
Why I'm Running by Dante


A/N Alright this is my new story Why I'm Running. I'm taking a bit of a brake from my other story I Can Never Forget. Sorry to anyone who reads and likes that story I'll try to update. And I'd be really grateful for ideas. Thank you! Now I hope you enjoy my new story! Why I'm Running.

Chapter Title : Running

A shadowy figure ran swiftly through the forest. Dodging the trees with undeniable grace.

The figure was in a black cloak. A large case on the back of the persons back. Stopping immediately the figure was looking at an unseen border. It was the border in to the Western Lands.

A forbidden place to the figures race, but the person hadn't really been caring about that. The 'shadow' was carefully inspecting the area for enemies.

Sensing a few auras coming towards the figure. Once there the intruders began to speak. There were three of them. The gay looking man began to speak in a snotty feminine voice,"Were not gonna let ya go so don't even think of it you little bitch,"

The cloaked figure timidly spoke,"W-well I-i'm sorry t-to dissa-apoint y-you, bu-ut I w-won't let t-that happ-pen. This shirrade i-is going t-to end, now."

Before the three spoke again the shadow came at them. The three began to move, but the figure came at them incredibly fast and before they knew it they were unconious. one spoke the name 'Kagome'.

Silently the figure spoke,"Forgive me."

Once again running the figure named Kagome ran through the slick shadows. Finally she came to a village of mostly inu-demons. She began to chant and in seconds the scent of the woman was of the scent of a female inu.

Just outside of the villages entrance she gracefully jumped up on to a tree falling asleep. The scent of the lovely sakura tree calming her, but she still stayed on guard.

Sadly sleep still did not come to mind easily. Far too troubled to relax. She had a twisted smile thinking only this,"The land of the blue rose shall be in mayhem once again."

The Next Day

Morning came and the town was bustling waking Kagome from a restless sleep. She jumped down from the tree landing squarely on her feet. She stifled a yawn and stretched out the kinks that had formed. She took off the cloak knowing it would make her stand out even more. She put it somewhere she could reach it again.

The usual ringing of a bell sounded in her ears as she began to move. It had come from the small delicate bell that hung from her shoulder. It was held up by a little black ribbon, which almost blended in with the rest of her clothing. She had a dark black kimono so dark it would make the shadows feel jealous. Her pants flowed down her legs in an almost baggy manner. [Sorta like sesshy kimono. If anybody knows what the parts of the kimono are called please tell me. I totally forgot.] She wore a shirt that complemented her curves well yet held a mysterious look to it. The sleeves went past her arms hiding them from view. There was crimson-red sign on the back of the shirt that most beings did not know the meaning of. Small intricate daggers were not visible hidden in a secret place. She also had a large case adorning her back. [If you have ever seen 'Blood+' the case on Hagi's back is what it looks like]

Kagome began to walk in to the town. There were many people all around doing a lot of work which seemed to be in preparations for something. Picking the closest person that was by she spoke in a quiet tone,"W-what is t-taking place i-in thi-this t-town."

woman looked at her like she was crazy and said in a rushed tone to her,"The Grest Lord of the West and his son will be blessing us with his presence in only a few short hours for the contest, I can't believe you didn't hear with everyone in the town being so frantic awaiting the lords arrival."

Soon after that the woman went back to what she was doing trying to catch up from the time she lost by talking. Kagome just continued walking peeking at some of the outside stores of the market curiously.

This land was so different from her 'home'. The weather was so warm and the people acted so different towards one another. The did not treat each other coldly like most of her land did. Sad they could not interact like this, but with a lord with such a malice heart the land could only give up hope and nothing more. Having no resources to fight. Truthfully it was even hard to get food there anymore.

Suddenly taken from her musings something caught her attention. It was a insignificant shop compared to the others, but what caught her eyes was not the size it was selling, beautiful full-blooming flower. She walked over to the tiny stand. It was run by an old man.

He spoke,"If you've come to vandalize my shop again do as you wish my business is dieing anyhow." There was a pang of sadness in his old voice.

When she replied the old man looked up at her,"W-why wo-ould I-I do such a thing as t-that."

"Why not most the teens in the town do that,eh, why wouldn't you young one or are you here for that ridiculous contest with the Lord and his son?" The old man spoke softly saddened greatly.

Kagome just shrugged her shoulders shaking her head and was about to leave when one of the flowers caught her attention. I was a dark blue rose. A beautiful as the midnights stars. It was hanging from the elders neck on a simple silver chain.

She began to approach him, as she spoke the old mans eyes widened,"That rose is the rose of a falling land."Her voice was timid, but unlike before her voice was sturdy and did not break.

She spoke again bringing the old man out of his shock,"What i-is this con-con-t-test t-that so m-many keep speaking of." Referring to the woman she spoke to and the ramblings of other women she overheard rambling on.

Forgetting what she had just said about the blue rose he answered disgust evident in his voice,"Uh I really don't see how it can be considered a contest all it is the Lord of the West finds a knew concubine in this village wether or not the women want too, but most women come from there villages to be picked and the people in the village try to make everything perfect for the Lord's and his sons arrival it's disgusting it really is."

Bowing she thanked him and was walking away. Before she got too far away the old man called out to her,"Please tell me your name young one."

"Kagome",she answered back to the man. With that she left looking to the rest of the village.


A/N That was my first chapter of running. Hope you liked it and it started out kind of slow I'm going to try and make the second chapter. Please review share your ideas with me. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading. Bye.

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