
To Be A Princess... by Sarah Elizabeth.



Anastasia Romanov – Kagome

Pooka - Shippo

Dimitri – Sesshoumaru

Vladimir – Miroku

Rasputin – Naraku

Bartok - Jaken

Grandmother Marie Romanov – Kaede

Sophie – Sango

Czar Nicholas Romanov – Bankotsu

Main Minions – Kanna, Kagura

Inuyasha, Kikyo, and Rin will be placed somewhere in the story. I'm just going to plug them into random places as I go. And Jaken is now Naraku's servant... I couldn't think of anyone else to place him as. And I didn't know anyone else to put as Nicholas Romanov, so I put in a random person. :D


Disclaimer – I don't own diddily squat. :] Let's just put it that way, lol.



It was a beautiful winter evening; people were rushing around left and right, and horse-drawn carriages lined the streets. Children ran in and out of random shops, and the buzzing of laughter and music filled the air.

Over looking one of the main streets was a large, two story town house, fit for a queen. The white paint was carefully well kept and the glass chandelier glittered from the second floor window, the reflections casting dancing lights onto the white lawn and walkway.

A royal horse-drawn carriage turned onto the street, stopping at the front gate of the house. The front door opened, and a slender figure stepped out into the cold, her fur coat gently brushing the back of her knees as she gathered her elegant dress up. A tall, well built man dressed in the royal blue uniform followed, his pistol clutched in one hand.

The driver of the carriage jumped off quickly, hurrying to open the door for the woman. The men helped her into the carriage, followed by the soldier.

Once the pair was settled, the driver climbed back into his seat and urged the horses forward; and with a gentle jerk, the carriage began to move.


There was a time, not very long ago, when we lived in an enchanted world...

"Your majesty, we have arrived."

The woman blinked slowly, her gaze trailing over to the open carriage. The soldier had already climbed out, and was currently looking at her, a trace of concern on his handsome face.

When she did not reply, the soldier tilted his head slightly. "Your majesty, is something wrong?"

The woman blinked again, and shook her head. "Oh, no. Don't worry about me."

The soldier just smiled as he helped her out of the carriage, her amber robes billowing about her feet as she picked the hem up once again. The palace before them was lit up beautifully, and more carriages were arriving. The woman sighed as she clutched a small, jewel-studded handbag between her gloved hands.

"Your majesty." A smaller soldier approached the woman, and bowed. "The King and his family await you inside."

"Thank you." The woman replied, and held her head high as she passed him. She traveled up the stone steps and into the warmth of the main hall; music and chatter greeted her as she slid off her coat. A pair of guards bowed to her, and another led her down the main corridor, which was tastefully done in royal blues, reds, whites, and golds.

...filled elegant palaces, and grand parties. The year was 1916, and my son, Bankotsu, was the Czar of imperial Russia.

The ballroom was alive with dancing people and music. Everything sparkled, and the atmosphere in the room put happy spirits in those that entered cold and wet from the snow. The woman was led through the throng of people, smiling and waving at new and familiar faces as she passed in greeting.

She climbed the short staircase to the row of three, fine golden thrones, and sat in the chair to the left of the main throne. As she relaxed into it, she spotted her son dancing with two of his daughters.

The eldest daughter, Kikyo, was laughing at her younger sister as she ran around their father in circles. He was trying, but with a struggle, to catch his daughter, and every time he reached for her, she would swiftly avoid him. She caught sight of the woman, and waved frantically. "Grandmamma!"

"Hello, darling!" The woman waved back, smiling with joy as Bankotsu finally caught her and twirled her around, causing the pair to go into another fit of giggles. Kikyo smiled and waved at her grandmother as well before being asked to dance by one of the royal's sons.

The woman beckoned Kagome, and she quickly obliged, hiking her skirt up as she ran up the steps.

We were celebrating the 300th anniversary of our family's rule. And that night, no star burned brighter than that of our sweet youngest granddaughter...

