
Love is Truth by frozen_fairy

Love Is Not A Dream

He fought the primal urges that raced through him everytime he caught a whif of her delicate scent. She, a wreched human, made him lose control of his icy demeanor. She made him give in to the beast within. One could only estimate the number of youki he had killed trying to get her out of his system. After all, she was much too in love with his half-brother to even notice him. She fawned over his brother, even after she had seen him with that earthen bitch. He sat in a tree, delicately balanced, gazing down at her naked body. She was bathing for the second time that day. Her earnest beauty took his breath away, but he was forced to sit on the outside and look in as InuYasha mistreated the only thing in his pathetic life that was worth spit.

*Oh beautiful Kagome, how I long to tell you how I feel. But you would laugh in my face and call me a heartless youki, would you not? Everyone, even Rin sees me as incapable of loving someone. You hate me because I desire the power to protect my lands. The lands my father left to me. If I could have one wish, I would wish to have your love. For it, it is the most pure and unwavering emotion coming from you.* Sesshomaru leaned foward slightly to get a better look at the girl. All the things she carried with her to the hot spring were so strange. Heck, she was very odd herself. Amazing looks, but horrible kimonos. He hated for anyone else to look upon his Kagome. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, so hard that he almost lost his footing. He was a swift one though, and managed to catch his balance without ever alerting the girl below. Her voice was that of the heavens he thought as she hummed an unfamiliar song. His blood was now boiling and he knew he had to run. It was run or do something he would regret forever.

Before he could get off the branch, she looked straight at him and forbade him to move. He glared at her. What the hell was she doing? Would she call for InuYasha to save her? Instead of listening to her, he jumped down from the tree and tossed her the towel she was concentrating on.

"Whaaa-. Oh. You. Wait, I thought I told you not to move."

His laughter was deep and throaty, something she had never heard before. "I know what you said. However, I do not take orders from humans such as yourself."

Kagome smirked. "Oh really Fluffy? If I am human, why the hell are you always watching me? Why is it I feel you even in my sleep? And why do your fantasies keep plauging me?

Sesshomaru's stoic expression became one of pure horror. "So you know then." He swallowed hard. "You know why."

She nodded. "I've known for a long while now. I'm not stupid Sesshomaru. I know that you would have never revealed yourself and I know that you want me to forget InuYasha and be with you. Well, Fluffy, tonight you may get your wish.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What in the bloody hell did you just say?" His beast was so excited it wasn't angered at being called Fluffy.

She smiled sadly. "I knew you would be here tonight. InuYasha is off with that...that...dead WHORE. I can't stand by him and be treated like his second rate mistress. As you have obviously not observed, my belongings are behind that rock over there." He kept his eyes on her. "I don't know if you want me Sesshomaru, but I need a place to stay. I would really like it if that place was with you."

"I think I can manage that Kagome. Still, I have to know, is there ever a chance you will return my feelings? I cannot go on desiring you forever. I will simply go out of my mind."

"Sesshomaru, do you think I would want to live with you knowing that I do not care for you? I have wanted to be with you since we met, but conditions would not allow it. Sometimes I wonder if InuYasha was nothing more than a way of bringing us together."

A smile broke out on the youki lord's face for the first time since his mother had died. Kagome and her pack were both wisked up into the air without a sound or effort. She shivered from the freezing night air. His tail went around her body because he could not care for a sick human. The towel was not enough to keep her warm. Her breathing steadied as she fell asleep. They were soon at the castle and he flew into his own room, knowing that it wouldn't be long before she was his. The rich burgandy silk of the bed was stunning against Kagome's raven hair and pale complexion. The champange accenting of the room also complemented her. It was like he had decorated the room subconciously to be best suited for her. Now all he had to do was rid her of that towel and tuck her in. As he moved the blanket over her body she stirred.

Looking at Sesshomaru, she smiled. "Are you letting me sleep with you?"

"I would not even think of letting you sleep anywhere else, darling. You are not ready to be my mate, but I cannot bear another night without you."

She looked hurt. "Not ready? I am clean Sesshomaru. I took a bath and..."

He cut her off with a kiss. "Not like that my love. You are pure and virginal. I refuse to hurt you, or take that from you just to make myself happy."

Tears sprang to her eyes as she saw the biggest difference between the brothers. Sesshomaru actually cared about her. He pulled her close as kissed all of the tears off her face. *Goddamn my foolish brother. What has he done?* She smiled shakily looking up at him before burying her face in his neck. Cursing his brother a thousand times over in his head, he cradled the girl in his lap and rocked very gently. He sat there all night leaned against the wall behind the bed, holding his Kagome, his sweet sakura blossom. The night felt so short to him. He felt he could have stayed that way for years, just as long as she was there in his arms. He felt her waking and apprehension that racked her delicate body. When she pulled back and looked into his eyes, she calmed.

"Please tell me you got some sleep?"

He laughed. "No. I did not. Do not give me that look. Youki do not require the same things that humans do."

Her look was one of heartache. "Will you ever stop calling me a human. Sesshomaru, it makes me think you don't care for me when you do."

He recoiled and then threw his tail and arm around her. "Oh my love. I am so sorry." He apologized to her over and over, murmmering in her ear offering all the comfort he could manage. Something inside her snapped and she howled. Sesshomaru jumped off the bed, nearly dropping her. How did this girl know the mating call of the inu-tribe? Putting her on the bed he saw why. There were purple and green streaks emerging in her hair. Her forehead was graced with intricately patterned snowflake and on her cheeks, wrists, and ankles soft blue stripes appeared. Her tail matched her hair which had grown to her waist. She turned away starting to cry, but he held her in place.

"A miko and a youki?" The disbelief in his voice was evident. "But what triggered this?"

