
An Unexpected Love by Lady Neko-Eyes

Deals with the Devil

Kagome ran through the dense rain drenched forest wanting desparately to forget. 'How could you be so stupid, Kagome' she cursed herself. Rain started to come down harder, mixing with the tears on her cheeks and erasing the obvious signs of the pain in her heart.

An evening of arguing, through chance and luck, ended up in a night of passion, after that day, Kagome walked through a dream world thinking she was the luckiest girl alive, the stupidest girl is more like it, a week later, that night, she finds her love in the arms of the woman Kagome knew but didn't want to believe Inuyasha could never forget. 'Inuyasha, how could you,' she thought, she kept on running, unsure if Inuyasha was even chasing her anymore. The forest became drew closer like a choking smog, grabbing at her clothes and making her unable to see the cliff ahead, by the time her senses reacted it was too late, she slid down the muddy slope hitting random rocks scattered throughout the terrain. The last rock hit her on the back of her head and she sloshed in to the deepening creek at the bottom, "Doshta, Inuyasha," was all she could mutter before the darkness took hold of her.

"Sesshomaru-samaaaaaa, Rin is thirsty!" the little girl whined for what seemed like the thousandth time. Sesshomaru sighed internally, his nerves were fatigued by the child's incessant whimpering, "Jakken," he called while taking refuge underneath a tree, the toad-like youkai toddled over to his master, "Aye, Sesshomaru-sama?" he asked meekly, even his senses could tell that Sesshomaru was not one to be trifled with right now. "Take Rin to get some water...and don't try anything stupid," he added with a glowing claw to Jakken's face for emphasis; he was all too aware of Jakken's constant efforts to rid them of Rin, and did not want to deal with all this childishness right now, Jakken shook and nodded, "Aye me lord," he stammered and took off in search of water, a cooing Rin following obediently.

"Why in the hell does he bother to keep a useless child around?" Jakken murmured angrily when they arrived at a watering hole. Rin, oblivious to Jakken's snide remarks smiled, "Ah, water!" she squealed and ran to the river. Rin sighed as the cool liquid ran down her throat, "Hehe Yummy," she giggled, "Hm?" she sounded. Just then, something caught her eye, someone or something was hanging limply over a fallen boulder in the river, Rin rolled up her kimono and waded towards the thing, "Hello?" she called, more curious than afraid of whatever the creature was. After a few moments, she called again, this time walking closer, "Hello?" she waded even closer, by now, she was waist deep in water and right next to it; it was a woman, a woman in a funny looking outfit. Rin gasped, "This is that Kagome-san that worked with Sesshomaru-sama's hanyou brother," she retreated back to the bank, then cleared her throat, "SESSHOMARU-SAMA!!!" she yelled loudly.

Sesshomaru, who was deep in thought, heard Rin's call and within a flash, was by her side. She pulled on his sleeve, "Sesshomaru-sama, Sesshomaru-sama, it is that Kagome-san that is with I-I-Inuyasha, yes that is it! Inuyasha!" she exclaimed, happy that she was able to remember someone all on her own. Sesshomaru looked at the unconscious girl; she was alive, sort of...and with child, 'Splendid, another Inuyasha to have to kill,' Sesshomaru thought, he then looked around, 'but where is my idiot brother? Surely in this state, Inuyasha would not leave the woman alone. Putrid emotions, all they ever seem to do is get in the way.' He sniffed around, there was no sign of Inuyasha, anywhere, 'Peculiar,' Sesshomaru thought nonchalantly, "Let's go," he said aloud.

Rin panicked, "A-Are we gonna leave the pretty lady?" she asked, Sesshomaru nodded, though he wasn't turned toward the child, "Yes," he said. When he couldn't hear Rin's footsteps, he turned. Her face was pinched together and tears were streaming down her face, she began bawling, rather loudly in fact. Sesshomaru jumped back, slightly surprised, "SESSHOMARU-SAMA, WE CAN'T LEAVE PRETTY LADY, RIN REMEMBERS LADY TOOK CARE OF RIN, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEAAAASE!' Rin's bawling annoyed Sesshomaru to no end, "All right, we will take the girl," More to shut the child up than anything. Aside from that he figured he could use this as leverage if (AND THIS WAS A BIG "IF") he ever needed anything from Inuyasha, and he also did remember this Kagome girl taking excellent care of Rin at one time. The tall youkai floated over the water to the semi-dead woman and picked her up. He noticed a large gash on her side, arm, and knee. 'Humans are so delicate, it's pathetic,' he thought to himself with a pang of disgust, his eyes also couldn't help but notice her nipples showing through the wet shirt. Some sort of urge grew at the pit of his stomach and he found himself resisting, ' are NOT like your father, humans are a weakness, don't fall under their spell' he looked away and eventually the feeling went away. "Come, we are going back to the palace," he said, Rin instantly stopped crying and followed him happily.


