Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 26
Sessylove219 wrote:
Two words: projectile diarreah
*Is horrified* I don't think I'll ever look at Sesshoumaru the same way again...
What could be a possible (or impossible) outcome of Sesshoumaru eating chocolate?
My Answer: An irrational and irresistible need to cuddle and care for kittens...
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Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons
Simple really, If Sesshomaru were to get a hold of something Chocolaty, or Chocolate itself, what's the most amusing or worse things you can think would happen?
Answer we wont take:
"Getting sick."
that's obvious chocolate's bad for dogs... think sillier!
Sudden lose of hair on Mokomoko =x

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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 51
First of all, your title reminded me of your art:
Secondly, I think of Sesshoumaru as getting really clingy and emotional after chocolate and wanting to watch Titanic and other chick flicks with Kagome.
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 92
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
Male PMS symptoms, including but not limited to:
Bloating, Cramps, Weight gain, An irrational need for MORE chocolate, Temper tantrums.... 
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 51
Temporary gender change.
'Nuff said.
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
Miss Kagura wrote:
Temporary gender change.Like Ranma? hahahahahaha
...May result in Erectile Dysfunction =x
Last Edit: 2009/06/30 08:57 By sugar0o.
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
hmmm... he gets addicted to the chocolate, loses all of his sex appeal, then becomes fat. 
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
...makings him Sh*t-faced drunk.
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
he become a poorly drawn stick figure!! 
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
...Becomes Spontaneously Combustible 
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 42
There was a christmas story... Where whenever he had hot cocoa it was like him being drunk  I'll see if I can find it...
Edit: Yum! Choc-o-lateBy Emmaren
Found it! 
Last Edit: 2009/06/29 10:10 By MontiK.
^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1
Who's to say he gets chocolate, and not chocolate flavored exlax...
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
Sweet_Dark_Silence wrote:
Who's to say he gets chocolate, and not chocolate flavored exlax... Thats just mean =p funny but mean...
...Suddenly starts sounding like Ben Stien from Ferris Buelers Day Off.
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 33
Two words: projectile diarreah
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
The hyperness of a 300 4 year old on a sugar high =x
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 42
An Erection that can't be gotten rid of....
And the compulsive need to run through childsize turnstiles 
^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 40
extreme addictions/severe hallucinations
anything brown is chocolate to him and he can't help but eat it, be it a tree trunk, paper, or god-forbid... >< other brown things.
-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye
I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 31
He eats all the chocolate he can find, thus gaining the sight to worlds we can only see, when on a 'magical journey'. Then, once he realizes he is out, and wishes to have some, he crawls into a dark corner, and brings himself to a fetal position. As he rocks back and forth, he says the same words over and over, like a mantra. "Need...more..chocolate."
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 27
He has an uncontrolable need to play a long game of fetch in his true form.
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
Rikayu wrote:
extreme addictions/severe hallucinations
anything brown is chocolate to him and he can't help but eat it, be it a tree trunk, paper, or god-forbid... >< other brown things.
...Gets so hyper that he speeds up so that the reast of the world is in slow motion and can't slow down until its out of his system.
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 26
After consuming some of the chocolate Kagome had brought back from her time, Sesshoumaru did some very unusual things: skipping, singing and... licking toads. 
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 216
...Can result in spontaneous bouts of bursting into Musical Number's from West Side Story, particularly, "I feel pretty."
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 34
this is the best thread ever!! Originally I thought it would be having to choose between Sesshomaru and Chocolate and I was honestly trying to think if it was possible. However it is not and i'm eternally grateful.
Anywho...here's mine:
After ingesting chocolate Sesshomaru turns into the puppy verison of his true form and turns hyper, jumping on people, furniture and skateboards. Howling when he doesn't get his way.
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Re:Chocolate Vs. Hot Dog Demons 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 40
consumption of chocolate results in extreme hair loss, or large bald spots.
byebye pretty silver hair~
-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye
I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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