
You Have No Choice by ashi_inuyoukai_kagome6905

Left Outside Alone

A young princess run through the deep forest the ran is pouring down the blood from her wounds, Makes her very weak as she see in the distance darkness a castle as she run at top speed, which isn't very fast as she looks behind her to see the men closing in on her. She runs into the doors of the gates and she looks behind her and starts screaming. HELP ME SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. IF YOU HAVE ANY MERCY PLEASE HELP ME. Falling to the ground the young woman closes her eyes waiting for her end as she hears growling and screaming as she opens her eyes to met the eyes of a beast. The gates open, Go a lond voice ordered to the dogs soon turn on their heels and lefted. You woman are you the one causeing all the noise, the Lord will not be happy with you.. Come, The young woman gets up and follows the little toad like person in the huge castle. Ame, Ame, Yes. You take this girl to get cleaned up while I inform the Lord we have a guest. Yes Jaken.

The young woman finally mets a smile. Hello I'm Ame your ladies maid. Hello I'm Kagome Princess of the southrens Lands. Oh a Princess, Sure don't look like. As she looks her up and down. But we will fix that yes we will come with me Mi' Lady. They walk down a long hall way into a room with a spring. Here you are Mi' lady. Thank you Ame, Soon Kagome starts getting undress to bathe. Oh how in the world did you get those wounds your all scatched up. Kagome keep quiet and just got in the water as she did the water started turning red. Ame left her in peace as she return a while later to give her coths and to bandage up her wounds. The Lord will met with you in his study, You should be short and to the point. The Lord doesn't like hearing life stories. Kagome nodded and followed her down the hall to the study. As they walked her hear lots of whispering. Ame knocked on the door and open it. The princess from the southren lands is here Mi' Lord. Leave us, Ame nodded and left shutting the door behind her. Sit Woman. Kagome sat down looking at the form before her he was perfect. Long silvery hair, tall and perfect and this was only the back of him.. She was about 5'5 with long black her down to her hips, Bright Green eyes she was slenner with cuves in all the right places. As he turned to look at her. What are you doing here woman, Wake my castle in the middle of night. For what I ask Well speak.. Well I seek out a demon called Inutoisha. If you point me in the right way I will be on my way.. I'm sorry but the demon you seek died years ago. Kagome shoot up, NO my father told me he was a great demon. That he would never die. Well he did. Then you tell me where I can find his son Sesshoumaru.

Why would you be looking for him. Well I guess that would be between him and I. I don't have to tell you. Yes you do cause I am him. Kagome stood speakless. Good now woman what is your problem.. Kagome sat back down. It is your young brother Inuyasha. Your father and Mine promised me to him, as that of my kingdom and I can't married him. I don't love him, I don't even like him. Let me guess he's the one that gave you those wounds. Kagome looked away, Not something i'm proud of.. Question woman how did you get away, He still is have demon with his speed he could've caught you no problem.. Well that's the strange part I don't remember much, He tried to force himself on me I screamed he hit and hit I screamed somemore and he started useing his claws and I screamed, Blue light Inuyasha on the floor out cold and then here I am.. Blue light what kind of blue light. Listen I have no idea I never seen it before and I never want to again it was scary. How, How you want to know how it just was.. Sesshoumaru looked at her, by kami she was telling the truth she had no idea of her own powers that saved her life.. Woman what was your mother.. What do you mean and what does my mother have to do with this.. What I mean what was she before she became queen and your father's wife and it has everything to do with this so just answer the question.. I think a priestess, Why. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes as he sence her arua it was strong But had room to grow and he wonder if she knew of this.. Well woman you have a power, Pure power, the power of a priestess in you. Your mother had it and passed it on to you, and from you having no idea of this power, I see your mother never had a chance too either show you how to use the power or never thought you would need to use it.. Sesshoumaru got up somewhat slowly walk to his books on the sheft and got a book and handed to her. Here read this and you might learn something would you being a princess im sure you learned how to read..

Yes, Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru are you ok. Yes Sesshoumaru snaped at her. Ok you just don't look ok. Human don't go sticking you nose where it's no welcome.. Fine now for my reason for comeing to is that the thing between inuyasha and I can only be broken by the fathers. Seeing that both are fathers are dead, Your next in line, Please you have to help me. I can't nor will I married that evil beast.. I will think on it. For now woman you will stay here till I deside your fate understand. Kaza here will show you to your room as to where you will stay. Breakfast is in 3 hour you will be there and dressed properly understood. Yes Mi'Lord, as she followed Kaza out of the room.

So you where in there the hole time I never saw you. Is that what your taught to not be seen or hear. Well I guess you know me. I'm Kagome, really nice to met you. Kagome looked at him as he just walked up the stairs and down a long hall way. This is your room, you shall change and met Mi'Lord for breakfast dress proper. Yes sir.. She walked in the room and looked around in awe.. The first thing she did was jumped on the bed laughing it felt so cofty and soft. Then she went to the closet and looked at the many dresses and komono in it and she hoped they fit her, then she open the belcony doors and walked out as the sun was raiseing drowning everything in it's light.. Mi'lady Came a small voice. Kagome turned around, Ame you scared the life out of me.. Sesshoumaru has order to heal your wounds. Heal my wounds.. Yes Mi'Lady you see we deamon each have a gift and a choice to use that gift for good or evil. My gift was to heal. Will it hurt. No it won't hurt at all, You will feel better though. Now take your komono off and lay on your stomach and I shall heal your back first.. So I see you will be staying with us. yes your Lord is kind Lucky you see that in him many don't get too.. He seem perfect. That he is. Turn please. Kagome turned on her back. So you like working here. Why yes my family has wrok for the Toisha family for years now im the 6th generation. Wow that's a long time Kagome smiled at her. Ame smiled back. But Sesshoumaru seem to be a strong leader. Yes he keeps everyone in line.

Ame and Kagome sat and talked for two hours.. Well you better get ready for breakfast. As Ame walked out of the room before she shut the door. Kagome the Lord's favorite color is red thought you like to know.. Thanks Ame, Kagome walked to the closet. The she found a Komono that was red with gold lineing and white flowers all over it. She started putting it on and looked at her self in the mirror she softly tied her hair up leaveing a few strains loss and took a stick and curled them and then looked out her door and started walking to the dinning room. As she enter every head turned to look at her. Sesshoumaru raised his eyes to glances upon her. She was a vision, A vision a pure beauty..

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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