
New Life by Gesserit

Hormones are a bitch to handle

New Life

One – Hormones are a bitch to handle

"So he can make his own darn coffee!" Kagome laughed out, as she saw her friend in the doorframe of the large living room. Sango smiled at her and proceeded to walk towards Kagome, when her eyes met the young reporter's belly.

"My, you guys have grown since January..." Kagome laughed and wanted to sit up.

"Oh, don't bother, it's fine..." Sango said, and took a seat next to her friend, giving her a big hug.

"Kagome, you're so..."

"...Fat!" Kagome blurted out, giving her swollen abdomen an annoyed look. Sango smiled.

"No way, you're radiant. You should see your face."

"I do, every day, and I'm getting sick of it getting rounder and rounder! I just... I feel kinda tired, lately." Sango gave Kagome's advanced pregnancy a lingering look.

"That's all normal. Two months to go, right?" Kagome nodded, her expression shifting. She was a little bit tired, but now that Sango was to stay with her, she would be a lot happier, and a whole lot more entertained that she'd been in the last few months. They never got bored around each other, that was for sure. Even if they were talking about the weather, Sango would always drop in some apparently innocent remark that would start Kagome's wild imagination, and by the time the young reporter would have finished her rambling, they would both be laughing. At least, that was how it had been so far.

"So Kazuki managed to let you lose for a couple of months..." Kagome raised her eyebrows. Sango rolled her eyes a little, and cast aside a wild strand of hair from her friend's face. Kagome really did look radiant.

"I suppose having Sabrya around Sesshoumaru means she is around Higurashi sama as well, and she can manage for some time, until I come back."

"How are things going now, since the merger? Sesshoumaru doesn't really talk about that stuff, and I don't want to butt in, but I'm kinda curious." Sango shrugged her shoulders.

"Fine, I suppose. There were really no issues, Sesshoumaru and Higurashi sama are getting along quite well, considering they were both used to being completely in charge of the entire thing, and now they have to be good boys and share..." Sango giggled.

"I can only imagine my husband and my father both sitting at the negotiation table with some other company managers... The poor bastards don't stand a chance." Kagome couldn't help but smile at the thought. With her father's determination, and Sesshoumaru's imposing presence, the two would get their way at any given moment. The merger between their companies had been a fruitful one so far, although neither of the two men had thought about that to start with. The idea sort of... grew on them. "Like fungus." as Kagome had put it, when they both announced the news.

"Poor Sabrya is in over her head, these months..." Sango looked out the window. They were seated in the exact same spot they were last winter, when Kagome had ran almost barefoot outside in the snow to greet Sesshoumaru. The memory stole a smile from Higurashi sama's beautiful assistant.

"Oh, trust me, she would rather be there than anywhere else, like in society, for instance. She's not a people person." Kagome said, casually. She wasn't thinking less of the blonde hanyou just because she was a little difficult; on the contrary, she had begun to care for her. Sabrya reminded Kagome of a wild creature, that would rather be in its own environment, and have everyone else just leave her to her business. The contrast with Inuyasha's personality was striking, but nevertheless he seemed to grow attracted to the odd woman hanyou. Maybe it was because they were both of the same kind... who was to tell?

"So how's Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, and Sango smiled at her with intent. She knew what her friend had meant by her question.

"You mean... how's Inuyasha doing with Sabrya?"

Kagome waved her hand, as it she'd meant nothing of the sort.

"Well, if you must know, Inuyasha wasn't in Tokyo these last two months." Kagome grimaced.

"Oh?Where was he?"

Sango shrugged her shoulders again.

"You know him, he probably got some tip about those stupid old katanas he's been collecting, and went to find some, like an arrow darting from a bowstring. How he manages to make a living out of that, it's beyond me..." Kagome smiled into her palm.

"You know it's not just that, Sango. He's got an entire collection of ancient weapons... He just loves them, that's Inuyasha... They're antiques, you know, they're very expensive." Sango raised her eyebrows.

"That's just it! How does he get the money to buy them?"

