
Bang Bang: Part Two ------ Shooting, Looting, and a Little Canoodling ------ by Sweet and Sour Suki

Chapter 11 --- Wait Sango! Don't Shoot Sesshy!

Suki: There are a lot of short little acts in this chapter. They're probably going to get annoying, but it was the way I wrote it. So piss off. Lol, enjoy!

Kagome was just short of banging her head repeatedly against the wall after SesshoMaru had left. Why had she just stood there gawking like that? He couldn't possibly still love her! Because then that would mean... Wait, why was she even thinking about this? She was going to get married to InuYasha!

'Right, if he ever comes home, you mean.' A bitter voice sprang into her head. Kagome growled at it to shut up.

"Well, Buyo..." Kagome looked down at her cat that was now rubbing against her ankles, begging for attention. "How about I make some dinner to take my mind off things? I never did get my California rolls..." She grumped, and then walked over to the kitchen to prepare a simple macaroni and cheese dish. She'd have to make enough for SesshoMaru as well... She sighed. What had she gotten herself into?

Kagome took the ring InuYasha had given to her and slipped it on her finger. Leave it to InuYasha to get her something that might kill her. As Kagome brought out the Easy Mac, her mind started to wander to that day that she had caught InuYasha and Kikyou together...

No! Don't think about it! You are going to marry this man!

Why!? He cheated on you, damn it!

He only kissed her!

But he knows that the two of you despise one another!

It was just a heat of the moment sort of thing...

Stop kidding yourself, Kagome. Do you even think he REALLY wants to marry you?

Of course he does!

Well then 1. Why did he buy a ring from a pawnshop, and 2. Why did he leave RIGHT after he proposed to you?

He's busy and... and... He said that he couldn't wait any longer and that's why...

Oh, give it up already. Do you even love him?


Do you love InuYasha?

Of course I love him... I said yes didn't I?

You felt you had to... Think back, Kagome. It was only a few hours ago. He practically gave you no other choice! Your friends were there, people were staring, and he did that puppy dog eyes thing...

Yeah, what was with that?

He knows that whenever he does that, you can't say no to him.

True... But I would never say no to a man I didn't love and didn't really want to marry. I'm not like that. I know what I want in life.

Oh yeah? Well what about SesshoMaru?

"WHAT ABOUT SESSHOMARU!?" Kagome screamed at herself, flinging the dry macaroni everywhere around the kitchen. She realized what she was doing and took in several deep breaths to calm her down.

"Okay, Kagome. This has been a very long day. First you got high at Toutousai's, then InuYasha proposed to you, and now a million dollar bounty head is going to stay in your apartment to protect you from some jeweler that wants your engagement ring... Chill... out." Kagome sighed and looked around at the mess she made. Rolling her eyes, she flung the now empty box of macaroni onto the tile and walked over to the couch. "I'll just take a nap... I'll feel better when I wake up..." She sunk into the cushions, and was asleep once her eyes fluttered closed. She was so exhausted... Buyo and Kirara started fighting again, only to yowl when a pillow came flying towards them from Kagome.

"Would you two just get along damn it! Poor Buyo's going to get a hernia..."



/\\ /\\




A loud knocking jarred Kagome from her very, very short nap, and she sat up groggily.

"What the hell do you want!?" She called out from her position at the couch.

"Come on and open the door! It's me, your new roommate. Or have you forgotten already!?" SesshoMaru yelled from the hallway. Kagome grumbled and picked up a digital clock nearby. It was almost midnight. She staggered to the door, unlocked it, and then flung it open.

"What the hell happened in here?" SesshoMaru raised his eyebrows as he walked in with a black duffel bag, full to the brim of clothes, toiletries, and other necessities that he would need to stay at Kagome's until... whenever it was that he could go back to his house without being wanted by the cops. His last comment was referring to the mess of macaroni on the kitchen floor.

"Huh?" Kagome croaked sleepily as she made her way back to the couch, her eyes already halfway shut.

"Why is there macaroni on the floor?" SesshoMaru put his duffel bag in a corner and crossed his arms, facing Kagome. Kagome looked at SesshoMaru, then the floor, then back at him, her eyes sort of glazed in her half sleep.

