
My Savior by Kimonno Rose



A women's scream of pain filled the normally silent night. You could hear women inside the hut running around looking for supplies. A woman lay in the middle of the hut on her back with legs spread wide apart and blood gushing out from in between her thighs.

The head miko saw the look of distress on her face and yelled loud enough for the entire forest to hear, "The baby is coming."

All went silent in the hut after one more bone-chilling scream escaped and the cry of a baby was heard. A thin film of sweat covered the tired woman's body and she was breathing heavily.

A man walked over and sat next to her petite form on the futon. Looking at the small child in her arms her brought a hand up to touch the newborns face. She yawned slightly and opened her eyes to see the world for the first time. Her eyes were a deep cerulean blue and her hair was a dark raven black.

"What should we name her?" The man asked.

"I've always liked the name Kagome." Said the women looking from the man to the child.

Smiling the man said, "Kagome it is."


In the castle not far off another child was born. However, he was not a human child or a peasant.

A youkai child was born and he was the new prince of the west. Son of InuTaisho the great dog demon. He was destined for great things and to become a powerful warrior.

"What shall his name be?" asked the exhausted demoness.

The tall Inuyoukai looked at his mate and then back at the infant in the blanket.

Running a clawed hand over his son's features, he spoke. "Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru shall be his name."


Years passed and Kagome grew with each passing day. She became very beautiful and kind hearted. Living without a father and mother for so long was astonishing seeing as how her mother died a few days after her birth and her father raised her until about three years ago when he was killed by a mysterious youkai that vanished without a trace never to be seen again.

Kagome was now fifteen and the head miko and monk of the village were her guardians. They taught her how to become a miko and master the powers' that lay doormat inside her. However, Kagome was completely lost when she was told of the miko Midoriko and how she was reincarnated into the body of a young woman who did not know who she really was and where she really came from.

"But Kikyo-sama, I don't understand why are you telling this story to me again?"

"Kagome, my child you are fifteen now and plenty old enough to know the truth."

Kagome's eyes widened with excitement and anticipation. "What truth?" she asked with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Kikyo put an arm around her shoulder and took a deep breath before answering the young girls' question. "Kagome, when you were born you were bestowed with powers far beyond that of an ordinary miko such as me. Your soul is the same one that resided within Midoriko all those years ago. And the truth is you never knew your biological father."

Wide-eyed Kagome nodded for her to continue. "You must set out on a guest to destroy the evil that is threatening to rise and find your biological father before it is too late. You have many hardships ahead of you and your training will only get harder from now on. You must focus hard and train hard for two more years until your quest is to begin."

"Well that sure was a lot to take in at lunch time. I was not expecting this. However, I will do what you want. It might be fun." Kagome said the last part with a laugh.

"You never cease to amaze me." Said the monk.

Kagome sat down on the mat next to the warm fire and waited for Kikyo to bring her some stew while talking with the monk. "So Kenshin-sama what it is it that I must do on this journey, besides find my biological father and destroy this evil force."

"You must not do anything more than that but you must not allow yourself to become attached to anything."

"You mean I can't fall in love."

" Yes, if you allow yourself to love someone than it will only be harder for you let to go."

"What do you mean let go?"

"You will know in time, Kagome."

He got up and left the young girl to her thoughts. 'What does he mean by that?'


Silver hair swayed in the breeze as Sakura blossoms fell from the highest branches of the tallest Sakura tree in the garden. Sesshoumaru sat on his favorite branch trying to escape the pressers of royal life. He had grown into a very handsome teenager and was indeed very strong, he would be a great ruler one day if only he would stop running away from his government classes.

"My lord, please come down. You are late for your course in youkai government." Begged one of the servants.

"No. Those classes are boring and useless. Tell me when its time for my training."

"Your father will not be very happy with you."

Sesshoumaru looked down at the petty servant. "Father can say what he wants."

"Very well my lord I will leave you to your silence and peace."

"Be gone." He averted his gaze back to what seemed like nothing as the wind gently swayed in the afternoon air carrying a few strands of his silver hair with it.


InuTaisho was in his study reading a scroll that said:

Dear InuTaisho,

It has come to my attention that your son is coming of age to take the western thrown. I have wrote you this letter to warn you that on the day of his coronation The eastern lands will start their attack on the palace so please, as your friend I ask you to keep guards over the perimeter of the castle. I am dying and do not wish for you to follow me to the afterlife so soon.

Lord Ruyo

InuTaisho laughed almost inwardly, 'Ruyo, he worries far too much.'

He looked back at the letter. 'I should take this advice though. My son's coronation must commence without any problems. The western lands need this.'

There was a knock at the door and InuTaisho looked up to see his servant was standing in the corner of his study looking almost afraid of something.

"What is it you want?"

The servant took a deep breath, stood up straight, and looked his master straight in the eye. "My lord, I regret to inform you that your son has refused to go his government class. He would rather train than learn."

The demon lord sighed loudly and closed his eyes while he shook his head slowly.

"I will take care of it thank you."

The servant exited the room and InuTaisho stood up and sniffed the air; He found the young princes scent and followed it to the east garden where his son loved to be because of the Sakura trees and the soothing sound of the garden fountain. 'Just like his mother.'

Sure enough, there was his son in the one branch he would always be in staring into space. He walked over to the base of the tree and look toward the direction his son was looking. When he saw nothing he spoke. "I am sure you knew that it was me who was coming. I thought that you were old enough to not stare into space."

"What I do is of no concern to you, father?" Sesshoumaru responded.

InuTaisho laughed slightly. His son was always very stubborn, just like his mother. Although like his father, he was cold and unemotional in order to avoid having a weakness, but inside he was warm and loving, you just had to know how to break all those layers of ice.

"Anyways, I noticed that you have been slacking in your studies lately." He sat down next to the tree and rested his hand on his knee. He looked up to the exact same spot that the young prince was looking at taking in all the relaxing sounds before he continued to speak. "This place is so peaceful. Your mother loved to come here and relax. Somehow this garden has its ways of making you forget all of your troubles and takes away all of your stress. A wonderful place indeed. I understand why you come here instead of going to your courses." He looked up at Sesshoumaru from his sitting position. "But you were born to be king and that is what you shall be. Your coronation is in two months. Until then you must go to your classes and if I find that you are not there I will just have to drag you down there and tie you to a chair with youkai proof chains." He said laughing almost hysterically.

Once Sesshoumaru knew that he was gone, he sighed and looked at the clouds passing by wondering why he was stuck in this position. Why was he the first-born? Why did he have to become lord? Why not his brother, InuYasha? Than again, he knew that a hanyou lord would be frowned upon. He was the only option. He had to become the lord and that was that.

But that wouldn't stop him. Somehow, someway he would escape his fate and create his own path to follow. He didn't want to follow the path that was set for him and he wouldn't.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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