Sandreline Moon Profile Page
Sandreline Moon

About Me

Hello, Everyone! I have joined the amazing Dokuga, so YES - I am the SAME "Moon Mage Goddess" as on A-Single-Spark as well as on  So do not fret - I am not stealing my own stories here!

I am 32 years old, a graduate of History with an emphasis in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, specifically the fall of Cleopatra and the rise of Augustus.  Despite my age,I can still be a kid at heart. I find it very important to enjoy your life - you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.  Life is too short, so you have to live with no regrets. Of course I can also switch my personality to a Coroporate Pro faster than the blink of an eye so it all depends on my mood. ^_~

I love the Sesshomaru/Kagome pairing. They are much better suited than Kag/Inu. How could Rumiko Takahashi not see the potential?

I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support in my stories, from here or on  Its your praise and kind words that make my muse sing - so thank you!


I'm officially published! You can find the first book in my series, "Her Motivation" by K. Williams exclusively for Kindle and the Kindle app for a limited time!  Check out my website for more information, links to get it, and updates on the second book!

Guardians of Avalon” coming soon!

User Status

17 years ago
11 months ago
2 years ago
Sandreline Moon


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts113

Forum Posts
11/03/2016 10:51:52Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
04/25/2016 16:27:07Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
06/10/2015 12:33:41Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
06/10/2015 12:27:35Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games337401
03/09/2015 12:43:00Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games337401
03/09/2015 12:39:34Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
01/13/2015 12:29:07Re:Chain ReactionForum Games257748
01/13/2015 12:24:32Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
01/07/2015 18:11:05Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games337401
01/07/2015 16:43:25Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
01/07/2015 16:24:38Re:Choose one!!!Forum Games5436
02/10/2014 15:18:56Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games337401
02/08/2014 10:56:03Re:If you were a Demon, what kind would you be?Forum Games2980
02/04/2014 17:23:10Re:Movies you wish they'd make a part 2 to.Off-Topic Discussion4200
02/04/2014 17:17:09Re: Takeout or a home cooked meal?Off-Topic Discussion3236
02/04/2014 17:05:53If you were a Demon, what kind would you be?Forum Games2980
02/04/2014 16:32:47Re:Whatcha Listening to Right Now?Forum Games252880
02/04/2014 16:31:36Re:Association GameForum Games1906515
02/04/2014 16:29:43Re:Who'd You Rather? Inuyasha StyleForum Games362314
02/03/2014 12:53:09Re:knotting ficsRecommendations24205

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  Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer
  Seluna Maru


Sandreline Moon has 9 stories

In response to the "Classics" challenge: the beloved novel re-written with our favorite InuYasha characters! I hope you all enjoy. COMPLETE. Last chapter corrected.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 12 Aug 2011  -  Updated: 01 Nov 2011
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 43  -  Words: 39,875  -  Reads: 20,999
A steamy and sweet one-shot about our favorite couple for Christmas. I hope you all enjoy!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 22 Dec 2011  -  Updated: 22 Dec 2011
Genre: Erotica, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 3,292  -  Reads: 8,552
One-shot. Sesshomaru was a demon that knew what he wanted. He knew the moment he saw her in that coffee shop that he wanted her. He came, he saw, he conquered.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 13 Oct 2011  -  Updated: 13 Oct 2011
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 11  -  Words: 7,854  -  Reads: 9,285
Response to SkyistheLimit's Challenge! What would it be like for our time travelling miko to read a favorite children's book to Rin and Shippo, in the presence of our beloved Demon Lord? Read to find out!
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 14 Oct 2011  -  Updated: 14 Oct 2011
Genre: Friendship, Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 3,561  -  Reads: 6,450
A loving school teacher, a demon lord, his human ward, and a retainer that cannot do his job. What holiday magic can ensure to bring about the joy of Christmas, and perhaps a spark of love?
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 15 Dec 2011  -  Updated: 15 Dec 2011
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 8,885  -  Reads: 7,753
Based off the Broadway show "Wicked", and in response to my "Sandreline's Musical Challenge". What would happen if Kagome and Kikyo had to room together, and Sesshomaru was not happy about it? I hope you enjoy!
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 29 Dec 2011  -  Updated: 29 Dec 2011
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 2,431  -  Reads: 6,103
(2nd place Winner for Alternate Reality in the 2012 Semi-Annual Awards.) Kagome works for her best friend, InuYasha, at his father's company. What happens when his older half-brother, Lord Sesshomaru, returns from oversea's to run the company? Will she stand for his teasing and taunts? Read to find out!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 06 Aug 2012  -  Updated: 09 Jun 2013
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 29  -  Reviews: 265  -  Words: 48,187  -  Reads: 416,296
A night at the Edo Tokyo Museum fundraiser led to an unexpected surprise for Kagome. However, the two involved forget one very important detail that causes them to be unable to find the other. What will happen when, four and a half months later, they come to face to face?
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 01 Oct 2013  -  Updated: 01 Oct 2013
Genre: Drama, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 9  -  Words: 4,150  -  Reads: 7,854
Based off the song "Goodnight" by Gloriana. They finally have an official date - how will it end? A short but sweet one-shot from the author who brought you "The Corporate Catch".
Rating: M  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 06 Jan 2015  -  Updated: 06 Jan 2015
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 10  -  Words: 1,821  -  Reads: 6,076