Kagome smiled.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Know what?"

Kagome backed a little, as if she couldn't believe Sango would not know something like that.

"Inuyasha's among the wealthiest men in Tokyo. I can't believe you didn't... Well, I suppose he's made a purpose out of hiding it, but still... How do you think he affords to travel across the world to get those antiques?" Sango rolled her eyes.

"I always thought... That, you know... that you were..." Kagome laughed out, interrupting her friend.

"Oh come on! How could I have given him the money? Could you imagine Inuyasha taking money from me? Because, with his ego, I think he'd rather lie down in the middle of the street and die before he could ask me for money!" Sango's expression said clearly just how impressed she was.

"So, how did he... raise this... fortune?" Kagome quirked an eyebrow. Before she could answer, though, a small knock on the door could be heard, and Emma came in holding a tray with their tea.

"Oh, Emma, just in time." Kagome smiled. "Cookies, too. Yumm..." she went, rubbing her hands against each other, and widening her eyes as she looked on the tray. Sango smiled at the young maid, and Emma smiled back.

"Just leave them, Emma, I'll pour the tea. Thank you very much, remind me to raise a statue for you here at Muncaster, you're an angel, really." The girl almost giggled, and blushed.

"Enjoy, Mrs. Kagome, Miss Sango." Emma bowed a little, and exited the room, leaving Kagome to pour the tea for her friend and herself, in the usual Japanese style. Well, maybe with a twist, because Kagome couldn't for the life of her kneel and do the ceremony as it should have been performed. Sango really didn't care though. But a cup of green tea was more than welcomed.

"So, where were we? Oh, yes, we were talking about Inuyasha behind his back!" Kagome laughed out. Sango gave her a look of disapproval.

"That's not fair Kagome; we were doing no such thing! Really... I was just curious. That is all." Sango's tone was a little offended, but Kagome knew she didn't mind that much, mostly because Kagome herself hadn't really meant her accusation.

"Well, even IF curiosity killed the cat, dear Sango, know that I'm not really sure how he managed to gain such wealth. It wasn't really a topic between the two of us, you know I care little about money in general."

"Maybe because you've never lacked it..." Sango managed to step in. Kagome had to admit she was right.

"I believe it was some kind of an inheritance... From his father, or mother, or something. I'm not sure, really. Does it matter that much?" Kagome eyes the cloudy skies.

"I guess it doesn't." Sango whispered into her cup.

"God, I hope this weather will straighten up soon enough, all through the spring there has been nothing but rain and fog, cold wind and cloudy sky. I'm getting kinda tired of it all, to be honest."

"Do you still write?" Sango changed the subject; to keep Kagome talking about something she enjoyed doing.

"Uhm... yes, actually I've written very much about these parts since I've come to live here... Up until recently, when my pregnancy wasn't this advanced and I could walk around more easily, I did a little traveling across The UK. This country really is amazing, I must tell you. So many beautiful sceneries, old castles and archeological sites... Rather impressive. I'd like to take you to some of them, as soon as the baby will be born and we'll be able to travel."

"I'd like that very much." Sango had been concerned for her friend. Knowing Kagome's preference for not sitting still, she feared that Muncaster would confine her spirit, and the young woman would grow bored. But it seemed that she had found interesting things to do, and there were still more to come, when she would be able to take advantage of them. As it was, for now she had to wait for that little life to see sunlight before she could start traveling again.

"Well, then it's settled. As soon as Baby's born... Well, maybe not just then, but soon enough!" The women smiled at each other.

"So, what did your doctor say? Boy or girl?" Kagome shrugged.

"I didn't want to know, it'll be a surprise, I guess."

"Oh. That's somewhat old fashioned. And knowing you and your pathological curiosity... I'm surprised you managed to restrain yourself... Or was it Sesshoumaru who restrained you?" Kagome shook her head.

"Oh, no, Sesshoumaru has no saying in this. I was the one with the idea..."

"He has no saying in it?" Sango gave her friend a skeptical look. Kagome waved her hand and looked out the window again, taking a mouthful of cookies.