Inuyasha smelled the air, looking for Kagome, 'Where is she,' he thought.


Inuyasha stood in a clearing, in back of him, Kikyo, in front, Kagome. "What's this all about Inuyasha?" Kagome asked confused and saddened by the sight in front of her, Inuyasha looked down, "'s done...between us I mean," he said quietly, Kagome stood in disbelief, "What-what do you mean?" was all she could ask, Kikyo placed her hand on his shoulder and nodded, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have led you around like that...I should have ended it sooner, you've been a very kind girl to me and I am indebted to you always, but in matters of the heart, I've chosen Kikyo, I'm really sorry, but I think it best if you gave me the shards and left, please don't make this harder on me," it was meant to sound heartfelt, to Inuyasha is was, but his need to push her away, for both their sakes, caused him to sound cold and recited. Tears threatened the corner of her eyes, but she managed to keep them at bay with her disbelief, "But what about last week, that-" he cut her off, "I already told you, I wish could take that night back, for the both of us, it was just a big mistake. Please, please just forget it ever happened. Go back to your own time, you don't belong here," he walked to her with his hand held out, "Kagome, give me the shards," he asked. Sorrow was soon replaced by anger and swelled up within her heart, "I can't believe I was so stupid as to believe that you loved me. But Inuyasha, I've a job and a commitment therefore...OSUWARI!" she yelled and sped off. Inuyasha lay within a 10ft deep hole and by the time he regained mobility, she disappeared, not even her scent lingered.

End Flashback...


Jakken opened the door to let his master in. "Nushina, Kazoto!" he barked, waiting for his greeters, no one answered, the entrance was dark and no servants were around. 'Oh yes, I sent them away for the week,' Sesshomaru remembered; they were going to see an old acquaintance, but thanks to this woman, the plans were changed, his aquaintance, however, would not have the nerve to argue with Sesshomaru's failure to attend their meeting and so it did not bother the taiyoukai. Sesshomaru walked up the stairs to a room on the far end of the north side, Kagome in his arms like a sack of rice. Her breathing slowed, making Sesshomaru turn her and carry her bridal style. The sight was pretty funny; Sesshomaru was grateful no one was around right now. Kagome moved and turned her head towards his chest, he looked down at her, "Inuyasha...doshta..." she asked quietly, Sesshomaru watched her facial expressions change and flinch while she slept, it made him wonder what happened even more, he shook his head, 'How dare I give something so meaningless my attention'. He then realized they were at their destination, a makeshift nurse's station. The walls were blank and made of stone, in the center was a counter-ish table, he laid her down, "She is soaking wet... Rin, find something for her to wear, Jakken, dress her wounds," Sesshomaru ordered, the two nodded and left, Sesshomaru sat on a nearby chair and waited, the room was hot, so he pulled off his armor along with Tensaiga and Tokijin, he looked at Kagome; her wounds were no longer bleeding, but she was still a mess; her shirt was covered in streaks of blood, most washed away in the current, her skirt was almost completely ripped away revealing pink underwear, mud was smeared across her face and legs, and her hair was a tangled mess.

Sesshomaru stared again, 'It's not like this sort of thing intrigues me, but what happened? I thought that fool hanyou was protective of her, and yet, she was floating, barely hanging on to some rocks in the creek, he probably tried to rid himself of her,' he concluded. Just then, Rin walked in with a navy blue yukata and hakama, "Rin found clothing for Kagome-san to wear!" she smiled happily, Jakken walked in after her, carrying some ointment herbs and bandages, he laid them down beside Kagome and set to work.

Rin then turned around and pushed Sesshomaru up from his chair, "Get out, Sesshomaru-sama is a man and Kagome is a woman, it is not right to look!" she said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone and continued pushing him out, because of her small stature, Rin was actually pushing Sesshomaru's butt so he gave very little resistance. Before he could say anything, she had the door slammed shut, "Oh, what do I care?" Sesshomaru tried to sound cold but ended up sounding strangely similar to Inuyasha.

