
CPR: Criminal Pleases Rescuer by The Fallen Moon

Kissing during CPR

CPR: Criminal Pleasures Rescuer

"Sango...can you tell me something?" A woman with long raven hair, and ocean blue eyes asked her best friend, and co-worker while staring at the computer screen.

"Yeah Kagome, what is it?" Kagome was a CEO for Tashio Inc. Sango worked for her, as well as Kagome's partner, which neither of them had yet to meet since Kagome got promoted.

"Why the hell haven't I seen my partner yet? It's been a week since I've had this job and he's been sending my orders from the phone! Not in person...but on the phone." Kagome was frustrated. But she had to admit she liked talking to this 'mystery' man on the phone. He had a deep sexy voice that made her melt when she heard it. The voice seemed a little...emotionless though.

Sango sighed. "Well I don't know what to tell you. He's a very busy man. Only a few people see him out of his office and rarely in public. Camera's and paparazzi. It would annoy me to no end."

"But still..." Kagome started to balance a pencil on her nose out of boredom. "You would think he would want to meet the woman he was just partnered with."

"He picked you." She smiled at her friend. "And you might want to stop doing that with the pencil, before it stabs you in the eye."

Kagome's pencil fell to the desk ever so ungracefully. "What?"

"Mr. Tashio picked you to be his CEO partner. I don't know why though. You must have done really good at you're previous position that he thought you were worthy enough to do this job."

"I'm not worthy of anything..."

"What was that?" All of Sango's attention was now on Kagome.

Kagome sweat dropped. "Nothing...hehehe..." She laughed nervously and then turned back to her computer typing furiously at the keys...a surprise they didn't break.


However, one person did hear her comment. And he had been watching her since he hired her for the job. He now owned this company and she was only selected for his partner, because she was fit for the job. And to the fact that he felt a strange feeling when ever he saw her or heard her voice.

Her voice, it was the softest thing he had ever heard. He loved it. It calmed him. Something that rarely ever happened. He wouldn't admit any of these things to anyone however. It was nothing short of his personality. He would just have to prove Kagome's statement wrong then. Or something along those lines.

With that said he rose and walked towards the door, planning on going to the park after dismissing everyone for the night.


Kagome sighed. She was the only one left in the office. "Well...I guess I should leave, considering the boss left a half an hour ago."

She stood and stretched. After hearing her back and waist pop, she walked over to the door and headed out to her favorite place in the park, where she went every night after work to clear her head. She turned the knob and stepped out, turning and locking the door behind her.

She walked down the sidewalk looking around for any suspicions in the shadow. Nothing...



She entered the park and breathed in the fresh scent. Something was off though...she couldn't figure out what it was. She shrugged it off momentarily and kept walking straight until she got to a familiar spot. However it was not as quiet and deserted as she liked it. She scowled. What was everyone doing out at seven at night in the park? In her spot!

They were crowded around something...she stepped someone. She ran until she got closer, she shoved everyone out of the way until she was in the center where she saw a man lying on the ground. She gasped.

"What are you people doing! Why hasn't anyone helped him yet!" Kagome was furiously trying to understand why there were at least 16 idiots standing around a man that was lying on the ground, and not even bothering to help him! She got down on her knees and placed her ear on his chest. He wasn't breathing.

She leaned back and looked at him. He was...she blushed...he was really...really hot. He had long silver hair, which was sprawled out about him at the moment. His eyes were closed so she couldn't see them. But his body was lean and well built. He looked a bit familiar, yet she couldn't place him. His figure and posture even lying down gave her the indifferent attitude of someone she knew...but then again...didn't know.

She put her hands together with slight hesitation and leaned up to where her knees were the only things on the ground and she placed them on his chest. Right under his heart.

"One...two...three..." She grabbed the sides of his mouth and opened it, his lips surprisingly soft. She covered his lips with hers and breathed air into his lungs. Then she listened again for a heart beat. It jumped and then went dead again. What the hell...?

She repeated the method four other times before sitting back exhausted. She was almost out of breath herself. "One more time..." She was determined to bring this man back to life. She put her hands together, one on top of the other. And pushed down three times.

Then she placed her hands on either side of the mans head, leaned down and once again covered his lips with her own. This time...a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist and her eyes snapped open, only to meet those of the man.

Amber...his eyes were pure amber. A very rare, yet beautiful trait.

He was the one that held her! She thought someone was pulling her off of him. "Mmm!" She struggled to get away but he pulled her down on top of him. He moved his head a bit deepening the kiss. Her eyes closed as well as his own and her struggles ceased.

Who was this man? Why was he kissing her? And why was he so familiar! What ever the answers to the questions were...he was a good kisser, and this felt...somehow right.

They soon broke apart for air and he sat up pulling her into his lap. Everyone was clapping. "You're not worthless Kagome." The surprise on her face was evident. She gasped. "As deminstrated just now."


"Meet you're new partner." She scowled. His ego was enormous...well she would have to deflate that. She knew he was familiar! She had seen him time and time again in the halls of her office building while she passed him and stared at him because his eyes were always set on her.

She smiled. "Well...why did you kiss me?"

"Because I felt like it." Her smile faded and he smirked. Everyone had cleared out by now, there was no one left in the park.

"You..." She was cut off when he once again captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. This led to better and better things. This was the start...of a new and wonderful relationship.



This was my favorite ONE-SHOT! I hoped you all liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writting it. Tell me what you think!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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