"Grandmamma...look!" The eight-year-old grinned happily as she pulled out a slightly crumpled paper from her robe. Her light-blue eyes twinkled as the woman gently unfolded the paper, and gasped delightfully.

It was a beautifully drawn picture of a doll, with short, dark hair and a large bow in its hair. The woman hugged Kagome, and smiled. "My dear, I believe this is the best picture you have ever drawn! I will keep it with me forever..."

Kagome blushed, and the woman tucked a piece of raven-black hair back from the child's face. "Now, my dear, I have something for you, as well."

Behind the woman's chair, a boy about ten with golden-brown eyes and silvery-white hair appeared, munching on an apple as he surveyed the crowd. He saw Kagome and her grandmother, and froze, transfixed as he watched the interaction between them with awe.

She begged me not to return to Paris, so I had a very special gift made for her to make our parting a bit easier, for both of us.

The woman smiled as Kagome watched in fascination; she took the handbag and set it gently on her lap, unclasped it, and pulled out a small, turquoise and gold oval. Kagome's eyes widened as the gold twinkled in the lights, and she hesitated before touching it. "Wow,'s beautiful!"

"Yes it is, my dear...and it's for you."

Kagome squealed with delight as the woman gently placed it onto her open palm. "For me? Is it a jewelry box?"

The boy blinked, and started hesitatingly forward, wanting to look at the box as well. Suddenly a big, burly man grabbed him from behind and yanked him back. "Sesshoumaru, you know you're not supposed to be out here! Back to the kitchen with you!"

Kagome smiled up at her grandmother, oblivious to what was going on behind the chair.


She blinked as the woman reached up under the tiny contraption and wound it up. The lid began to open, slowly, followed by two beautifully carved figures. They were dancing, dressed in royal outfits, and their faces expressed love and joy. Under the lid, a golden swan was engraved, and two tiny diamonds were molded onto it for eyes.

Inside, a twinkling noise began, followed by soft music. Kagome gasped again, and looked up into her grandmother's soft blue eyes. "It plays our lullaby!"

"Yes, you can play it at night before you go to sleep, and pretend that it's me singing."

The woman grabbed Kagome's hand as she began to sway, humming to the tune. "On the wind across the this song and remember... Soon you'll be home with me. Once upon..."

"...a December..." Kagome giggled happily as her grandmother squeezed her hand lovingly. "And this is for you as well, my dear..."

The woman reached back into the bag and produced a small gold star, the size only a big bigger than her thumb. It was trimmed in turquoise as well, with bold letters engraved in the middle. It sparkled in the lamplights as she traded it for the box. "Go on, open it. Read what it says."

Kagome narrowed her eyes slightly as she tried to read what the letters said. " Paris..." Kagome's eyes widened as she stared at her grandmother, and a big smile that went from ear to ear appeared on her face. "Oh, Grandmamma!"

She launched forward and hugged the old woman, laughing happily as the dance continued on behind them.

But we would never be together in Paris...


As the night wore on, the party still continued. Kaede was talking with her son, Bankotsu, as Kagome played with her music box a little ways away, on the top of the steps.

"Mother, what are you planning on doing while in Paris?" Bankotsu asked quietly in a deep tenor, his eyes traveling to his youngest daughter. She was lying on her stomach, watching as the porcelain couple danced around in a circle.

"I have some business to attend to," Kaede replied distantly, also watching Kagome. "...Plus, Myoga has told me that the reason that I've been so sick lately was because of the weather. Maybe this might do us all some good."

A dark shadow had been cast over the house of the Higurashi's...

Suddenly, there was a commotion from the front doors of the ballroom – people were scattering left and right as a tall, dark figure walked leisurely up the isle. Kagome shut her music box as it got quiet, and she stared curiously at the man that was messing up the party.

"Kagome, come here," Bankotsu commanded quietly, standing up from his seat. Kagome stood up carefully, trying not to mess up her robes as she hurried over to her father and grandmother. "Papa, what's going on?"