"Kagome, is there..."

Kagome waved her hand again, and frowned a little. Sango backed, realizing it was something that her friend didn't want to talk about. So she dropped the subject, although she was really concerned about the matter. On Christmas, there had been no other two people more in love with each other that Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Now, four months later, there she was, refusing to talk about him. What could be wrong?

Come to think of it, Sango had to admit that through the last three months or so, Sesshoumaru had spent a lot of time in Tokyo, and he would always look like he had something important on his mind. But she assumed that was just because of the merger, and thought it was only normal.

"Oh my God! Sango, feel this!" Kagome widened her eyes, and took Sango's hand, pressing it against her belly. Sango waited, but there was no movement.

"Wait..." Kagome had a look of concentration on her face. As the baby kicked again, they both smiled at each other, and Sango put her cheek against Kagome's abdomen.

"Anxious, are we? Just wait a little bit longer; you'll be out soon enough, hun." Sango whispered.

"I can't wait to see my baby..." Kagome said, her eyes swimming in a dreamy sort of pool. Sango's heart cringed a little at the wording. Her baby. Not their baby. The woman sighed silently.

"I'm sure it'll be the prettiest little thing ever..." Kagome nodded, looking down into her teacup. Sango's voice had been a little sad, and that's all it took for Kagome to feel tears fill her eyes. Her shoulders began to run up and down slowly, she hardly made any sound.

"Oh, Sango..." she whimpered, putting her cup on the small table, and leaning towards her friend. Sango embraced Kagome with an astonished expression on her face.

"Kagome, what's wrong?" The woman began to cry for real by now, tears trailing down her cheeks, and her body quivering as if she'd lost everything in this world.

"Kagome..." poor, astonished Sango said once again. She knew pregnant women were a tad more emotional, but this was a little too much!

"I don't know!" Kagome almost shouted, into Sango's chest, swallowing her hiccups.

"I just feel so stupid! And I'm fat, and nobody's gonna like me anymore!"

"What?" Sango grimaced. Well, that made absolutely no sense... Not at all...

"You know, Sesshoumaru didn't even touch me the last time he was home, he wouldn't... he... And I just know he thinks... and we'll never... Oh, Sango!!" Kagome's desperate cries shook her body, as Sango tried to keep her on track.

"Kagome, what in the world... Kagome, look at me!" Sango took hold of her friend's shoulders and looked at her face.

"Kagome, stop it..." The young women seemed to respond to Sango's firm tone of voice, and looked at her, pouting.

"Now. From the top, a little more coherently, please. What is wrong?" She asked, stressing on the last words. Kagome blew her nose, and wiped her face dry. She felt... well she didn't know what she felt like, she just wanted to cry!

"Well, you see... Uhm... I think I... I mean he... uhm..." Sango frowned, not understanding a thing. Not that there had been anything to understand. But she was a patient person. Patience is a virtue... most of the times. She was patient.

"I'm a little embarrassed..." Kagome confessed.

"Honey... with me? Come here..." Sango gave her another embrace, and Kagome looked a little more relieved.

"Okay... here goes." Kagome breathed in deeply. Sango widened her eyes, in expectation, bowing her head a little.

"I've had a... difficult pregnancy. I mean, there was really nothing wrong with the baby, it's just fine, well developed and all, just that... I think it's because I lost a lot of energy about the time I got pregnant, and my body didn't really have any time to recover."

"Lost energy? How do you mean?" Sango didn't really understand how someone could lose... energy.

"Well... that's... a long story. Fact is, I wasn't supposed to get pregnant so early, I really didn't want to, to be true, but I loved him so much, and wanted to keep his baby... I mean, I still do..." Kagome hurried to make it clear.

"But I just... You know, I almost lost the baby once, just after New Year."

"Oh, my..." Sango widened her eyes.

"Why didn't you... Gods, Kagome, why didn't you tell me? I could have... Jesus, I would have left everything and come to see you! You know that!"

Kagome nodded.