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 13

SessKag Warriors
Sesshomaru, My Sesshomaru
The Clingy One...
A Trick of Fate: Map of the Four Lands
Trick of Fate -finished-
sugar0o's 'Wolves'
What is Hidden is Found
Most Ardently
How to Speak Australian
Epic Battle
Mother's day
  SessKag   Condom  by YoukaiYume
Location, location, location


Name Entry

Created On: 06/19/2015 04:31:28

Thank you for reading and reviewing the Otome game! I'm so glad you like it so far! ^^

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 06/23/2014 16:47:10

You are reading "The Hime Tradition"!?!?! *dances for joy*
I'm SO glad you are enjoying the story so far!!
Thank you for the review!

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 06/06/2014 18:10:06

Thank you for your last review for The Masked Truth. I am relieved to hear that the story was able to capture your attention from beginning to end. I am so glad that I was able to write this story for so many readers! Thank you for your support and views to the end! ^_^

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 05/21/2014 19:23:05

Apologies to end the chapter like that....BUT I HADDD TOOOO~
Ahahahaha and oh my~ more impatient than Inuyasha waiting for his ramen! I better hurry and update then!!! But I'm glad to hear that in the end, you still liked the chapter! It's always an encouragement to hear from you! ^_^ Thank you for rooting for my story! You are an amazing person!

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 05/14/2014 20:59:32

Finally, indeed!
I've been impatient about the slow development between Kagome and Sesshomaru. BUT, I hope I timed things perfectly? Ah, at last they have realized each others feelings. Hopefully the future chapters will be more interesting ^_^
Thank you for another review!

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 05/07/2014 18:25:18

*evil laughter*
No way would I allow them to kiss muhaha! Clueless Kagome is not ready for that yet! I am so glad you enjoyed Chapter 18! ^_^

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 05/07/2014 12:09:09

Dearest Sandreline Moon,
Your review was heart warming! I will be posting up Chapter 18 in a few minutes teehee. And thank you once again for the encouragement!

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 05/05/2014 19:29:49

Your review made me speechless at the same time jumping for joy!
I can't believe an author of the stories I LOVE could compliment my story!
Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you took such interest with the "Masked Truth". Also, for the compliment on the character development!
That was definitely something I was trying to focus on.
I try to update no need to cry!
I update....really fast. No joke LOL
I hope that you will continue to enjoy the story ^_^
Feedback from Sandreline Moon: Well, here I go flattering you and you turn around and flatter me! Haha. I was happy to give praise where it was due - hopefully, I will be able to vote for your story in the awards! Everything I said is true, and I am very anxious to read more! Brava!


Open Office Document
Created On: 10/17/2012 17:55:26

Thank you so much for your wondrous review on MoaB! I appreciate the support so much, and am flattered that you are enjoying the story so far! No worries, there are many more chapters to come for our two lil' rascals, and the next chapter will be up tomorrow! I hope you'll continue to enjoy the direction this story will be taking in the near future!!!
Stay Awesome!


Created On: 09/26/2012 13:56:12

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review Oishi. It's been my baby for over a year now, so it makes me happy that people are enjoying it. I used to work in the industry - this is my outlet for Anthony Bourdain-style Sesshoumaru

Again, thank you. It really means a lot.

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