"Not now, Kagsy, dear." Kaede whispered lovingly, drawing the little girl near to her as Bankotsu hurried gracefully down the steps, his long black braid swinging behind him. His handsome face was drawn in anger as he narrowed his blue eyes.

His name was Naraku...we thought he was a holy man, but he was a fraud...power mad and dangerous...

The man was handsome – he had dark brown eyes, and long, waist-length black hair. His skin was a creamy olive color, and the black cloak and robes only made him more mysterious. Bankotsu stopped a few yards away at the bottom of the steps, the stranger stopping as well. An evil smirk appeared on his smooth face as Totosai pointed at him accusingly.

"How dare you return to the palace!"

Naraku's grin widened, and a hint of malice laced his deep voice. "But, my dear Lord, I am your confidant!"

Bankotsu scoffed. "Ha. Confidant! You are a traitor...get out! I hereby banish you from the Higurashi Palace, as well as Russia!"

Naraku's smirk melted away, replaced by a scowl. "You think you can banish the great the holy powers vested in me...I banish you with a curse!"

There was a collective gasp, and Bankotsu glanced around, his eyes narrowing more at the terror-stricken expressions on his guest's faces. Naraku turned around to face the crowd, a glowing green glass tube swinging from his wrist.

"Mark my words, I will not rest until I see the end of the Higurashi line...FOREVER!" he bellowed, his voice echoing on the walls as he rose the glowing vile. The substance glowed brightly, the lights dimming as a beam of power shot forth, hitting the chandelier. It suddenly cracked from the ceiling and fell, barely missing Bankotsu as he jumped out of the way.

Naraku was nowhere to be seen...


Consumed by his hatred for Bankotsu and his family, Naraku sold his soul for the power to destroy them...

In the deep, dark dungeons of the palace, a large basin containing red liquid-like fire bubbled, licking the side of the metal container greedily. Naraku hovered over it, his breathing ragged as he clutched the green vile in one pale hand. His dark eyes searched all over the chamber, a snarl on his face.


A short, stout figure came crashing in from the side, large, yellow buggy eyes swirling all around. "Y-Yes, Master?"

Naraku steadied himself up onto his legs as he glared at his servant. "Get Kagura and Kanna to raise their minions...kill the Higurashi family! But do not touch the Czar! I will deal with him."

Jaken bowed before skittering off, leaving Naraku to himself once more. Looking down at his hand that clutched the green vile that held his soul tightly, he raised it to his eye level. Smirking, he watched, as a mist drifted out from the metal skull that topped it at his will. "So you want out? Well...go...fulfill your purpose!"

Small shapes of demons with wings began to form, and they took off out of the dungeon, their commands programmed into the bits of soul from Naraku himself.


From that moment on, the spark of unhappiness in our country soon spread like a raging wildfire...threatening to consume us all...

There was a crashing from outside the palace, followed by the yells and screams of citizens as they rushed towards the front gates. Soldiers stood poised and ready to defend the palace as Bankotsu hurriedly pointed the staff and his family towards the back gardens. "Hurry, children, hurry! Your mother and aunts are waiting at the train! Quick!"

Kagome and Kaede brought up the rear, and Bankotsu fell into step a head of them, leading them through the halls and past the royal bedrooms. Suddenly Kagome halted and jerked her arm away from Kaede's grip. "My music box!"

Kaede stopped and turned as well, calling after Kagome as she disappeared into one of the rooms. "Kagome! Come back!"

Barreling into the room and slamming the door shut, she stilled as a loud crash echoed through the halls, followed by the yells and clashing of swords from the front doors. Kaede locked the door and backed away, glancing around the room for her granddaughter as she did so.

"Kagome? Kagome!"

"Right here, Grandmamma!"

Kaede turned towards the voice to see Kagome's head pop up from behind one of her large dollhouses. "Haha, I found it!"

Shaking her head, Kaede grabbed Kagome's arm and pulled her towards her. "Silly girl, what were you thinking?"

"Hey, over here!"

Both turned towards the voice, and saw a small, golden-eyed boy about ten climb out of an opening through the wall. "Come this way, though the servants quarters!"

