the blue flower by sesshomaru_firehash
the silver road
the silver road
one sunny afternoon in futil japan sesshomaru is walking in the living forest. along comes a noise that is most odd. sesshomaru catches a sent in the air of sweat and lust. He fallows the ongoing sent untill he finds the sorce of witch this lovly sent is comming from. upon finding inu is bathing in a hot spring but with koga this is a wierd felling seeing them togerther usaly he wood kill both of them on site but he is getting a wierd felling but not in his head or stomic but in his pants the lust of koga and inu spooning together in a most forbidding way. He look but wonders if he will go he disides not to but just look .the heat of passtion that is comming from inu's hard cock is starting to turn him on. then koga and inu stand up and inu sqwates down and puts his mouth on koga's throbbing cock and states a motion that seshomaru can bairlly take his shessho's hands start to go down his kimono and his cock starts to get hard as well. then koga gives a scream of power full love and lust that seshomaru cant take any more sessho's hand id now grasping a nd pulling his own cock in the most beautiful way stroking harder and harder as the heat of passtion is growing then koga is starts giving inu head as the two men are loving every minit of it inu and koga are at there climax as well as sesshomaru is then the orgasum from inu is shout all over koga's face and shesshomaru cant take it no longer he emites a erection so large that it is wothy of rememberince koga shoutes his loud in inus mouth and they both callaps in the hot spring sesshomaru comes back to reallatiy and puts his clouse back on and sneeks a way and koga and inu find there close and leave to at the smell of kagome's sent seshomaru leaves and looks back for a sec and says to him self one day i will walk down the silver road agian but for now i must go