"Yeah, I do. That's why I didn't tell you. I didn't tell anyone, Sesshoumaru is the only one who knows; please don't tell Kazuki, or Inuyasha, okay?" Kagome seemed embarrassed about it, as if she'd done something wrong.

Sango nodded, her eyes filled with concern.

"Well, after I got out of the hospital, Sesshoumaru became more distant... I mean he's not the most communicative person as it is, but... I mean, don't get me wrong, he's very attentive and he's always concerned about... me. But..." Kagome shrugged her shoulders.

"There isn't any... affection in his conduct. It's... frustrating." her eyes filled with tears again. Sango frowned, caressing her hair.

"So, you think... he doesn't love you anymore?"

"No! I know he loves me, it's just... maybe he doesn't... want me anymore. I mean, I expected that to happen after a while, I mean the attraction eventually fades you know, but I sure didn't expect it to fade so soon... I thought it would take at least some years or so." Kagome's sad voice broke Sango's heart. She couldn't even find some adequate words to comfort her beloved friend. What could she say? What was there to say, in such a situation? Kagome was obviously distressed, and had given this a lot of thought, apparently. Sango was growing more and more concerned.

"But... are you alright now? I mean, is the baby..."

"Yeah, that's not an issue anymore, I'm still somewhat weak, and I need to rest from time to time, but... I'll take it to term alright, the baby's just fine." Kagome shook her head, blowing her nose again.

"The problem is... I still want him. I long for him, for his touches... I used to feel so protected, when he held me tight, when I thought I was going to lose breath from his embrace... When we made love..." Kagome lost her voice, and whimpered, trying desperately to keep her tears from falling.

"I just felt... in place." she shrugged, helplessly, making Sango lose a tear too. The older woman knew how misplaced Kagome had felt, for a very long time, before she met Inuyasha, and even after that, not being able to make peace with herself and her mother's death. She knew that underneath Kagome's strong will and her determination, her resolve to fight for her cause, was the everlasting need for someone to protect her as well, for someone to give her sense and direction, for someone to give her unconditioned love. She thought her friend had found that in the taiyoukai, but now... seeing her this broken down, Sango feared Kagome's heart was on its way to being let down once again.

For as much as she tried to hide it, Kagome's relationship with Inuyasha had left a mark on her heart. Sango knew that her friend would love that stupid hanyou all her life, and that somewhere deep in her heart she regretted their parting. Not meaning that she still wanted to be with him, and it was a good thing that they were still good friends, but experience is what we call our mistakes, right? Kagome had some experience, truth be told.

"Maybe it's just a phase, Kagome. Maybe he just doesn't want tire you even more, did you think of that?" Sango hoped she could bring Kagome some comfort.

"I don't know... I don't know anymore, Sango. We had a lot of fights..."

"Fights?" Sango could hardly picture Sesshoumaru arguing with his wife. He didn't seem the type.

"Well, I would ask him how long he was going to stay away this time, or when he's coming back, and he could never give me a straight answer, he always said something ambiguous and leave me hanging... Or I would kiss him, and try to come closer, and he would push me away and say I have to rest, I have to keep the baby safe... What about me? How about keeping myself safe, huh?" Kagome was crying once again.

Sango wiped her tears, trying to think logically. It was clear that Sesshoumaru didn't want to tire her, but Kagome seemed not to see it that way. And Sango had to admit that she couldn't really tell if his affection had changed, the only one fit to answer that question was her friend. It was a bit of a vicious circle.

"But... that's not so bad, Kagome, everyone had misunderstandings... Life is not perfect, you of all people..."

"I don't wanna hear that right now, Sango!" Kagome cut her words.

"I really... I really don't think I can take you siding with him, Sango."

"Siding with him? For God's sake Kagome, don't you think you're overreacting here?" Kagome had such a hurt look on her face, that poor Sango felt like she'd just killed someone.

"I'm... I'm sorry, it's just that... You need to give this some real, logical thought, Kagome. Have you asked him why he's so cold all the time?"

"Yeah, and he just says the same thing every time! I'm too tired, I'm too worn out, I need to rest... Same thing." Kagome shook her head.

