
Inuyasha cinderella style by danny

Chapter One

hey so i might not know all of the movie its been a while people at least enjoy also Sesshoumaru will be ooc

Inuyasha cinderella style.

in the busy streets where Kagome lives she walks with her stepmother and stepsister carrying everything that is theres but none for her.

"Come along girls." Called out Kaguya.

"Move it." Called out Kagura.

"Hurry up." Yura. Kagome rushed, hurrying as fast as she could.

Kagome looked all around her, well, as much as she could. She caught site of a puppet show and smiled in anticipation. While her stepsisters tried on a horrendous hat.

"What do you think mother?" Kagura asked.

"Um it's certenly not something you see everyday." She quickly made up.

"I saw it first! How do you think it looks on me mother?!" Yura said quickly.

"Ack, aweful." Kagura said.

"I didn't ask you." Yura said.

"How can a mother chose between two such extraordinary daughters?" She then went to the store.

"Kagome! Kagome!" She shouted.

"Yes?" She snapped out of it.

"What do you think? Does it look better on me?" Kagura stole it back and asked as well

"Or me?" Kagome didn't know what to say but said what was on her mind.

"Well I don't know much about hats, but I don't think it flatters either one of you." She simply said causing them to gasp in shock.

"What did you ask her for?" Kagura said madly. "She doesn't even know anything about hats she said so her self?" Yura cried out she then stole the hat.

"Give it to me." Kagura took chase, leaving Kagome alone. Kagome watched the puppet show which had a puppet holding a women and saying how glad it was to have her in its arms and asking it to be my bride.

Kagome started to sing, "The sweetest sounds I'll ever hear are still inside my head. The kindest words I'll ever know are waiting to be said. The most entrancing sight of all is yet for me to see and the dearest love in all the world is waiting somewhere for me, is waiting somewhere somewhere for me."

Her stepmother and stepsisters stepped from the shop and called out, "Kagome!" She handed her the bags and heard Kagura say "Have you ever seen such a lazy girl in your life?"

Yura was shock "Who you calling lazy?!"

"Not you, stupid! Kagome." Yura smiled but then realized and said, "Who are you calling stupid?!"

On the other side of town was Sesshoumaru, the prince of the land, whom was sauntering slowly down the streets, his voice ablaze with music as well. "The sweetest sounds I'll ever hear are still inside my head." He bought a flower and took in its scent. "The kindest words I'll ever hear are know are waiting to be said." He gave the flower to a couple arguing.

"The most entrancing sight of all is yet for me to see and the dearest love in all the world is waiting somewhere for me, is waiting somewhere somewhere for me."

Kagome came to same side and is still following faithfully behind her 'family'. Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru are oblivously singing the same song. "The sweetest sound I'll ever hear are still inside my head. The kindest words I'll ever know are waiting to be said. The most entrancing sight of all is yet for me to see and the dearest love of all is waiting somewhere for me, is waiting somewhere." Kagome, not paying attention, walked in front of a horse and buggy. In a split second she was out of the way, unforunately the bags and boxes did not end in the same condition and foremost were crushed beneath big dirty feet.

Sesshoumaru rushed over to help. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes I'm fine I think."

"Here, there you go. Annoying, it's like those royals don't even care if they are in anybody's way."

"Well I'm sure whereever there going is somewhere very important."

"I doubt it." He turned around to face her and was shock as well as Kagome.

"Thanks, thanks for your help." She said as she got up to leave.

"Wait! What is your name?" He asked.


"I beg your pardon?"

"Kagome, I like to sing the song so much my father named me that."

"Ah Ka-gome I like it." He said honestly, each phrase sounding sweet as honey.

"It grows on you I guess. Excuse me." She turned to hurry away to her sisters.

Sesshoumaru rushed after her and asked, "Tell me Kagome what would a man have to do to be on your good graces?"

Kagome blushed and said "Who wants to know?"

"Lets just say a charming stranger." He said smiling, daziling.

"This charming stranger seems so sure of himself, it'll have to be alot better for a girl he just met on the street."

"Oh I really like to very much." He said as he crashed in to a flower cart.

Kagome gasp and started to walk away. "I'm not sure I really want to met this stranger, I doubt he has any idea how a girl should be treated."

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes "Like a princess I suppose."

"No, like a person with kindness and respect."

Sesshoumaru was shock again "Your not like most girls are you?"

Kagome was mad, "What do you mean?" She said with calmed.

"Oh nothing, I didn't mean to defend you." He apologized.

A pregnant pause erroted the area. Finally Kagome broke it. "It's alright."

Sesshoumaru looked at her. "It's just, that I live a pretty sheltered life."

"So have I."


"Ever day the same old routine."

"And runaway."

"And never come back."

