OMG I laugh so hard at these long as I have been reading fanfiction, I have run into each and everyone of these type of stories. Great job!! I would love to see one, where the author uses too many Japense words. I have read some stories where it moves between Japanese and English so much it becomes confusing!
Keep up the great work!
and to think, I recognized a few men my friends have dated, and one just recently divorced. I have to have them read this!
Sidhe (Chapter 17) - Mon 10 Aug 2009
This series has been wonderfully, refreshingly honest to reality…everything from the many author’s failings, to the failing of the characters themselves. No one is perfect, not even Mr. Perfect Himself and it is amazing to see him portrayed in such a way. I have to say that this chapter has to be my very favorite amongst quite a few highly entertaining others. I’ve always hated to see Kagome climb into bed with a man who did not care for her, simply because he has a pretty face and she is certain she can reform him. I’ve always thought she was much smarter than that. My own biggest pet peeve in the Sess/Kag fandom is the many times he is portrayed as a heartless bastard who feels that emotions make him weak. How is it possible then, that he falls every time? It is not the emotions that make one weak, it is the failure to own up to those emotions that DOES.
Please keep up the wonderful work! - Sidhe
Tana_san (Chapter 17) - Mon 10 Aug 2009
Bravo! Bravo!(imagine this one clapping) This is an excellent example of something I totally agree with you on. I think this says it all and I am more than happy that Kagome had the guts to stand up and admit,loud enough for all to hear, her distaste for what he represents. And Kagome giving her virginity up so easily to known "playboy" is something I've seen written many times as if he could actually dissuade her morals that she has kept for so long so easily. Now that is hard for me to accept and another is that her body betrayed her mind and heart. But the response to this is, "it's only fanfiction".... JEN
krazyrunya (Chapter 16) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
pretty funny... and this last chapter was pretty boring...
This story is hilarious! But the sad thing is that you can find a lot of authors that does these mistakes and a lot of them. Please do txt-speaking soon!
Chie (Chapter 6) - Wed 05 Aug 2009
I swear, this one is the funniest yet: "the person has no pride in their work, is ignorant about grammar, spelling, punctuation, ect" ...I assume the slip was unintended, and thus amusing.
In any case, I congratulate you. This project of yours seems a good way to vent all the things about the fanfic authors and the fandom that frustrate you and many others.
Good job. :3
- Chie
I don't know why I found this so funny, but I cried. This is so true! Why would we read a fanfiction if we didn't know the basic story line...? Anyway, great example once again!
Actually, the whole underlining thing is an error when you upload some stories on But yea...the whole thing is annoying. This was a fun chapter either way it goes.
You're not perfect????? OMG! This comes as such a shock to me! I've just gotten caught up and, girl, this is great. You've hit a number of author iniquities that drive me crazy. Yeah, not a long trip. I especially loved Chapter 4, confusing wither for writhe is a pet peeve. My mind is incapable of substituting the one for the other because I get this picture in my brain of her withering like an autumn leaf as he makes love to her. Cracks me up every time. It certainly doesn't make for a long-time love affair. And the author replies were choice. If they are at the end of the chapter, then you can at least skip them. Another thing is apologizing for short chapters. I've discovered that chapters tend to make their own length. I figure that readers are lucky when a writer manages to get something written - at all! What makes me wince is when the story has been beta'd and is STILL full of errors! I know that a good proofreader will still miss errors, even me, with my anal retentive OCD, but some of these betas seem to have just read the story. I shudder at how the story was BEFORE it was proofed. Keep it going, these are things that all writers should be aware of.
You're not perfect????? OMG! This comes as such a shock to me! I've just gotten caught up and, girl, this is great. You've hit a number of author iniquities that drive me crazy. Yeah, not a long trip. I especially loved Chapter 4, confusing wither for writhe is a pet peeve. My mind is incapable of substituting the one for the other because I get this picture in my brain of her withering like an autumn leaf as he makes love to her. Cracks me up every time. It certainly doesn't make for a long-time love affair. And the author replies were choice. If they are at the end of the chapter, then you can at least skip them. Another thing is apologizing for short chapters. I've discovered that chapters tend to make their own length. I figure that readers are lucky when a writer manages to get something written - at all! What makes me wince is when the story has been beta'd and is STILL full of errors! I know that a good proofreader will still miss errors, even me, with my anal retentive OCD, but some of these betas seem to have just read the story. I shudder at how the story was BEFORE it was proofed. Keep it going, these are things that all writers should be aware of.
Oh my god, I was dying when I read the profanity chapter! Now, I'll throw in some choice cuss words every now and then, but it can get a little ridiculous some times. You certainly hit the nail on the head with that one-shot. The way Kagome and Sesshoumaru were still yelling at each other in the end, I was laughing SO HARD!
Sarcastic as this collection of one-shots may be, they are funny because they are absolutely true. I give you major props for your wit and commentary on the quality of today's fanfiction (the future of which I have shuddered about on many occasions). Keep up the good work and keep making me laugh!
What an amazing & entertaining read this was!! I just had to tell you how much I loved it and that everything you pointed out is SO TRUE!
Thank you for writing this!!
Wow, I never thought about it that way. That's so true!
Wow, I never thought about it that way. That's so true!
Lilith (Chapter 13) - Tue 28 Jul 2009
o.o Bwhahahahhahaahahahhahahahahahahahaah!! lmfao! that was great! I love the cursing and yelling!! It was so out of place for Sess! lol. I loved it!
Man, I hate it when people use every cuss word known to man to show anger. Haven't they heard of exclamiation points and caps lock? Bah.
How can I get a notification when you update? I am new to this site and would love to keep up with all of your stories.
Great job once again!
Zoku (Chapter 13) - Mon 27 Jul 2009
I vote for using the phrase "raising awareness among authors".
This collection is one of the funniest things that I have ever read!! I am currently working on my own story, which i have yet to post, and this has been a great way to avoid fanfiction faux pas for sure!. Keep posting more please, please, please!
Haha, I love all of these, especially this one. So many strange things that started as someones wierd idea have become "normal" in inuyasha fanfiction (like mates, mating marks, kagome running off crying when you figure she would be pissed off..)
You're doing a great job of portraying all of the really irritating actions and mistakes many authors are using now a days.
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