"Well, did you ever stopped to think that maybe he's telling the truth?" Sango sincerely hoped she could make Kagome see the other side of the story... the one that made more sense! Kagome looked out the window.

"I suppose he could be..."

"There you go... be a little more understanding, Kagome, you can't have your way all the time."

"What? My way, all the time? This is rich! I live in his house, having his baby, left my work, left my friends, and you're telling me I can't have my way every time? Well, gosh Sango, not every time, but every once in a while would be nice!" Kagome was positively fuming. Sango couldn't but think she'd screwed up big time, for some reason. Dealing with pregnant Kagome was a pain in the neck, to be precise. However, she was her best friend, and Sango was a stoic woman, she would see this through, and she will not give in, she will be patient and steady, and comfort her dear troubled friend... God, but could Kagome be annoying! As the wild pregnant woman shouted something about life sucking for women, and misogynists, Sango found herself pitying Sesshoumaru. But, she had to suck it up and take care of her friend... because Kagome was in ever great need of being taken care of, even if she never acknowledged it.


The next morning, Kagome woke with a striking pain in her back. She couldn't move much from her bed, and thus Sango had to come and sit with her in her room. The two had made peace, or more like poor Sango managed to calm Kagome's temper by apologizing. For what was she apologizing, she really couldn't say, so it was a good thing Kagome never asked. Of course, as soon as the "wild pregnant woman" settled, she apologized to her friend as well, using her hormones as an ever so effective excuse. Sango had never been upset with her anyway.

Now, Kagome was struggling to get out of bed, and seat herself on the rocking chair she'd had delivered. She loved that thing, it gave her a beautiful feeling of release, like she could actually forget about everything else in the world, just by rocking back and forth with her eyes closed, like a small child.

"Come on, let me help you, I swear someday you'll break your neck, Kagome!" Sango said, aiding her friend to get into the chair. Kagome was constantly holding an arm under her belly, no matter what she did. Sango thought it was an instinctual protective gesture, since the beginning of the world, and smiled.

"I really can't figure why my back decided to take revenge today..." Kagome said, somewhat out of breath, as she took a seat.

"Aww, much better..." she smiled up at Sango, as she began moving back and forth on her rocking chair.

"Thank you, Sango." The woman nodded and smiled back, a little worried about the back pain, though. It may have been common in pregnant women, but considering Kagome's problems with the pregnancy, Sango couldn't help but worry.

"I'm really fine now, Sango. Really." Kagome said, taking her friend's hand.

"I'll get you some breakfast, okay?"

"Okay... make it BIG!!" Kagome widened her eyes, and smiled up. Sango shook her head.

"Alright then, big it is..." she closed the door silently, heading for the kitchen. She couldn't get used to Muncaster's long hallways, and the somewhat spooky feeling she got while behind the walls of the castle, mostly at night. Sango couldn't picture herself living in such a place, and was truly amazed that her friend was able to, and even seemed to like it. Maybe love changes a lot of things, Sango thought.

As she climbed down the stairs, and took a fleeting look at the angel painting, she smiled to herself, wondering what in the world had possessed Sesshoumaru to have that thing done, and in such a manner! She raised her eyebrows a little, and resumed her previous thought. Love should change a lot of things, Sango concluded. She wondered how long before it would change her, too? She gave out a small sigh, and pushed the kitchen doors open, ready to place a breakfast order that would probably astound the cook.


The phone was ringing. Kagome looked at the poor thing like it would have committed murder. Couldn't she just sit down and relax a bit, without the darn thing deafening her? Really... it was just so... The phone was still ringing.

Kagome rolled her eyes back, and reached furiously for the defenseless handset.

"Yeah." she said, in an unceremonial manner that would have left even The Queen Mother without a reply. It stated clearly that she was already too bothered by whoever called to engage into a conversation.

"Hello, Kagome."

"Oh. Hi Sesshoumaru." she said, a little surprised.