"It's your dinner. Enjoy." She smirked, then collapsed back onto the couch to resume her previous activity. SesshoMaru stared at her.

"Are you okay?"

"Mph... Leave me alone Miroku... I don't wanna work today... come on just five more minutes Sango!" Kagome exclaimed, asleep. SesshoMaru shook his head, then turned the oven off. He looked down at the mess, but decided to leave it. He was too tired to clean anything up tonight.

SesshoMaru sighed and grudgingly carried his bag into a room. It looked like Kagome's. Well, there wasn't anywhere else to sleep since Kagome had occupied the couch so... He shrugged, and began to change for bed.



/\\ /\\




Kagome woke up to the calm, serene sounds of... screaming?


"Oh shit..." Kagome grumbled when she recognized Sango's voice and SesshoMaru's low growling. She had forgotten to call her the night before and tell her about their new ward.

"Sango, wait!" She cried out groggily, trying to lift herself out of the couch, only to find that her butt was stuck in between one of the cushions.


"SANGO!!! SHUT UP AND COME IN HERE NOW!!!" Kagome yelled from the living room. She knew Sango would be hesitating, debating whether or not she should leave SesshoMaru to go to Kagome, or stay with the 'murderer'.


Sango poked her head out of the door, her gun visibly pointing at SesshoMaru.

"Hey, you're not dead." She blinked.

"No shit, Sherlock. Put that gun away and help me out of this couch!" Kagome exclaimed grumpily, still struggling beneath the cushions. Once again, Sango hesitated.

"What about SesshoMaru?"

"He's here for a reason. He won't hurt you as long as you don't hurt him. Now help me outta here!"

"Alright, alright." Sango tucked her gun into her pants and crossed the room to help Kagome out of the couch's clutches. She took her hand and pulled as hard as she could. "Damn, Kagome! How'd you get so far down there!?"

"I don't know! I've never slept on the couch before! I didn't know it was going to eat me!"

Finally the couch let Kagome go, and she flew into the air, landing on Sango.


"Thanks for catching me." Kagome patted Sango's head with a grin, and was then pushed off with an angry shove. Just then SesshoMaru stepped out of the bedroom, in his bare-chested glory.

"Why didn't you tell Sango that I was here!?" He hissed at Kagome through his teeth. "She almost shot me!"

"Uh..." Kagome scratched her head from her position at the floor. "I... forgot?" She smiled innocently. SesshoMaru growled and smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Jesus, Kagome!"

"Hey give me a break! I'd had a very long day!"

"That doesn't mean you can stop being responsible."

"Well everything's okay now. Right, Sango?" She looked down at her friend who was still squashed into the floor. "You won't try to shoot SesshoMaru?"

"First I want an explanation. And it better be good." She growled, sitting up.

"Okay. We'll talk over a plate of pancakes! How dies that sound?" Kagome looked around the room and the growls and leers that everyone was giving her. "Great."



/\\ /\\




"So what you're saying, is that if you don't protect Kagome, she might get killed by this Naraku dude just because he wants her engagement ring?" Sango blinked, and then folded her arms across her chest. "Why don't you just take the ring and split? That way you don't have to stick around. Wouldn't that be more for your benefit?"

"I could..." SesshoMaru nodded, chewing a mouth full of delicious pancakes that Kagome had just whipped up. His were drenched in syrup, and the butter was piled on, just the way he liked it. Now he couldn't stop eating them. Kagome was already on her third batch and quickly running out of pancake mix. "But Kagome is also a lure for me, to get Naraku. Once he comes for her, we're going to have a little chat.. And then I'm going to put him away for good."

"I still don't understand. If you take the ring, and Naraku finds out, wouldn't he just go after you instead of Kagome? I think that would be easier."

"It would..." Kagome stated from the stove, turning around to face her friend. "But I want to keep the ring."

"What for?" Sango raised her eyebrows, wondering why Kagome would want to keep something that might get her killed.

"It's worth 500 times the amount of SesshoMaru." She grinned.


