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Jennifer (Chapter 26) - Tue 07 Mar 2023

Now we are getting somewhere with this development! Kikyo is insane! This is not healthy or right!

Addiesmoon (Chapter 1) - Tue 07 Mar 2023

I was so happy to see two new characters of this story. I love where it is going. I hope at some point that the boys and Yasha get to take off the bracelets. I would love to see Kikio get it in someway for them as well. Can't wait to see more chapters.

cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 26) - Tue 07 Mar 2023

Sigue tan perra y tan mala asta con sus hijos yo le quitaria sus poderes de sacerdotisa haber si le gusta yo acudiria alos que mandan en los youkais y los mandaria a la carcel por que eso es maltrato

Lauren (Chapter 26) - Tue 07 Mar 2023

Not Inuyasha knowing what his wife has been doing?! Those poor babies. Their poor babies. I hate it.


I want to know what they're hiding, but I also don't care. What? One of their kids was born with a defect or killed, so they hid the traits of the others away? Whatever. Both Inuyasha and Kikyo are so terrible and selfish. That clinic needs to be shut down and everyone involved needs to be investigated, arrested, and prosecuted.

Lauren (Chapter 25) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

I'm sorry, what? Eugenics?! Is this bitch insane??? They're running a eugenicist clinic that sanitizes fetuses? Why the fuck would even bother marrying someone who wasn't human if that's what you're going to resort to? It doesn't even make sense. And I know they're doing it without permission from the youkai parents. Kagome's pregnant, so she shouldn't get worked up. Just turn around and leave instead of kicking that pathetic excuse for a woman in her concave twat and screaming at the it way she should. NOPE. Can it die? It needs to die.



Lauren (Chapter 25) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

I'm sorry, what? Eugenics?! Is this bitch insane??? They're running a eugenicist clinic that sanitizes fetuses? Why the fuck would even both marrying someone who wasn't human of that's what you're going to resort to? Kagome's pregnant, so she shouldn't get worked up. Just turn around and leave instead of kicking that pathetic excuse for a woman in her concave twat and scream at the it way she should. NOPE


REDWOLF (Chapter 26) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Kikyo is so selfish!

Marie (Chapter 26) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

That was heart breaking, I cried my self. Thank you for the quick update. And look forward to the next


MaivenTahl (Chapter 26) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Oh wow, this story, every time you update brings the heartstrings to me. Thank you. 

Amber (Chapter 26) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

This story is literally a masterpiece!! I am so mad I am just now discovering this story!! It is beautifully written, and I love the fact that it is a slice of life component as well. You talk about real life issues with a twist to fit that universe. You're writing is so eloquent. I also love how detailed and refined your stories are. I also love the worldly connections to current social issues. You have literally just became one of my favorite authors!! I look forward to reading some of your other work and future works!!

SmilingFool (Chapter 26) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Oh wow, dudette this was amazing.  I think Kagome took that with a grain of salt hoping Kikyo would change her mind however when she told Kagome to make Sesshomaru wear a concealment that was going to far at least she didn't punch her like I wanted but hey family is family no matter the species....

Anyways, this finally got a rise out of Inu Yasha now he knows what the beads are doing to his kids and how he never listens to them.  Bad father on his part because he should know what its like to lose part of himself wearing the beads.  But when Kagome show Sesshomaru the brochure boy I was sure he'd roar but having Kikyo say the fathers' have no right to the say of their off spring was cruel and Inu Yasha realizes his kids are hurting just as much so hopefully they will get their weekends of freedom.

Loved this chapter I can't wait to read more.


NessC (Chapter 25) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Holy crap! No way!! What a cliffhanger!! 

Young Kagome (Chapter 25) - Mon 06 Mar 2023

Yup time to blow up

KShadeslady (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

Well that was a horribly awkward dinner. What a way to end. That's just evil. 

Jennifer (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

Run! Kagome needs to kick her ass and Run!

cristinPacheco8 (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

Balla con Kikyo lo que le faltaba a Kagome que le digera que quitara los poderes al cachorro que espera, ahora sabe porqué Inuyasha no ha dicho palabra cuando Kikyo dijo que en su casa no se hablaba del padre de Sesshomaru está muy buena actualiza pronto 

REDWOLF (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

This should be interesting,  Kagome will put Crazy a$$ Kikyo in her place! Great update!

Anonymous (Chapter 25) - Sun 05 Mar 2023

Por extraño que parezca esto es lo más apegado a la forma de pensar y actuar de Kikkyo en el manga y ánime.

Yo jamás repudié a Kikkyo por lo que hizo después de haber sido resucitada. Para mi no era la villana  sino solo un vestigio de lo que había sido en vida.

Como muñeca de barro para mi era alguien digno lastima y no tanto de odio.

Pero de la Kikkyo original no me gustaron dos o tres cositas.

1. Nunca acepto a Inuyasha por lo que era. Un hanyou.

Tenía él que renunciar a la herencia genética del progenitor que murió para salvarlo a él y a su mamá como condición para estar con Kikkyo?

No. No era necesario. Ni era lo que inuyasha originalmente quería ( El quería ser Yokai completo para ser más fuerte).

Y claro uno puede querer que su pareja haga ciertos cambios. Como que haga más ejercicio o  deje de fumar o mejorar su dieta, pero no se le pediría ( o al menos no se debería) que cambie de raza o abandone su idioma . Porque no es lo mismo que alguien quiera que abandonemos una CONDUCTA destructiva a que quiera que  cambiemos lo que SOMOS.

2. Nunca llegó a confiar en él y por eso le disparó antes de preguntar y lo selló. Por eso cayeron tan fácil en la trampa de Naraku.

De hecho ambos fueron primero dispara y pregunta después ( Ah! No. Más bien fue pregunta jamás)



neelixo (Chapter 25) - Sat 04 Mar 2023

Kikyo is still by far the worst. 

Honeyque (Chapter 25) - Sat 04 Mar 2023

That witch should have stayed dead! Those poor children and brain washed Inuyasha. I hope Kagome can get those kids before more damage is done. Stay safe.

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