"I hope I'm not waking you. I did the math before I picked up the phone, you know. You made it quite clear the last time I called that I should do that." Kagome wanted to smack him in the nose. He'd called at 2 am! What kind of an hour to call was that? Well, she wasn't asleep or anything, but still... 2 am?!?

"I'm fine. You're not waking me. What's happened?"

"Does something have to happen for me to call you?" Kagome rolled her eyes back again, pressing her lips together.

"No, I just thought... No." She pressed her lips together again. Silence. Awkward silence.

"I will be coming home tomorrow." Kagome's heart picked up speed. She bit her bottom lip, and involuntarily placed a hand on her stomach. Something inside her smiled. Just a few words, and there she was, losing her head.

"Oh, okay... I'll be... Uhm... We'll be expecting you." At the other end of the line, a demon lord was smiling, feeling his heart pounding once or twice.

"I trust you are well, then."

"Yes, we are." Kagome answered like he would be talking to them both: herself and their baby. She wasn't as far off, but Sesshoumaru really wanted to know how she was.

"That is good." Again, silence. Sango entered the room, with a tray in her arms. She put the tray on the table, and wanted to leave the room, in order to give her friend some privacy. But Kagome held her hand, and stopped her in her way, shaking her head. Sango took a seat at the other end of the table, though.

"I miss you." the deep voice rang in Kagome's ear. She closed her eyes tightly, feeling her heart beating like mad in her chest.

"We miss you too. Hurry home, okay?"

"I will. There is... someone will be arriving with me."

"Oh?" Kagome widened her eyes a bit.

"Someone I would like you to meet."

"O-Okay... Sure."

"Until tomorrow, then."

"Bye-bye." Kagome whispered. The sound of the phone being hung up, and then nothing but the dial tone. She was still holding her phone at the ear. She took in air, and hung up the phone fast, looking away for a few seconds, and frowning. She wondered who Sesshoumaru could be bringing.

Sango eyed her calmly.

"Big breakfast here... as ordered..." she finally said, seeing as Kagome was lost in her thoughts.

Kagome snapped her head up at Sango, who was now beside her.

"Oh, thank you!" Her face immediately lit up and a wide... maybe too wide smile appeared on her lips.

"Wow, it's really big! But hey!" Kagome smiled up, again maybe too vividly, "... there are two of us!" she patted her belly affectionately. Sango smiled back, a little insecure, though.

Something was obviously disturbing her friend and Sango had to know what it was. Kagome would never tell her every little detail, she knew it. She would rather suffer in silence, most likely for nothing at all, and she would never say a word. Sango promised herself to have a really long conversation with Sesshoumaru as soon as he came back... well, maybe the next day... NO! This was important; it had to be dealt with ASAP! Yes, she would do that... God, but confronting such a person... Sango felt a little nervous just thinking about it. Well, no use being a chicken, Kagome was more important than her sense of self preservation. She would corner... well... mildly approach Sesshoumaru... sama, and engage into a conversation with him. How in the world would she manage to make that man... uhm... youkai to open up to her, she really didn't know, but she could at least try. She owed Kagome that much! Oh, but Sesshoumaru was scary!!

'Darn it, Sango! Stop being a chicken!!' Looking out the window of her friend's room, Sango nodded determinedly. Sesshoumaru sama would get a piece of her mind. Upsetting her friend like that... Somewhere in the back of her head, seemingly not that back, Sango was well aware that Sesshoumaru was probably not upsetting Kagome, but more like Kagome was upsetting herself with thoughts of Sesshoumaru... but that had to be placed second. Had to.


AN: I did promise o sequel, right? Well, here it is, hopefully as interesting (or more so) as the first one. To be honest, I'm very nervous about it... Probably more nervous than I was about Unliving. I'd love to hear from all you guys...

Thank you in advance, and... happy to write again! I took all my exams, all went well, and now I'm back doing what I love most. I'm really really happy to be posting this, hopefully you will be too, upon reading it.

As usual, R&R, comments, ideas, questions... you may address them all, I'll be sure to answer as best I can.

See ya soon, guys!




INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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