They stared at each other in amazement but where disturbed by, "Kagome how many times did I tell you never talk to stangers." Kaguya said.

"Oh I'm so sorry stepmother."

Sesshoumaru spoke "I hope I see you again Kagome." He said with hope as he walked away.

"Well! Hurry up girl with thoses packages, what are you doing?" Kaguya screeched. Kagome looked to where Sesshoumaru was and started to sing. "The most entrancing sight of all is there for me to see."

Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru sand, even though they are far apart. "And the sweetest love in all the world is waiting somewhere for me, is waiting somewhere for me." Sesshoumaru stepped in to a royal carage and left.

"Kagome!" Kaguya shouted.


In Sesshoumaru's palace his mother was planning a party for Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru walked in and saw the look his mother had.

"Oh hello Sesshoumaru." She said.

"Hello son."

"Hello mother and father."

"Well son I'm thinking of giving you a ball for your birthday."

Sesshoumaru looked at his mother, "Mother I don't want a ball."

"But-but what will I tell all the towns people."

"Mother! You already gave them out?"

"Yes well, you need to meet a woman...for a princess..."

Sesshoumaru started to leave. "Mother I don't want any of them."

"But-but!" She look at his father who sighed and said, "Your mother is right. What is a king without a queen?" Sesshoumaru groaned and left.

"Jaken get a list and tell the towns people what we will need." Jaken nodded and took out a paper and quil. "Proclamation to the prince His royal higness Sesshoumaru Rupert Whindamier Valdamier Carl Alexander France Vour Reginald Lancealot Hermit."


"Hermit Gregorie James, he'll thank us for it later. The ball will be grand."

Jaken rushed in the royal carrage and everyone gatherd round'. Jaken annouced "The prince is having a ball. His royal highness Sesshoumaru rupert son of her magisty queen Constaintiena Charlote Hermendtrued queen of Mazy"


"Mazy Margret Anna is giving a ball."

"The prince is giving a ball! The prince is giving a ball." Kaguya rushed to the store and annouced to her daughter "The prince sent a message! The prince is giving a ball! And he wants to find a bride!"

"Oh if the prince proposes to me!"

"Or to me!" Kagura said. "Just leave the clothes and hair to me the prince is giving a ball!"

They left the store and there where people getting ready. Jaken had to run or else he get trampled. He got to the top and shouted ."Is giving a ball!"

Kagome smiled "The prince is giving a ball..." Kagome arrived back to her home along with her step-family and they started to get to work for the ball.

Kagome sighed and started to talk about them. "Kagome get hot water!"

"Kagome warm milk!"



She sighed and began to sing. "I'm as mild and as meek as a mouse. When I hear a command I obey.

But I know of a spot in my house where no one can stand in my way. In my own little corner in my own little chair I can be whatever I want to be. On the wings of my fancy I can fly anywhere and the world will open its arms to me. "

"I'm a young egyptian princess or a milkmaid

I'm the greatest prima donna in Milan

I'm an heiress who has always had her silk made

By her own flock of silkworms in Japan

I'm a girl men go mad for, love's a game I can play with cool and confident kind of air. Just as long as I stay in my own little corner. All alone in my own little chair."

"Kagome wheres my tea.?!"

"I can be whatever I want to be!"

"I'm a slave from Calcutta I'm a queen in Peru.

I'm a mermaid dancing upon the sea

I'm a huntress on an African safari.. it's a dangerous type of sport and yet it's fun

In the night I sally forth to seek my quarry

And I find I forgot to bring my gun.

I am lost in the jungle all alone and unarmed when I meet a lioness in her lair. Then I'm glad to be back in my own little corner, All alone in my own little chair."

Kagome heard a shout "Kagome!" Kagome rushed and brought them tea.

She went in and started to help her sisters out.

"Oh I hope he picks me." Kagura fantasied.

"Do you love him?" Kagome asked they all looked at her. "Well if I loved him I would want him to love me then I know that he would pick me."

"Yes love." They both said.

Kaguya got mad and said "This isn't about love it's about marrige. Have I taught you girls nothing? Falling in love is falling for fools. Maybe falling in love with love is playing the fool caring to much is juvinel fancy. Learning to trust is just for children in school. I fell in love with love one night in the moon was full I wasn't wise, unable to see. I fell in love with love with love everlasting but love fell out with me." She sang and started to work on the girl's makeup.

"Falling in love with love is falling for make believe. Falling in love with love is playing the fool, caring to much is such a juvinel fancy. Learning to trust is just for children in school. I fell in love with love one night when the moon was full I was unwise with eyes unable to se.e I fell in love with love, with love everlasting but love fell out of love with me."

Kaguya and the sisters soon left. Kagome sighed "I wish I could go to the ball." Something shined outside of Kagome's window and looked till' she saw a women there with a wand and a shiny dress.