"HOLY SHIT! Oh god... Oh god..." Dollar signs flashed in front of Sango's eyes as she jumped up from her chair, making it topple backwards. She put her hands to her cheeks and let loose a huge smile. "500,000,000..."

"That's what I said..." Kagome sighed dreamily, holding her spatula to her heart. "So I'm keeping the ring, because SesshoMaru says that once Naraku is gone, and after I have cleared SesshoMaru's name, I can sell this baby!" She held up her hand, and the ring sparkled on her left ring finger.

"500,000,000... Hey wait, you wanna sell the engagement ring that InuYasha gave you?" Sango frowned at this, turning to Kagome. Didn't the ring hold any sentimental value with her?

"No. He bought it for 200 bucks at a pawnshop." Kagome grimaced. Sango gasped.

"That bastard!"

"I know! And now I'm having second thoughts about..." Kagome began, then realized that SesshoMaru was still sitting behind her. She glanced at him, and then suddenly resumed the making of her pancakes. SesshoMaru blinked, wondering if it was InuYasha or him she was having second thoughts about.

"Uh... okay." Sango coughed to fill the silence and save Kagome. "So SesshoMaru will stay here. No problem. And we won't turn you in. Nope. We'll just sell the ring after your gone..." Her eyes sparkled as she thought of all the things she could do with 500,000,000 dollars.

"Right. I'll protect you and Kagome from any of Naraku's attempts to get the ring, and you two protect me from the outside world. Cops, hunters... my brother. Everyone."

"Especially Kouga." Kagome sighed, flipping three pancakes onto a plate and setting them in front of SesshoMaru. "Sessho and I have already talked about who needs to know about him and who doesn't. And we've decided that Shippou and Miroku are the only other people that need to know. Kouga won't care about the 500 mil, he'll just want to do justice and turn Sessho in."

If SesshoMaru acknowledged that Kagome was back to calling him his child hood nickname, he gave no notice, and dug into his pancakes hungrily. Sango nodded in agreement to Kagome's earlier statement.

"So now all we have to do is go to the office, explain everything to Miroku, and then ask to be cut from the case." Kagome finished, sitting down beside her ward and friend. Sango frowned.

"Why would we need to be off the case?"

"...Because, Sango. We're not going to turn SesshoMaru in anymore, remember? We have a 500 million dollar ring to cash in." Kagome answered slowly, wondering how this could be so confusing.

"But then wouldn't Kouga get suspicious? You know he's going to get in on this case too once he comes in for an assignment. He'll expect us to help with tips and stuff, and then he'll want to go after SesshoMaru alone of course...but still..." She explained, referring to Kouga's reputation of being a solo hunter. "And besides, wouldn't it be easier if he thought we were working on the case, and brought us along to some of his sites? Because then you could investigate more, and maybe we can even find proof that SesshoMaru is innocent, and that Naraku was the one that killed his Kagura. It's less conspicuous, and you can do research without making anyone suspicious."

SesshoMaru actually looked up from his pancakes to stare at Sango.

"You are a very intelligent young lady." He mumbled through his mouth full of food. Sango smirked, while Kagome mulled it over.

"Yes, that sounds well enough... But we have to make sure Miroku won't tell Kouga anything. Same goes for Shippou."

"Right." Sango nodded.

"Now lets go get our little fox and report to the office. We'll see if Kouga's come in yet." Kagome stood from the table and stretched. She wanted to take a shower, but there was so much to do. And she didn't really feel comfortable taking a shower in SesshoMaru's presence... Sometimes he could be more of a letch than Miroku.

Suki: Sorry that nothing really happened in this chapter. Just wait, something will go down sooner or later! Lol, REVIEWS!

From: CrystalEyes SilverWolf

Review: About that whole thing with the reviewer taking it seriously and

stuff...Well, think of it this way: S/he was so immersed into your story and

when s/he read that certain part of what happened, she kinda felt like it was

her in Kag's place or something. I kinda felt the same way too. But it was

because, we were immersed in the interesting plot. ^^ Anyway, I love your story

and all I ask is that you never stop writing it! I'll even wait if I have too!