"Do you really want to know? Beacuse I will tell you, but I am unsure of whether you will believe it." He nodded.

~When I was born, my parents concealed my identity. Anyone in the future would have killed me, knowing I was demon. What no one counted on was the Shikon no Tama being in my body. That's where the miko powers come from. The only way I could ever reveal my true form was to fall in love with a youki who also loved me. Considering that probably would not have happened in the future, this was what they call a fluke. I guess you could say it sort of works like a fairy tale. The only way I can keep this form is to mate.~

"So that's why you had to be with me? Lucky you that it all fell together so nicely." Both of them started to laugh, but it didn't last long. "Kagome, my love."

His speech was cut off my a kiss like no other he had experienced in his being. His beast started to wake. He pushed her away. "Kagome, be sure this is what you want from me. Once I start I won't be able to hold back" his perfect speech faltering. Not saying a word she pulled him back down, baring her neck to him. *Oh Kami what should I do? Sesshomaru was reeling. I have to control myself or I will kill her.* Letting the beast within have a small bit of freedom he bared his fangs, and went to work. He placed kisses all over her supple young body. Her face, her neck, her chest, and then her breasts. So firm and sweet, he tasted her left nipple first, grazing it softly with his fangs. He was losing the fight to control himself. Her breathy moans were affecting him in a way no one ever had before. Skimming her right side, he suckled and teased her right nipple. He felt anger wash over her and he looked up confused. She shook her head and looked at his left shoulder. He smirked. "Girl, I can do as much with one arm as other men can do with two." A blush crept over her face as she realized what exactly he meant by that. He chuckled lightly and moved himself down her body, between her legs. Resting there, he brushed the outside of her opening with a finger. She shuddered as the heat kept spreading and her core became wetter. The scent of her was divine, like the best ambrosia, which should be offered to only the finest gods. He licked her folds teasingly and he felt her getting impatient. So this is what she wants, does she? Well, watch out what you wish for my girl. He began tounging her stiff nub furiously. Inside he luaghed, thanking Kami for the barrier he put up. Kagome was enjoying herself immensely, and everyone would have known it from her screams. Gasping for breath, she moved against his tounge, searching to end the torture. He plunged his tounge inside of her as she found what she was looking for. Her moans went to his very core and he knew then, that he had pleased her for the very first time. She lay against the pillows trying to find her breath.

Looking over to him as he moved up to lay beside her, she knew that she should attend to his needs. But did they do that in this era? He carressed her face, trying to read her thoughts, but she wasn't having it. Knowing she had to move quickly she moved over and yanked his pants away from his waist. He reached for her, but she evaded him and saw the biggest cock she had ever seen in her life. She thought for a moment. *Can I actually fit that inside of me? Her friend Eri's collection of movies that the girls had watched at sleepovers was about to come in handy.* Her action was so quick that he didn't notice her hesitation. His eyes were wide as he watched her. What was this that she was doing? This is not a custom of this era, nothing close to it even. Her mouth was warm and wet as her tounge gave him the same treatment that his had given her. Her tounge tickled his head and a hand carressed his balls. He couldn't help but gasp when her mouth sank onto his cock. A ragged moan escaped his control as she worshiped him in this way. He felt himself sliding into her throat and pulled back afraid he would choke her, but she pushed down on him even more swallowing him. He was losing it as her tounge, mouth, and throat assualted him, as well as her hands. Groaning he tried to pry her away before he came, but she held her ground as he released into her mouth. Quickly, she drank all of his fluid, and realeased him.

His body was on fire and his mind wasn't operating. Wrapping his tail around her, he held her close to him. It was almost noon, but he wasn't ready to leave the bedroom yet. Her arousal was evident. She knew they were both ready and she reached over stroking him. His length was back to normal in less than a minute. She didn't look scared anymore. Taking that as a sign he moved his body over hers. Nudging his length against her entrance, he looked up at her for approval. She closed her eyes and nodded, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes and he smiled up at her. As he pushed into her, he whispered to her trying to keep her mind off of the pain. She cried out as he tore her barrier and she clung to him. He felt the pain coursing though his body as he tried to take some of it away from her. Slowly he began to move finding a rhythm that suited him, until she could respond to him. She was beginning to thrash about on the bed, moving in ways that drove his beast mad. "Ka-go---me" he said panting "stop squirming, please." It struck her what he meant and she smiled, continuing to move about the way she wanted. He fought, but his beast took over, madly pounding the girl. His heart was crying out for the beast to stop. He was screaming, but nothing helped. He had to watch that beast tear into his beautiful Kagome. Kagome wasn't that fragile human anymore. She was a full-blooded youki, and she had a beast, too. Roaring back at him, she let it free. The clash of the beasts would have horrified anyone else, but to them it was beautiful. He was relieved that she was going to make it. The beasts had a frenzied pace, racing to please the other. Reaching climax, they sank their fangs into each other. Pain shot through Sesshomaru and he howled. Her beast comforted his before they retreated inside of their youki masters. The pain was too intense for Sesshomaru though and he fainted.

She watched over him until he began to awaken. Her gentle hands stroked his face. Her smile was so brilliant. "Um, Fluffy. I had a small accident."

His eyes widened as he followed her gaze to his shoulder. His jaw dropped. "My...arm..."

"I think this happened because deep in my heart my only wish was to give you your arm back." Sesshomaru knew that only a selfless wish could be granted to a miko.

"Thank you." Tears formed in the youki lord's eyes as he saw that this girl loved him enough to give him his arm back. No one had loved him that much, except his mother. They clung to each other, knowing that they had all of eternity to say the things that needed to be said. Sesshomaru was finally starting to heal from his childhood wounds, and no longer felt no need for his father's fang. He had Kagome and that was enough to last him forever. His eyes closed as he felt the peacefulness wash over him.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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