"Um hello." Kagome said.

"Oh hello. Kagome do you know who I am?" Kagome shock her head. "I am you fairy god mother, Kikyo."

"Fairy godmother?"

Kikyo nodded. "I am sorry but that is just impossible."

"Impossible for a country bumpkin marrying a prince." Kagome sighed and sat on her little chair and said "I guess I know what your going to say fal al dildidi."

"Filidi faladi foodle."

"Right it's impossible."

Kikyo cocked her head and sang, "Impossible for a plain yellow pumpkin to be a golden carrage.

Impossible for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage. And four white mice will never become four white horses, such filidi da of course's. Impossible. But the world is filled with zanies and fools who don't believe in sensible rules and won't believe what sensible people say; and because these daffs I just keep building up impossible hope things are happening everyday."

Kagome looked at her "Impossible."






Together they sang. "Impossible!"

Kikyo rushed out of the small house and went to the garden. Kagome followed and said, "Wait if impossible things are happening everyday then why shouldn't I have impossible hopes and dreams even something as possible as going to the ball."

"Then go to the ball Kagome, go, no one stopping you but you." She said

"But I don't know how to get there?"

"That is a problem."

"But I have been wishing as hard as I can."

Kikyo smiled "I know you have Kagome, go on, stand over there." Kikyo waved her hands and magic came out to a pumpkin but nothing happened.

"Whats the matter with me, its only six hundred years." She said embarred. She tried again and this time the pumpkin started to grow in to a beautiful golden carriage.

Kagome was amazed. "Oh my goodness."

"Needs some horeses.'' She sent her magic to the caged white mouses and they turned in to six amazing horses.

"They are beautiful." Three white mice began to try and scamble away.

"Oh, you are not going anywhere." Kikyo sent her magic the white mice and turned them in to men.

Kagome gasped and said, "Just like in my dream."

Kikyo inspect them and said, "We've got a coach man, a footman, horses, and a carriage. What am I missing?" Kagome looked at herself then Kikyo slapped her self.

"Spin around don't make me do all the work." Kagome did and Kikyo sent out her magic as it surrounded Kagome.

Kagome appeared in a beautiful white ball dress with elbow lengeth gloves and a tirara. On her feet where glass slippers.

"Thank you Kikyo."

"Its time, Kagome." Kagome rushed to the carriage and settled inside. "There's one tiny thing I need you to know. The magic will only work till' midnight."

Kagome was shocked, "Midnight?! But that is just in a few hours!"

"Look I don't make the rules. Now, come on, it's time to go." Kagome blew a kiss to her and the carriage went off. "It's possible for a plain yellow pumkin to become a golden carriage. It's possible for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage." Kagome sang.

Kikyo came in and started to sing with her, "And four white mice are easily turned into horses such faladera and filididi of course's quite possible."

Kagome and Kikyo, "It's possible for the world is full of zanies and fools who don't believe in sensible rules and won't believe what sensible people say and cause these daff. I just keep building up impossible hopes. Impossible things are happening everyday."

Kagome starts to say, "It's possible."

"It's possible."

"It's possible."

"It's possible."

"It's possible."

"It's possible."

Both say togther "It's possible!" Kikyo left her.


Sesshoumaru danced, and danced with different women, but none were her. Sesshoumaru let the girl go and turned his head to see Kagome; she was a lovely vision. She came down and soon the lines got bigger.

Kagome saw him and deceded down the stairs. Sesshoumaru got near her and he said "Hello."

Kagome bowed "How do you do your highness."

Sesshoumaru lifted her chin and was looking to her eyes. Soon Sesshoumaru took her waist and danced.

They pasted Sesshoumarus parents who said. "Who is that charming lady?"

"No ones knows, she is stunning."

"If I where a young man..." She looked at him with anger. "Yes dear."

"Well I be young then wouldn't I."

"Yes dear."

The girls tried to get his attention when he danced past them, but didn't, "Where on earth did she come from?"

"I never seen her before."

"There is something vaguly familar." Kaguya said.

Sesshoumaru said to Kagome, "You know its funny, it's like I seen you somewhere before."

"Well I'm sure I would remember."

"Was it at this summer at the lake."

"No I can't swim."

"Then this winter at the lodge."

"Up in the mountains?"

"You go to the mountains."

"No I just love looking at them, they're really beautful."

"Your very beautiful."

"Everyone is staring at us."

"Really I had forgotten that anyone was here."

Sesshoumaru started to sing to her, "Ten minutes ago I saw you, I looked up when you came through the door my head started reeling you gave me the feeling that the room had no ceiling or floor. Ten minutes ago I met you and we murmered are howdidoos I wanted to ring out the bell and to fling out my arms and cry out the news. I have found her she's an angel with the dust of the stars in her eyes, we are dancing we are flying and shes taking me back to the sky!