Jaa! ^.~

Suki: That is a very nice way of putting it in a different light, so thank you. I would have never thought of it that way. Thanks for loving my story, and don't worry, I won't stop till it's finished!

From: akuma_river

Review: Love the chapter. Love the story. Keep up the excellente work. This is

certainly going to be a fun fic.

Suki: Bang Bang loves you too! Lol, thanks for the review! It is a very fun fic to write, that's for sure!^^

From: syrinx

Review: Hehee, sorry about the first line thing last time...I get this really

evil streak sometimes that just can't be stopped from exposing itself. I liked

the chapter. What exactly happened with Sess and Rin? Did I miss that or has it

not been explained yet. I picked up on a few things but, well, not enough to see

Kag hanging on for life to her grudge. Ah, well. Good Chapter update soon.

Suki: That's okay. It didn't bother me, just confused me for a sec^^. But that can be understandable with me. SesshoMaru hooked up with Rin after he shot Kagome. He thought that she would never go back to him, and Rin was just sort of there to help him at the time so... yeah. He's told Kagome that he's sorry, and he regrets shooting her very much, but it WAS an accident. He thought she was cheating on him with InuYasha (Even tho the girl he saw was Kikyou) but hey... It's very confusing. I don't know why I made it that way... It just kind of happened. I don't even really have a plan for this story! It's just kinda coming out as I go along! Lol. Some stories I do, others I don't. In Revenge, Said She, I did. But obviously I don't on this one so it is a little harder to write. Lol. Thanks for the review! Hope I answered your question...

From: Ram-horned Demoness

Review: *Theme of the Odd Couple plays* LoL. Well those two chapters really sent

me down memory lane...playing house and no I never played doctor! I

was a good girl. Was.

And shame on Yasha! First swaping spit on month and the next moment on bending

knee with a pawnshop ring. Bad boy bad bad boy! Can Kagome blame him for her

shotting incident?

And what more the feelings still linger, goodness this a word...WOW!

Suki: WAS a good girl? *sly smile * Ooo Ram-horny what have u been doing? Lol, j/k. InuYasha IS a bad boy!!! No, Kagome can't blame him for the shooting incident tho, sorry. Thanks for your review!

From: J.C

Review number one: Hmm... were should I start? I guess I'll start with Inu Yasha.

How can he be so cruel? Yeah it was nice that he proposed, but leave right

after. I think it would have been better if he had waited a little bit longer.

Oh well; that's Inu for ya.

Now to Kagome: why did she accept the proposal? Does she honestly think that

Inu not going to do cheat on her again?

Now to Sesshou: why didn't he have therapy when he was a kid? I think it would

have helped him deal with the anger he had with Naraku, and perhaps the incident

that occurred with Kagome when they were kids wouldn't have happened. Then

again, that's only a guess.

I really feel sorry for Kagome. First she has her virginity taken from her when

she a kid (by a person who most likely wasn't in his right state of mind). Then

she gets shot by Sesshou a few years later (even if it was an accident). So she

hooks up with Inu and then finds out that he cheated on her. And the piece de

resistant (or however that phrase goes) her life is now endangered because of a

ring that Inu gave her.

I definitely would not want to be her shoes. Adios.

Review number two: Oh I forgot to mention this in the other review: I think that Inu isn't

on a business trip. I say this in light on the new evidences provided in this


Evidence #1: Inu cheated on Kagome a while back. (I stated this in the previous


Evidence #2: Sesshoumaru thought that Kagome cheated on him 5 years ago. If she

is telling the truth (which we all know she is) then the person Sesshou saw

wasn't Kagome but someone who looked like Kagome. And we all know who that is.

Now I am done with my review. Adios.

Suki: About InuYasha: Yes, that is Inu for ya.

About Kagome: She felt pressured into the situation...

About Sesshy: Sesshy doesn't do doctors.

About feeling sorry for Kagome: Yes, but she's a big girl, and she can take on whatever comes her way! Kagome will kick ass!!!

And InuYasha IS on a business trip... at least... at the moment... hee hee. You just wait and see young man or young lady. Whichever you are! Thanks for the review! I hope to hear from you soon...

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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