
The Dance of Yin and Yang by M'eyari


Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Co., not mine. Gratuitous sex scene...oh yeah, that's ALL mine, baby.

A/N: This is, for the most part, pointless smut. Been feeling like writing a sex scene lately, but none of my current w.i.p. were allowing for it (damn prudish characters need to hurry up and loosen up...). Didn't feel like writing a whole story just so I could get to the, ahem, "good bits", so this is a one shot. For my first contribution to the Kagome/Sesshoumaru fandom, I hope everyone enjoys this. And stuff. Yeah.


It was an ancient dance.

Death and life, darkness and light, coldness and warmth.

Hate and love, strength and weakness...youkai and miko.

Male and female.

Yin and yang.

It didn't matter when they began to dance, or why. Maybe it had yet to begin. Maybe it had yet to stop. had always been thus.

"When did you know?" she whispers, his claw tracing a tender trail down her displayed throat, slicing through the cloth hiding her heaving chest.

"When did you?" he whispers back, eyes closing as her fingers find their way behind his ear to scratch that familiar spot. Her first incarnation had worshipped that spot above all others – had said it reminded him just to be a male once in a while.

Complete opposites, yet always holding a touch of the other. Craving the other. Incomplete...without the other.

"Why did you follow my fool of a brother, anyway?" he mumbles, his tongue forging a hot trail from the hollow of her throat to her erect peak, his tongue swirling around the straining mound, his eyes shaking with laughter at her unabashed intake of breath.

"I don't know." she says near breathlessly, a shameless growl rising in her throat as his tongue circles her hardened nipple, deliberately missing the peak as he teases her. " was because he reminded me of you."

Time-less and time-consuming. Yet, some days even Time must bow down and be still.

"Why did you come after me?" She groans as he pulls her nipple into his mouth, fangs gently scraping either side of the tender flesh. His hands, once guiding her in their dance, rove restlessly over her prone form, forcing the remains of her blouse to slide off her body and onto the bed, displaying her in all her feminine glory.

"I've always 'come' after you." He mumbles mischievously, not flinching as her hand swats the side of his head in gentle admonition.

"I was serious, Sesshoumaru!" she groans, back arching in protest as he removes his mouth from her swollen, reddening flesh and turns his attention to its mate.

"So was I." he mumbles.

"So why the act?" she demands, hands sliding from his hair to slip underneath his white dress shirt, seeking and finding the hard, hot flesh beneath the smooth cotton.

His mouth stills, golden eyes looking up to seek grey ones. "How you remember?"

A blush is her first answer, and he can't help the prideful smirk that graces his lips. "Of the last time we...met." he clarifies.

Her brow, an active barometer of her many moods, furrows in concentration. "I don't remember anything of when I was...her, Sesshoumaru. You know that."

His mouth pulls away from its current obsession, his chin finding its cradle between the hills of her delightful flesh as he looks up at her. Her hands retreat from their warm haven to hover on his shoulders, her eyes seeking his troubled ones.

"The last time we met," he says slowly, "you did not...know me."

She wriggles beneath him, hands sliding from his shoulders to give her support as she rises halfway from the bed. Reluctantly, he retreats from her body, giving her the space she needs.

"What do you mean?" she asks quietly. "Sesshoumaru...what did I...what did she...what happened?"

"I was impatient." he said bitterly, "I tried to awaken our memories in your last incarnation before the time was right...and she fled in terror. By the time her memories revealed themselves, she had already given her loyalty to my half-brother. She doubted her memories, thought them but a youkai trick. She chose the hanyou, thinking her feelings for him to be the stronger, and they led to her death." He leans into the hand that appears by his cheek, eyes closing as he savors her familiar scent.

Her voice shakes, though her hand remains steady. "I denied you?" she says in disbelief.

"No." he said softly. "She tried to kill me, beloved."

She stills beside him, scent laced with disbelief before she reaches out and pulls his form to hers.

"Sesshoumaru..." she says softly, her lips open in voiceless apology only to be stilled by the touch of his fingers.

"No, beloved." He says softly, bitterly. "I knew better than to rush rush you. I vowed I would not make the same mistake this time."

Her eyebrow arches. "Oh? And what do you call burying me under a pile of poisonous sludge? Personally, I'd label that a mistake..." she teases.

He shrugs, one shoulder rising and falling with perfect grace. "A miscalculation. You survived, did you not?"

"Yeah, because I was holding your father's fang!" she retorts. "And what about all the times after that when you threatened to kill me?"

"You were trying to shoot me with holy arrows." He says dryly, savoring the spike of anger in her scent.

"And you were trying to kill one of my companions!" she shoots back, jumping in surprise as his arm slides around her waist and pulls her tight.

"Well then." He says softly, teeth nipping once more at her tender flesh. "I would say that we are even then, wouldn't you?"

"Oooo, you make me so mad sometimes..." she said, voice torn between anger and laughter.

"Is that all I make you feel?" he teases, teeth nipping along her sensitive collar bone even as his free hand rises to gently caress her neglected nipple, the contented sigh from her throat his only answer.

"That is what I thought." he mumbles in satisfaction, his hand drifting down to tug at her remaining skirt, his fingers nimbly releasing its fastenings before playing idly along the skin of her waist.

