LittleSingingBird Profile Page

About Me

Well....idk really what to put here......I'll figure something out....eventually.

Well for sarters my American name is Asha-Cattette but my Indian name is Singing-Bird or Birdy for short, thanks mom!

I am Native American, Cherokee and Mowhawk to be exact...thanks mom and dad and my grandparents.

I was born in DC, spent alot of my childhood in upstate New Jersey, FLANDERS IN THE HOUSE!, an dragged back to DC where I currently live....ugh thanks seriously -_-

I have a dog named Eboni who is on drugs like I swear....I think its something in the water, its toxic I tell you!! But I live with my mom and I am a college sophomore.

I adore shoes epically red bottoms that I plan on getting when I graduate with my AA or my bachelors in Art History and Anthropology with an emphasis on French art and Linguistics.

I love to write stories...but I espically love reading them more!

Though this is the first time making an account on Dokuga, this is far from my first time on here. As they say, first time account but long time fan lol :)

I do truly love Sesshoumaru and Kagome as a couple, I think they are too adorable. And I'm down for pretty much any ficcy, as long as its well-written. Even if its not so great, if I think the plot is decent, I'll tough it out and endure the craptical-ness of it all.

And thats all i gots........yep...that is all.

User Status

14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago


Words to the wise, "Win the race with grace, or get sprayed in the face with mace." Asha-Cattette Stephens


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Forum Posts
01/29/2011 20:15:18Re:Happy Unbirthday Sugar0o!Off-Topic Discussion13872


  Inkasha Taisho


LittleSingingBird has 2 stories

Just a really sad/sweet poem about two lovers. Hope you like it, and be gentle but honest since this is my first.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 29 Jan 2011  -  Updated: 29 Jan 2011
Genre: Romance, Tragedy, Verse  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 247  -  Reads: 4,689
"Because even the realest of people are just a little plastic."
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 30 Jan 2011  -  Updated: 09 Jun 2011
Genre: Angst, Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 4  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 5,074  -  Reads: 6,279

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 162

She Fights
SXK Gender bender
Forever Shorter
Chibi adventure
r0o's Kami of Trickey: Shippo. Colored!
  • r0o's Kami of Trickey: Shippo. Colored!
  • Author: Lilith
  • Category: Others
The Western Female Lord
Kotono and Kagome - Fated Encounter
California Girls lines
  • California Girls lines
  • Author: Lily
  • Category: Fanart
Teenage Dream lines
  • Teenage Dream lines
  • Author: Lily
  • Category: Fanart
A Sense of Peace
A sense of peace w.i.p
Belly Dance
Remembering Chapter 1
~ Tribal ~
GMDDN: Dance/Hair
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 9 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 06/19/2011 01:38:06

Thanks for the comment of my fanart. AND, Kagome is the new Western Lord, but she's female. Its from my story Primero. It's somewhat confusing to explain. Thanks again!


Huggling you
Created On: 06/10/2011 16:24:26

Thanks for the review on Striking a Deal with the Devil. It actually made me giggle. Don't worry, there are still more chapters to come. In the Author's Note, I simply meant the 'end of this chapter' hehe. I am actually getting the next chapter ready to post right now, and it will be up in the next few minutes....

Feedback from LittleSingingBird: No problem, I've always been a bit for the dramatics. And ok, DAMN YOU UNDIAGNOISED DYSLEXIA, YOU KEEP ON CUNFUDDLEING ME!!!! I cant wait til the next chapter because I want to see how Kagome is going to react...because going by how you are writing her, if she got a reaction out of Sesshoumaru, I know Kagome isnt going to be any better. hehehehe


Created On: 06/08/2011 20:04:31

Thank you for the review on Firangi.
Now I've been digging my mind for another summary ahah T.T I didn't want it to make it apprehensive. T.T I wanted to do something quite different and very AU. Yes, I mean, with the Japanese names, I couldn't have it fully non-japanese ahah, I needed a hint of it. Every traditions is an existing one, or one that used to exist, or it's one that exist with a little twist on it. I did a bit of research to try and bring a more authentic feeling to it. Hopefully I won't fail! I'm glad you enjoy it so far! ANNNND. I read in your profile you have Native American blood so now... IZ SCARED OF you being like... THAT IS SO WRONG. lol. /hides/
Feedback from LittleSingingBird: Yea and dont worry too much on the summary, it was most likely just me and not seeing things in the order they are in, I'm getting old. But yea I dont think there is currently a fic on here that is quite ike yours which I find refreshing. And I like how you take even the little details and expand on them, and research them so they will be historically correct. And dont worry bout me being insulted lol. I dont insult easy esp if I know that the person or people dont mean anything by it. But if i feel that it needs to be corrected, I let it be known and keep it movin because it usually isnt that deep.


Created On: 05/28/2011 12:00:25

Thank you for the lovely review on chapter 1 of Retribution! I am glad you're enjoying it so's my first time writing a full length horror story, so I am pretty much hyped about it. I will try to get it updated soon!
Feedback from LittleSingingBird: No problem! I'm a huge fan of yours so when I saw that you were doing a horror style fic I was so excited because I know the quality of your work is superb. And I am just as hyped as you are!! Good luck!!!!!

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