a turn off for me. Give me a nice set of abs, a nice broad chest and lithe muscles and I crumble.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
clearly you guys haven't seen some of the adult fan art posted here. lol nothing turn offy about it. Although I enjoy a money shot, I think artistically speaking tactful nudity is more entertaining....
HEY! IDEA! How about an entire series of Austin Power's inspired naked Sesshy's? You know where he's walking behind the breakfast table and a cleverly placed banana hides the goods?! ample humor AND sexyness opp!
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 16
Moxy, I have seen it. Hard to miss it really,  and while it may be well done, that does not instantly mean its attractive.
Money shots are a turn off for me. *shrug* Its like "Oh, okay. Well since there is nothing left to look forward to... moving on"
Sometimes leaving a bit to the imagination is better, thought I am sure plenty of people wouldn't agree with me. However, they should agree on this point--
If you are going to draw "the junk" at least know what "the junk" should look like. Seriously, nothing is a bigger turn off than seeing deformed man-parts. (and I am by no means pointing fingers around here since I haven't actively gone looking for it here, but I know on dA its pretty bad.)
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
Terri wrote:
...while it may be well done, that does not instantly mean its attractive.
Money shots are a turn off for me. *shrug* Its like "Oh, okay. Well since there is nothing left to look forward to... moving on"
Sometimes leaving a bit to the imagination is better...
loool. I agree with this.
also man bits just don't make me go 'grrrooow!' the way a nice back or lean, muscular legs do. its more like: oh, okay...err yeah, there's a penis *awkward*
I'm not sexist in this - a lot of people say women's parts are 'prettier' but that's cause they're thinking of boobs, and not of the actual corresponding female bits. Corresponding female bits are just as awkward and unattractive as the male ones.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
irritation induced migraine to commence in - oh wait. Its here. Anyone else ever feel like people dont actually read all your post before getting a ton of replies harping on one aspect? ...yeah. *le sigh*
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 5
MoxyMikki wrote:
clearly you guys haven't seen some of the adult fan art posted here. lol nothing turn offy about it. Although I enjoy a money shot, I think artistically speaking tactful nudity is more entertaining....
HEY! IDEA! How about an entire series of Austin Power's inspired naked Sesshy's? You know where he's walking behind the breakfast table and a cleverly placed banana hides the goods?! ample humor AND sexyness opp!
I read it all, and I agree with you in that tactful nudity is more entertaining, and that there is nothing turn offy about well done money shots, I just personally feel that there isn't necesarily anything turn ony about it either. But that's just how I feel, and of course, you're welcome to have a different opinion on this.
And, seriously, if I had my tablet with me right now, I would definitely be sketching away on that idea. Things like banana's instead of penisses somehow always crack me up. To illustrate my point, let me share a picture from a short Death Note doujinshi that never fails to have me snort uncontrollably (NOT FOR KIDS!!!): go-devil-dante.deviantart.com/art/L-s-dessert-9019868?q=gallery%3AGo-Devil-Dante%2F152424&qo=40
Last Edit: 2010/07/14 15:09 By Mitsje.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
lol that was great! And exactly what I was thinking of when I said "Austin Powers inspired" who says a naked sesshy cant be funny to?! lol
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 11
Looool... all I can think of with Sesshoumaru + Austin powers is Sess with that heart-shaped aweful chest hair. I can't stop laughing about it *is shot by fellow dokugans*
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 5
I could not resist this. It had to come out. Sesshou Powers strikes. Not for kids, to be safe.
People on the bus were giving me weird looks while I was doodling away, but it was worth it.
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Re:There Needs to be... 14 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 29
OMG OMG OMG I love it! Its perfect! I left it a review, but I'll kinda say it here too - I just love his facial expression. So Sesshomaru! LOL KARMA FOR YOU!
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