Outside the window, a toad-like figure with bulging eyes, followed by a tall, red-eyed woman, was peering in through the window. The woman saw the trio and chuckled, waving a Victorian fan around. "Well, what do we have here...?"

"Get them, Kagura!" Jaken screeched, and the woman kicked the toad servant aside as she waved her fan towards the window. Green soul-demons and dark creatures sprang up from nowhere, banging on the glass and crying out. Kagome screamed as the boy pushed Kaede and her inside.

Kagome quickly turned, trying to get past the boy. "My music box!"

"Just go!" Sesshoumaru commanded, pushing her gently back and shutting the door behind him. Kagura screamed in frustration, and Jaken groaned in irritation. "They're getting away!"

At the main door, the shouts of villagers continued as Sesshoumaru glanced around, looking for a place to hide. Why didn't I go with them?

Suddenly the door was broken down, and soldiers from the other end of Russia that were against the Czar stared at Sesshoumaru. "Where are they, boy?"

Sesshoumaru didn't answer, but instead picked up the nearest vase of flowers and threw them at one of the guard's heads, effectively bringing him down. The other guard swung the butt of his gun onto the top of Sesshoumaru's head, knocking him out.



"Keep up, Kagome, we're almost there!"

Kagome huffed behind her grandmother, not used to running so much. They saw the train station ahead, and Kagome quickly ran towards it, spotting her mother and her eldest sister, Kikyo, waving at them to hurry.

As they passed under a bridge that led to one of the upper courtyards, Naraku spotted them, a sadistic grin spreading across his face as he jumped down behind them with inhuman grace.

As he landed, he reached out and grabbed Kagome cloak pulling her back into him. He wrapped a slender hand around her throat, cutting off her air supply. "And now, to kill the youngest of the Higurashi family!"

"Get your hands off of her!" Kaede cried, slipping off one of her heels and bashing Naraku in the face with it. It left no mark, for it healed quickly, but shocked him long enough for Kagome to tear away from his hold on her and kick him in the shin with surprising strength.

"Damnit!" He growled, and dived after her, grabbing her foot and pulling her down. "You won't get away this time!"

There was a crack like breaking ice, and they both froze, before Naraku was plunged underwater, his dark head coming up minutes later along with an irritated screech. "JAKEN, KAGURA, KANNA, GET THEM!"

Jaken came skidding along the riverbank and hurried to the hole, watching in horror as his master dissolved into mere dirt. "Oh no...M-Master?" He glanced up and saw Kagome and Kaede almost to the train station, and he groaned. "Oh nooo..."

Kaede pulled Kagome through the thick crowds of servants that were left behind, for they could not all fit on the train. There was a loud blast from the steam engine, and it began to move, the tracks squealing of metal against metal. "Hurry, Kagome!"

Hojo and Kouga, Kagome's elder brothers, spotted their younger sister from the back of the train. The hurried out onto the back platform and reached for them, Kouga grabbing a hold of Kaede's hand as Hojo tried to reach for Kagome's.



Kaede reached for Kagome as well, with Kouga holding her back. Kagome tried to run faster, and grabbed Kaede's hand. "Kagome!"

"Don't let go!" Kagome cried, her blue eyes wide with fright as the train sped up. Kaede felt her hand sliding from Kagome's. "NO! KAGOME!"


Kagome suddenly slipped on a patch of ice, and down she went, her head hitting the cement ground. She groaned as the train began to disappear, her grandmother's frantic voice calling out to her. "KAGOME! NO!"

All the sounds began to get softer, until Kagome couldn't hear anything. She fainted there, on the boarding dock of St. Petersburg, no family, no home, and no one to go to.

So many lives were destroyed that night...what I've always been was gone forever. And my Kagome, my beloved grandchild...I never saw her again...


Well, how was that for a first chapter? Whoa dang, that took forever to type up...I had to watch the movie about fifty thousand times to get it memorized enough so I could at least be a little accurate. Geez.

And I think that looking at an online script is cheating. Movies are better. :P

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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