"Why did you wait so long, though?" she sighs, eyes closed in contentment.

He mumbles incoherently, his mouth sliding lower on her body, recapturing the forsaken nipple.

"Ooooh." She sighs in rapture, back arching as she forgets her question.

His lips curve upwards, his hand snaking below her waist to trail questing fingers through her wiry, yet soft curls. A sharp intake of breath is her only reply as his claw finds her hidden folds, already wet with anticipation. He traces them delicately, eyes drinking in every shiver that racks her body as he slides his finger teasingly along her opening, holding back a laugh as her hands fist in his shirt.

"Sess...shou...maru!" she pants, hips lifting to meet his questing hand. He obligingly slips his first finger into her feminine opening, gently massaging the sensitive ball of flesh as her vocalizations become whimpers of pleasure. It is obvious that she has enjoyed the attentions of another male in this lifetime, and he forces back a growl of displeasure as he reminds himself that, for the rest of this lifetime, she will enjoy only him.

Reluctantly he pulls back from her before she finds her first release, but it is still difficult to suppress a smile as her eyes fly open in outrage and disappointment.

"Why did you stop?!" she hisses as he shrugs, hands reaching up to unbutton his shirt.

"It is, of course, traditional to do this without clothing." he says smoothly, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Oooo...sometimes you..."

"Make you so mad. Yes, I have heard this before." He teases her, allowing his shirt to slide off of his shoulders as her hands reach for his belt. His eyes close as she pulls herself back up, using his weight as a counterbalance. Her hands waste no time in unbuckling the restraining piece of leather, and as his trousers pool around his knees her lips find his own nipple, returning his earlier favor.

His head falls back, a growl rising in his chest as her teeth nip his sensitive flesh, her hand sliding lower to wrap itself around his swollen manhood. Her silken fingers glide up and down his shaft, taking the sticky wetness at its tip and using it to coat the rest of the member. He tries to regain his control when her grip tightens, becomes more insistent, and reluctantly pulls out of her grip long enough to kick his clothes to the floor.

"Eager, are we?" he says almost breathlessly.

She nods mischievously, her eyes not leaving his manhood. "I'd say so." She says dryly, smothering a laugh as he growls.

She isn't laughing as he pounces her, eyes glowing red as his claws make short work of what's left of her skirt. One hand plants itself beside her head as his fangs graze her neck; she can feel the other moving the tip of his manhood teasingly between her sensitive folds.

She feels so empty...aching, at that simple movement, and she nudges her hips forward, ignoring his throaty laugh at her impatience.

Gods, but he had missed her. The way she moaned beneath him; the way her scent called to his blood. Almost gently he slid himself home, taking the first step in the dance their souls had begun at the dawn of time.

She hisses as her hot, tight walls clench around him, but he remains firm, sliding slowly into her until he is buried to the hilt, before drawing just as slowly out. His fingers rub gentle circles on the sensitive flesh above her clitoris, pressing the ball of flesh against his own hard shaft as he slides, oh so slowly, back within her. Her gasps turn into sobs at his maddening pace, until he pulls all the way out and the sobs turn into shrieks of outrage.

"I want to taste you." He says, kissing his way down her protesting body.

"Now?!" she yelps, body stiffening as his fangs graze her hip.

"Now." He says simply, hot tongue caressing between hot folds, fangs nipping at delicate flesh, even as two fingers slide in to press against the soft spot hidden just behind that little lump of flesh.

Her protests turn into moans of pleasure as his mouth sucks her delicate flesh in, tongue mimicking the motion of his fingers against her hidden spots. His free hand grasps her hip, claws holding her down when her body bucks against her will.

Gods, no one tasted like his beloved. Sweet, and yet musky. Wild, and yet tame under his touch.

Her breaths speed up as fluid seeps out between his fingers, and when her walls clench around him he quickly withdraws his fingers and slides himself in, hard and demanding in her sensitive flesh, stretching her orgasm out as her body quakes and quivers, her screams of pleasure filling the room.

"Sesshoumaru..." she chokes out, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Harder, oh gods, harder harder harder now!"

He is more than happy to oblige as he feels her second orgasm follow on the heels of her first, and it isn't long before his own overtakes him, leaving him breathless as he lies atop her, but far from spent.

She kisses his chin gently, one arm lying behind her head as the other languidly circles his neck. "You know, I don't think I can feel my legs."

A growl reverberates from his throat as he nuzzles her back. "Good, because you're not going anywhere."

A weak laugh comes from her, and she pulls him closer. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

It isn't until much later, when both are sweaty and spent, when time has begun to move again, that she realizes that he has not yet answered her question.

"Sesshoumaru?" she asks sleepily, one hand idly playing with his hair, his head cradled on her chest.

"Mmm?" he says intelligently, cracking one sleepy eye open.

"Why did you wait until now to find me? Five hundred years is a long time, even for you."

A hand comes up and captures hers, bringing it to his mouth for a gentle kiss. "You had a destiny to pursue, beloved, and...and I wanted to be sure." he says finally.

"Sure of what?" she asks curiously, face tilting down to regard him.

"That you remembered our dance...Kagome."


So, good? Bad? Let me know – I haven't written many sex scenes, but obviously ((snicker)) I'm up for practicing.

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