It had only been a few minutes when Jakken shouted, "Sesshomaru-sama!" The youkai, who was halfway through the castle by that time, turned and summed back over to the room. He ripped through the doors to see what was wrong; the room was a mess, bandages and fairly expensive bottles of medicinal herbs were spilled and thrown all over the place, Rin was in the corner attempting to get close enought to Kagome who stood naked and shaking violently in a corner, she held the tensaiga in front of her, "W-who are you, where am l?" she asked her voice as shaky as her body, her eyes darted from Sesshomaru to Rin to Jakken searching for some answers. Sesshomaru walked towards her, "S-stay back!" she said defensively, Sesshomaru kept on advancing, grabbed the blade of the tensaiga and pulled it from her, his face drew close to hers, "What is your name?" he asked coolly, he had a theory and in a few seconds had an answer. Her eyes went wide, "I...I....I don't remember...Inuyasha?" she asked herself, grabbing her throbbing head, Rin looked at her, "No silly you are Kagome," she said. "K-kagome," she repeated, the name seemed familiar...yes, that was her name, Kagome. "And you are?" she more demanded than asked, totally unaware of just who she was talking to, "I am the lord of the western lands, Sesshomaru," he stated. Kagome looked down, "S-sesshomaru-sama," no, no that wasn't right, for some reason she wasn't used to calling him that, "Sesshomaru," she stated simply.

He looked at her somewhat puzzled, 'She does not remember and yet she still does not fear me,' he pondered, there were little to no ningens who were not afraid of Sesshomaru in fact, he had yet to see one, this girl grew more and more peculiar by the second. Rin gasped and ran to Kagome with the dress, Kagome froze but relaxed when she figured the child meant her no harm and when she realized she was naked, "That is enough, Sesshomaru-sama onegai, leave the room," she gave Kagome the dress and began pushing Sesshomaru back out the door.


Inuyasha wavered; he had not eaten or slept since Kagome disappeared three days ago (That's how long Kagome was in the water, her body went into shock and soon put her to sleep). Miroku and Sango walked up behind him, "Come on Inuyasha, you need to eat something, we want to find her as much as you do, but we won't get far if we fall ill," Miroku said sternly, Inuyasha shook his head, "No, I won't rest until I find her, we need to get the shards before someone else does, remember, Naraku is gone but there are still countless youkai who will kill for a shard," he grumbled (Miroku and Sango knew what happened between them, but their anger subsided the moment they heard Kagome went missing).

Sango walked up to him and gave him a cup of ramen from a small bag Kagome had left, he sighed and despite the afore mentioned protest ate it (MORE LIKE INHALED IT), she held back the urge to kill Inuyasha that still raged her heart, "I know you merely want the shards, but we want to find Kagome and make sure she is safe" she said slowly. Inuyasha nodded, "I do want to find Kagome," he argued, angry at himself for letting her get away. Sango only rolled her eyes, "Oh I see, Kikyou must keep you busy from showing that, ne?" she retorted. Inuyasha opened his mouth to say something, but Miroku interrupted him, "Look, all this bickering is getting us nowhere, we will find her after you've rested, Inuyasha,"


Sesshomaru sat by the entrance, 'What am I doing here? And more importantly, what am I going to do with the girl, I will not have another Inuyasha roaming the forest getting in my way' he asked himself, just then Rin bursted out of the door, "Don't go in Sesshomaru-sama, Rin needs to get a sash for Kagome-san," she said, reading his mind and skipped out to her room, Jakken went after her. Sesshomaru stood up and began walking to his room, 'Why am I bothering myself with more humans, especially females, with their moodyness, emotions, and worse of all, cycles.'

"Sesshomaru," he heard a familiar, yet somewhat, quieter voice call and turned to see Kagome standing in the doorway; she clung to the side of the door like it was her lifeline, he nodded a 'what' kind of nod, she looked down, "You- you seem to know bit about me, so...can we talk later?" she was blushing now, Sesshomaru turned and continued walking, "Hey, answer me!" Kagome said, sounding much like her old self, she covered her mouth, "I-I don't know what came over me," she said through her hands. Sesshomaru did not turn, "Very well, come to my chambers tonight," he said, without turning (his trademark) and was gone.


It was dark, Kagome stood outside the master chamber (Rin showed her where it was), she lightly touched the beautiful oak doors, 'All right,' she took a deep breath and raised her hand to knock, "Come in," he said without her even knocking, she walked in. Sesshomaru sat by a table in his room drinking nihonshu, he didn't particularly enjoy the alcoholic liquid, but he was stressed from the day and so, "Sit," he said, gesturing the mat he was on. 'Sit, why does that seem so farmiliar,' she thought. She stepped silently over to the tatami mat. God she is beautiful,' Sesshomaru shook the thought away, 'You are becoming too soft,' he scolded himself, but it was true, she wore the blue dress loosely around her body (mainly because of the gashes), giving Sesshomaru a sneak peak at a few things, she wore her hair down with a light blue flower tucked behind her ear, her scent was wonderful, soft snd loving with a hint of jasmine.

