Anata no Onna Ai by Wang Ming Yi
Just A Girl
"People says the life ends when we die, but they are wrong. When we die the life just goes on," – Wang Ming Yi (me!)
Just A Girl
~Anata no onna ai~
Yeah, she was just a girl... A girl who just disappeared one day just like that, leaving no clue- to the people who cared- about her whereabouts. Because she was a girl, just a girl with a beautiful ebony hair and the most stunning blue eyes. And although she was just a girl, he still loved her the same, like there was no tomorrow... He still does, because she was just a girl who loved him as much...
But there also was a jealous boy who loved the girl for being reincarnation of the girl he used to love. So, one day the jealous boy noticed her and her loved one together he got mad and decided that if he could not have her, then the other one couldn't neither.
That's how the girl disappeared... The jealous boy killed her, because she was a girl... Just an ordinary time-travelling priestess girl from the future who just wanted to be loved... Just like an any other ordinary girl...
Author; this was something I found from my notebook one day. I wrote this while I was on my English class... I Think... I hope you like it, although it's short... ^__^V Please, review! I would like to hear your comments about this little one shot, but please remember! No flames! In single spark's rules says that no flames are allowed to post to the authors... Flames are made usually by immature people who don't understand what different is between flame and critic. So please, when you write your review, remember that unless you want to be sound immature.
Ja ne!
Wang Ming Yi
( Dake no onna
Hai, kanojo dake no onna... Sono Onna dake kieru aruhi hanareru iie...)
That's the same in Japanese ... although I'm not sure if it's correct... Gomen ne!