Hey, I'm kinda new at the whole Sesshomaru/Kagome thing, so don't send me flames!
Who's my favorite character in YYH? Hm.. Could it be? Yes, it is Kuronue! And Youko, too. Sesshomaru's kinda third on my list.
My email is screwed up, so you'll just have to rate it; if you review, it won't get to me, so don't even bother. I have a high enough self-esteem that I don't need people praising me; it gets uncomfortable.
I got to Montour; it sucks!!! Right now I'm getting cyber schooled though, and I'm in the eight grade.
My new Sesshomaru/Kagome fic is up! Don't send me reviews though...
Hm, that's all.
Ja ne!