PitaBread Profile Page

About Me

Hi!  I'm PitaBread, and I mostly write Inuyasha-based fanfiction, although I'm working on original fiction stories and a biography.  I live in Florida with my many cats.  My favorite IY pairing (read: obsession) is, of course, SessKag, but to be honest, I'm fond of many pairings.  I work a lot and have 2 kids, so I unfortunately don't have a lot of time for writing and haven't for many years, since I returned to the work force after having my youngest. So my updates come few and far between.  Also, I'm a bit of a grammar and spelling nazi.  You may find a few mistakes in my writing that I've overlooked, but I try to get everything right before I submit a chapter.  If I do miss something, it's usually because my chapters are so long, lol.  Also, despite the fact that SessKag is FAR from canon, I try to make everything as canon as possible - that means Ayame doesn't exist, Sesshoumaru CAN'T turn into an orb and zip through the sky, and his outfit actually has a violet pattern, not red.  Also, there may be spoilers because of this - I take the ending of Inuyasha into account, so you may read things you don't want to know.  Oh!  And I'm also one of the Mods at Inuyasha-fanfiction.com.  I'm always looking for online buddies or betas or whatever, so don't by shy - drop me a line!

<3 PB

P.S...... It's not a manga, and even though Rumiko is a producer of the show, I do NOT consider Yasha Hime canon, so I'm not paying any attention to that when it comes to my writing.

User Status

17 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago


I love making friends!  I'm pretty open-minded and objective, so you can approach me about anything.  ^^  Here are a few topic starters: I love The Twilight Saga, Mel Brooks' movies, SessKag, shojo manga, vampires, lemons, and cats!


Forum Statistics
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Total Posts164
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  Desiree Nickels
  Yuna Nara


PitaBread has 4 stories

[AR] Two years after the death of Naraku, Kagome is still fighting demons - literally and figuratively. An encouter leaves her wounded and seperated, and she has the most unlikely savior. She irrivocably entwines their fates accidentally... *WARNINGS - Spoilers and Lemons* +++Winner, 3rd Place, Best Canon in 1st Q Dokuga Awards, 2009!+++
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: On Hiatus  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 06 Dec 2008  -  Updated: 26 Jul 2013
Genre: Angst, Dark, Drama, Erotica, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 21  -  Reviews: 72  -  Words: 227,491  -  Reads: 54,528
[ONESHOT-Lemon] Rated X Kagome has an erotic experience while sunbathing. Follows the canon ending. *If someone has a problem with this because it\'s not COMPLETELY SessKag, let me know.*
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 10 Dec 2008  -  Updated: 13 Dec 2008
Genre: Erotica, Kink  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 2,076  -  Reads: 9,922
(oneshot) Kagome falls in love again after heartbreak - she and Inuyasha didn\'t work out after all. AR
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 14 Dec 2008  -  Updated: 14 Dec 2008
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 5,398  -  Reads: 5,622
A oneshot inspired by LazyJenny\'s (aka Brainshake) pic of the same name. Kagome takes a bath, and bumps into Sesshoumaru.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 30 Jan 2010  -  Updated: 30 Jan 2010
Genre: Erotica  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 4,916  -  Reads: 7,808

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 15

Your Back?
Here Comes The Rain
Sweet Dreams
Roo's Kami of Chaos
5. Seeking Solace
Zyephen's Heart Inside, colored
Drawble: Fortune
Tears Of the Fallen 03-29
You're so Fluffy
Akaku Naru Color
Doki Doki


Name Entry

Created On: 07/15/2011 17:16:25

So Heyo Pita...I've tracked you down. I wanted to know whatever stopped you from writing the Choices, Choices fic on (paperdemon/redcurtain). I always liked your work (I know you SHOULD know..but I'm just learning how to review). I always wondered was it going to be a multiple mating fic or something. I just enjoyed the pace and style so much I thought to *ahem* harass you about it. So i'll be crossing my fingers till then may your plunnie bunnies be one with you
Feedback from PitaBread: Well hello there! I actually haven't been writing at ALL, not just that one. So much has been happening, and I just hadn't been able to write. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things again, although I can't promise when. But I hate that my stories are sitting there, unfinished. Thanks so much for writing to me... In the past weeks, a few others have written to me, too. Maybe I'll get a fire lit under my butt!


Created On: 02/25/2010 03:26:29

Hey there! What's up?
Feedback from PitaBread: Hey! I guess we're the game forum stalkers, eh? XD


Created On: 02/08/2009 19:32:45

I found you!!!!! Nice to see you over here. You're a mod on Inuyasha-Fanfiction and I'm a mod on Dokuga. It's like Romeo and Juliet

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