"So," he snapped out of his gaze, "What can you tell me?" she asked. He poured some nihonshu and gave it to her, (remember, it is the feudal era, so they don't know the risks of drinking while pregnant, plus, Kagome doesnt know, yet) "Well, what do you wish to know," he asked. She winced as the drink burned her throat, "Ahem, well, anything you can tell me," she said. Sesshomaru shifted, he realized that he didn't know too much about her, just then, Rin and Jakken came into the room carrying trays of food, "The servants will be here tomorrow, Sesshomaru-sama," Jakken said gleefully, Rin set a tray of Oyakodon, Gomaae, and Mochi, "Rin made this all by herself!" she bragged.

Jakken turned to Rin, "Let us go, hurry up child," he scolded, Sessomaru held out his hand, "Wait, Rin sit down, Jakken, leave us," he said. Jakken frowned, but turned and left. Kagome cleared her throat, "Yes, well, can you answer me these, how old am I, where am I, and how do I know you?" she asked, somewhat meekly, Sesshomaru swallowed, he looked at Rin slightly (EVER SO SLIGHTLY) pleadingly. Rin read his mind, but had a little agenda of her own, she wiped the sneaky look off of her face and looked at Kagome innocently, "Kagome is 18, she is in Sesshomaru's castle in western lands, and Kagome does not remember but Kagome is Rin's adopted Okaa-san!" finished happily and quickly and before anyone could react was out of the room and down the hall, Sesshomaru looked as the girl left, 'Why that little...wait, Okaa-san? Does she want...' he smiled, but quickly wiped the smile away, "The girl-" he stopped,

Kagome was looking down at the floor, blushing, "Is there something interesting about my floor?" he asked teacher-ishly, he hated when people had something to say but didn't want to, she blushed even deeper, " is to say...we aren't...together...are we?" she said barely audibly, Sesshomaru took another sip of his nihonshu, "Of course not, do you really believe that I, the great western lord would sink that low by laying with a pathetic ningen?" he asked coldly, "Besides you are obviously the wench of my idiot hanyou brother Inuyasha,"


Kagome's eyes went lifeless as her memories came flooding back.




"I'M GOING HOME STUPID! YOU'RE SUCH A JERK!!!" (one of my fav. Kaggy lines)



Memories finished and current sentenced remembered, she knocked her glass off the table, "I am NOT his whore," she growled angrily Sesshomaru looked at the broken glass and scoffed, "Ah, so you've remembered, well tell me something, if you are not his whore, then why are you with his child?" he was slighlty surprised by the jealousy in the question but ignored it. All of Kagome's anger lefter her face and she went exptremely pale. Kagome looked at him for a long time, her expression set in a searching tone, almost as though she didn't want to believe him, then did, then was glad, then angry, then lost, her mouth opened and closed a few times. After what seemed like an eternity, she spoke, "H-his child?" she stammered, 'I'm pregnant with Inuyasha's baby, great, first I lose him, now I have to raise his child... alone,' tears brimmed her eyes, "Are-are you sure?" she whispered. Sesshomaru nodded, "Not that it matters, but why are you not with him?" he asked, Kagome let out a sob and allowed herself to cry for a few minutes, then forced her self up right and told him about what happened.

When she finished, she stared him in the eye, "Please, allow me to stay here, I am not ready to go back, I won't be a burden," Sesshomaru leaned back and closed his eyes, "Now why would I keep a ningen like you around, even if you are not a burden, you won't be much help, plus, you hold the child of my hated brother within you and it would be a burden to have another Inuya-" "Don't touch my child," she snarled, reading his thoughts; adrenaline began surging through her veins, Kagome herself did not understand what triggered it, but any good mother would have known, she already loved her child. When Sesshomaru's facial expression didn't change, she found herself growning more anxious; he could kill her child, he could do it and she wouln't be able to stop him, the thought made her panic but she kept her head level, "as far as I can say, there is a good chance that this child will not know who his father is, if you permit me to stay, I will work as a servant or maybe watch over the girl," she said, her heart was racing and she found herself making deals with the taiyoukai. Sesshomaru looked at her, then stood, "Very well, you will be the nanny of Rin, in staying here, you will be given the room next to mine and will not recieve pay," he said, something wanted him to have her close to him, but like all his other new thoughts, he ignored it, Rin did need someone of her own gender to care for her; youkai males were good protectors, not mothers. Kagome smiled to herself, 'Thank you,' she said quietly to the youkai.

Well there's the 1st chappy...again... anywhoo review.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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