In the arms of my love, I'm flying over mountain meadows, and land, and I liked it so well before I can tell we will never come down again. I may never come down to earth again..."

Kagome smiled and sang back, "Ten minutes ago I met you and we mumered are howdidoos, I wanted to ring out the bells and fling out my arms and cry out the news."

"I have found her."

"I found him."

They both twirled around the people and sang together."In the arms of my love I'm flying over mountains, and meadows, and land, and I like I may never come down again. I may never go down to earth again..."

Everyone danced, not noticing that Kagome and Sesshoumaru where outside dancing. "I want to know something. Will you be with me." Sesshoumaru asked.

"But you don't know me."

Sesshoumaru looked at her, "It feels like I know you forever."

"Why do you want me?"

Sesshoumaru lowered himself on one knee and sang, "Do I love you because you're beautful or are you beautiful because I love you? Am I making believing what I see in you; a girl too lovely to be really true." Sesshoumaru stood up and brought Kagome up from the fountain.

"Do I want you because you're wonderful or are you wonderful because I want you? Are you the sweet invention of lovers dream or are you really as beautiful as you seem?" Kagome got away from him and spoke, "Maybe your imagining me and maybe I'm imagining you too." She sang, "Am I make believing I see in you a man too perfect to be really true.? Do I want you because your wonderful or are you wonderful because I want you?" Sesshoumaru went to Kagome and sang with her.

"Are you the sweet invention of lovers dream or are you really as wonderful as you seem."

"I never want this night to end."

Sesshoumaru said. "Me niether."

Sesshoumaru hugged her and both sang again, "Are you the sweet invention of lovers dream or are you really as wonderful as you seem." Sesshoumaru and Kagome looked at each other and then kissed a slow kiss.

The bell struck presenting twelve and Kagome ran as Sesshoumaru ran after her. "Please wait I don't know your name!"

"Prince what is wrong?" Jaken said.

His father stated "Run after her!"

Sesshoumaru's mother was wondering what was going on.

Kaguya got in his way and said "Well prince how waaa?" Sesshoumaru pushed her down and chased Kagome. When he got to her she had already left on the carriage, leaving a single glass slipper behind.

Sesshoumaru picked it up and looked at where Kagome left. Jaken came out and looked at him with sadness. "I didn't even get her name."


Kagome rushed home and saw her dress dissapper as well as the carriage and the horses and men turned into mice again.

Kagome sighed and looked at her feet there was only one slipper left she took it off and hid it.

Kaguya and the girls went home quick and saw Kagome there cleaning the stairs.

"Kagome where you here all night?" She said.

Kagome looked at her and said, "Yes stepmother."

When they were alone sesshoumaru sang alone again. "Do I want you because your wonderful? Or are you wonderful because I want you?" Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru sang, though they were miles apart. "Are you the sweet invention of lovers dream or are you really as wonderful as you seem?!" Fade into dark.


Sesshoumaru had sent millions of gaurds to search for her,; he told them to use the slipper to see if it fit but no one did.

"My prince there is but one place left."

"Then I shall go with you to see if it isn't her." Sesshoumaru sighed he didn't want to know.

They went and the girls where getting ready, hearing that the prince was looking for the women from last night. Kagome was oblivous though.

Kaguya sent Kagome to the kitchen and silently locked the door. Kagome heard a click but ignored it.

Sesshoumaru arrived and first thing he did was think how bad they looked. He tried Yura but her foot was big and so was Kagura when he heard a knocking sound. "Whos in there."

"No one."

"Maybe I should try it." She took the shoe and tried to put it on when she made it fit Sesshoumaru thought, 'no!', but when she started to sceam that it hurt, he smiled at that.

"Help." He heard it again and went to the door he broke it open and saw her Kagome, 'I knew it'. He snapped his finger and Jaken came in and gave him the shoe. Kagome understood and took out her foot and slipped it on. "NOOO." Kaguya shouted.

Jaken shouted, "Quiet woman." The sandle fit, he looked at her and kissed her.

Kikyo came out smiling and sang, "Impossible things are happening everyday."

She changed Kagome's dress and they where soon in their marriage carriage.

Kikyo sang, "Someone wants you, you know, who love your that there is living music in you. Now you hear someone you to someone playing, theres music, now your living, you know why now there's nothing you won't try. Move a mountain, light the sky, make a wish come true, there is music in you. Now you can go, whereever you want to go. Now you can do, whatever you want to do. Now you can be, what ever you want to be."

"No wait, where's her family." They shouted through the game. "And now this is the song you'll sing your whole life through. Move a mountain, light the sky, make a wish come true, there is music in you love in you." Fade out with a kiss.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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