Lauren Profile Page

About Me

Hmm... Let's see~ I'm pretty easy to please. Good, home-cooked meals, great music, stories and/or movies usually do it. ...Actually, bad movies usually do it - as long as they're entertaining or I learn something new. Smile I have an uncensored vocabulary and a tendency favorably generalize. I'd also like to think that I have a pretty open approach to life.

So many authors are jumping ship these days. Publish of perish, yes?

Any recommendations are welcome. Any who are in need of a beta, I am available.

I think that's about it. I, uh... Like to give out cookies? Yeah.



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17 years ago
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5 years ago



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Forum Posts
08/10/2020 12:09:27Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/KagGeneral Discussion216264
05/11/2020 21:24:30Re:A Continuation of Inuyasha?!General Discussion3813
05/08/2020 22:58:09Re:A Continuation of Inuyasha?!General Discussion3813
05/08/2020 17:08:31Re:A Continuation of Inuyasha?!General Discussion3813
05/08/2020 17:07:39A Continuation of Inuyasha?!General Discussion3813
05/02/2019 00:27:40Re:AN: A Demon Lord's CryGeneral Discussion8085
04/14/2019 19:26:03Searching for Aubrey SimoneFanfiction3949
03/31/2019 12:35:12Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/KagGeneral Discussion216264
03/31/2019 12:33:07Re:AN: A Demon Lord's CryGeneral Discussion8085
03/31/2019 12:23:27Miss Artemis Fic SearchSearching for a Fic...2190
09/22/2017 06:40:50Re:Finishing an incomplete fanfiction?Fanfiction10433
09/08/2012 05:37:43Re:The Movie GameForum Games99967
11/12/2011 11:42:30Re:terri bota?Off-Topic Discussion3074
11/12/2011 11:36:33Re:terri bota?Off-Topic Discussion3074
11/03/2010 23:28:27Re:Association GameForum Games1910812
11/03/2010 23:26:37Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games636833
11/17/2009 15:20:16Re:Association GameForum Games1910812
10/01/2009 06:28:22Re:Kagome being 15General Discussion15323
10/01/2009 05:06:41Re:Kagome being 15General Discussion15323
09/30/2009 18:02:23Re:Kagome being 15General Discussion15323

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  Alysia DeMaggio
  Akae Imoto


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[SessKag] Stationery
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His Retainer - InuKik
His Retainer - SessKag
Four Seasons
Kakuchuu - Chapter 5 - Page 23
SessKag - Link/Zelda
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Name Entry

Created On: 12/21/2022 06:22:29

Regarding the duplicate upload on Impermanence:

I had accidentally uploaded chapter nine twice somehow, believing I was uploading chapter ten. You left a comment - very similar to the comment you left on the true chapter ten - questioning: “a duplicate upload?” Lol. I went back and checked and sure enough it was chapter nine twice - and I was like wtf lol.

But now, I’m getting the vibe from you like: “what are you talking about, MNiH? What duplicate?” So…. Now I’m wondering if this is a glitch in the matrix or I’ve landed in a parallel timeline as the one I was in yesterday was destroyed.


Created On: 05/23/2022 02:10:54

Hi Lauren,

It's so nice to hear from you Unfortunately, I've been working like a mad woman and have had very little time for creative writing (it doesn't help that the next chapter of Compatibility is unnecessarily long). I finally have a bit of time to work on this monstrous chapter, and I hope to have it uploaded in the next week or so.

I hope you've been well, too

Take care, and stay safe!


Created On: 04/12/2021 19:07:56

Thank you so much for your comment on Inevitability! I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying the latest updates! Takeshi is probably my favourite character to write at the moment - especially since he doesn't know where the line is between familiar and formal. I can honestly say that I think Takeshi will be one-of-a-kind within Sesshomaru's stronghold. Hopefully the other members of the stronghold will be kind to their new guests!
Take care, and stay safe


Created On: 10/29/2020 01:17:24

Thank you for your kind review on Inevitability! It may have been six months since my last update, but thankfully, it wasn't two years! I'm glad you liked the chapter, and your review motivated me to write another Stay well and safe!


Created On: 08/20/2020 04:01:35

Yoo thanks for the comment on Husband Catalogue. In Kougas chapter when his wife sent the letter she was only talking about access to the pass and it was Sesshoumaru who read into things, he says so in the chapter. Our Kagome has no idea what is in the letter and thought it was more than it was, but it'll be clarified in the afters tory chapter, sorry for the confusion
Feedback from Lauren: I'm loving your story so far. Glad that Koga's Kagome is happy. And it's actually nice to see Sesshomaru making the effort for once, however misplaced.

No worries! Thank you for clarifying!!!


Created On: 06/25/2020 07:06:05

Thank you so much for all the reviews you have left on "The Young Master!" They were a very pleasent surprise to wake up to! Haha, Ah-Un can be a very silly dragon, I'm glad to see you are sharing my love for her! There are not enough Ah-Un POV stories out there.

Thanks again!


Created On: 05/18/2020 20:18:55

Thank you so much for your kind reviews on Inevitability! I'm glad that you enjoyed them, and I hope it won't take me almost two years to update the next chapter! Hope you are safe and well too
Feedback from Lauren: Quality takes time, right? I will keep an eye out.

Thank you


Created On: 04/13/2020 15:27:01

Thanks for your review! And yeah, I have Sesshomaru pretty ruthless in my other fics, so decided to go chill in Close Quarters. But he’ll still be Sesshomaru


Created On: 12/17/2019 11:03:53

Hi Lauren! You caught me on the Kohaku thing! Yeah, not the best alarm system, but it wouldn't have made much of a difference, in Kagome's defence ??
Feedback from Lauren: No, I guess it wouldn't LOL Poor Kagome


Created On: 11/20/2019 08:13:48
Edited By Archerdiana On: 11/22/2019 14:35:04

Thank you for reading An Arrangement! Kagome's dreams are always part memory, part intuition (;

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