laenfante Profile Page

About Me

Hi there, I'm laenfante, a child of the '60's just doing my best to raise a husband and two cats. My first fanfiction was written when I was ten, and I've pretty much been writing since then...a smattering of poetry, more fanfic, a couple of original pieces, etc. Only problem is, I'm a VERY slow writer, so don't hold your breath about me posting anytime soon. I'm a better reader than writer, anyway.

I've been an Inuyasha (and Sesshoumaru) fan for years. Caught the anime on Cartoon Network ages ago and was amused enough to hang around. Maybe they'll be my next inspiration. In the meantime, I'll do my best to support the wonderful authors I've found here on Dokuga. And there are lots of you, so keep up the good work!

User Status

16 years ago
5 years ago
10 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts258

Forum Posts
10/01/2020 15:31:01Re:Dokuga is now on Facebook!General Discussion272604
09/23/2018 20:37:33Re:FANFICTION HELP PLEASE FIND!!!!!Searching for a Fic...5739
06/18/2018 20:31:20Re:2018 FUNDRAISING TIME!!Off-Topic Discussion52068
10/02/2017 20:42:29Re:YoukaiYume's Raindrops new infoGeneral Discussion6749
04/30/2015 20:26:26Re:Whatcha Listening to Right Now?Forum Games253324
11/30/2014 12:24:43Re:Mommy updateOff-Topic Discussion8264
08/07/2014 21:57:44Re:Looking for stories with a nicely portrayedSearching for a Fic...5541
05/21/2014 23:16:06Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KANNA37!!Off-Topic Discussion4130
04/03/2014 23:16:21Re:Siera Goddess of the Sea Kag/Sess storiesSelf-Promotion7770
03/02/2014 23:15:11Re:Make me cryRecommendations5108
02/05/2014 22:22:56Re:New Kitty Coming Home Soon...Off-Topic Discussion2508
08/28/2013 21:56:11Re:Email updatesBug Reports/Feature Requests4662
08/28/2013 18:27:19Re:Email updatesBug Reports/Feature Requests4662
06/21/2013 21:37:21Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LYRA!!Off-Topic Discussion3619
05/21/2013 21:45:10Re:HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANNA37!!!!Off-Topic Discussion7441
04/02/2013 23:51:45Re:Iz gettin a new puppah!Off-Topic Discussion3286
04/02/2013 22:06:23Re:Iz gettin a new puppah!Off-Topic Discussion3286
03/31/2013 23:37:03Re:"Silver Shadow" by Son of ZhonRecommendations58965
02/21/2013 21:27:52Re:Whatcha Listening to Right Now?Forum Games253324
01/25/2013 23:01:51Re:Taking Down FicsOff-Topic Discussion3174

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laenfante has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 160

Tangerine cover art (WIP)
how to apologise ..
Hanbok Attire
Beauty and Tha Beast
Deep End of the Ocean!
Sess...where's your haori?!?!
This Bitter Earth...
  • This Bitter Earth...
  • Author: Aoki
  • Category: Fanart
powerful colors
Meet his fluff
Sesshoumaru on Graphite
SKWeek: Childhood
SessKag: Fireflies
Kagome Cosplay 1
Second Alliance Map
bride of the beast
  • bride of the beast
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Chibi Sessh
WIP: I see your Pikachu
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Name Entry

Created On: 06/08/2015 09:37:11

Thank you so much for your lovely review on Haunting. I confess ghost stories aren't my cup of tea either, I wrote this story for the sole reason of getting out of my comfort zone. I do hope you enjoyed it even though it creeped you out!


Created On: 10/25/2014 23:45:41

I'm back again, hahahaha!!! Oh, anyway, lol, thanks for reviewing the first chapter of Trading Yesterday. Be prepared for massive fireworks between the two as the story unfolds!

Feedback from laenfante: Awesome! Can't wait!


Created On: 10/25/2014 23:32:00

Thank you! It's too bad so many won't read something like this because its not a romance. But for those who do, all the more welcome to them! I'm honored that you enjoyed Tenseiga's Truth~~

Feedback from laenfante: Good stories come in all flavors.


Created On: 01/03/2013 21:56:42

I'm glad you are enjoying Bitterly Yours and hope you continue to do so!



Created On: 12/05/2012 00:43:01

Thank you for reviewing Lonely Places in the Wilds! Honestly, I can see this as a believable Sess/Kag alternate ending to the manga/anime if Kagome had never been allowed back through the well.



Out of my mind!!!
Created On: 10/30/2012 11:44:55

XD And I thank you x100 for the comment!!! I love the feedback, and am so happy you liked the piece!!! STAY AWESOME!!!


Created On: 08/26/2012 09:54:37

Thanks for your review on Closet Gamer. Yes, I finally updated! I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far

I love your profile image. It's impossible to say 'doodlebobbers' without giggling
Feedback from laenfante: The story is just awesome, watching them dance around each other is grin-inducing.
Thank you; the image just sang to me. And since I am owned by a calico, it seemed appropriate.

Knight of Disorder

Created On: 08/02/2012 23:01:04

Thanks for the review. Be sure to check out, What's in a Soul: Memories of a Chaotic Life.

Selfish self promotion... shame on me.
Feedback from laenfante: Are you kidding? I'm already there! 8D

Knight of Disorder

Created On: 07/25/2012 19:15:22

Thanks for the review, and there is a going to be a little bit before that. I don't know how much yet as most of the story is still up in the air but it'll be interesting if nothing else.
Feedback from laenfante: Your writing is wonderful; just that little taste whets my appetite for more. Really looking forward to November!


Created On: 05/17/2012 22:59:21

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and believe me, there's still plenty of stories left in my folder to start posting once WOTW and ETL are done. I'll be around for a while...


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INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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