Ialso refuse to read song fics. I was thrilled to see you mock them. I saw a new one the other day that annoyed me, though. The fic was written in present tense- "She walks to the computer and turns it on. The she says..." You get the picture. The fic had potential, which was the saddest part. Why did they have to kill it by defying an age old literary rule? Some rules aren't meant to be broken.
Tilayha (Chapter 24) - Tue 15 Sep 2009
How do you manage to write a really good one when I have a bad day? This is the second or third time I have come home grumpy and you make me laugh til my belly hurts! What song is that? I really need to hear the original!!!!!!
Oh! My! God! I haven't heard the song "Titties and Beer" in song long! This truly was a great song to use for this chapter, and yeah I know what you mean about song-fics. They really are so frustrating, and like you I just can't stand to read them!
Nysrina (Chapter 23) - Tue 15 Sep 2009
I think authors who are not native English speakers tend to put in more effort in making sure that their stories are clear. That, or perhaps a lot of fanfic authors tend to upload the first draft of their stories without thorough and critical checking. Heh. But this is just my opinion.
Wow. I did not even bother to read that it was so horrible. Nice example!
Tilayha (Chapter 23) - Fri 11 Sep 2009
LOL I have read a few stories like this, and always wonder if the author even knows how to use thier spell checker or if they even know how to adjust the spell checker to check grammar.
I wish I wasn't too much of a chicken to say some thing in a review or IM. That is why I worship my beta. I do not think my story would have done so well had it not been for Elegant Paws, Ivy or Sesshlove219. I think EVERYONE should have a beta, no matter how well they write.
Well done and I hope I am at least one of the five you wanted!!!
me be very happy...the chapter is being very fun...please do updating very soon because i'm be eager and do not wanting to wait for the chapter after the chapter that i have read just now
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
Aw, darn it!! I was so hoping you were going to call it the "Scared Tree" like I've seen in sooooooo many other fics. That poor tree, I guess I'd be scared too if so many people mangled my name, or my role, LOL! This was a good one, though... I, too have often wondered if the negatives counted toward an update from those who felt they needed them. Thanks for the laugh!!! :D ~~Wiccan~~
Haha, this was a great example. How sad it is that so many Americans go through years of schooling just to have grammer like that. And people wonder why America is being pushed down the "Smartest Countries" list quicker every year.
I have an idea if you have a chance. There are so many stories, especially High School stories, that are so specific in detail that every chapter can be thousands of words. Describing every piece of clothing a person is wearing, what kind of make-up, what they did with their hair...ugh it is so irritating. Then, to make it worse, it is usually those authors that put EVERY CLASS PERIOD in EVERY chapter, with EVERY conversation possible in each one. It is insanity.
Anyway, I am not sure how you would show that one in a drabble, but it is becoming such a frequent problem it would be nice for it to be addressed.
Great job again!
Louie (Chapter 12) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Actually, that's quite common for me. But I do see where your coming from. It would be sad to have the 'great and mighty taiyoukai or daiyoukai (still haven't figured that one out.....) to be afflicted with schitzophrenia or any other form of mental disorder'. Luckily mine is a self-imposed thing *sigh* I would get rid of them, but sometimes they make such damn good points. Pity. .....Plus I made the mistake of naming them. It would be so hard to do now. I'd feel like a murderer. How could I bring myself to kill Gertrude? Or Gwenevieve? Steve certainly doesn't deserve such a fate.
I just had to review. Normally, you just fix the errors with your eyes as your reading, but with something like this. It is near impossible. I know, I failed at my attempt at doing it. I don't even remember what it was about. 0.o lol
Reila (Chapter 23) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
Main Crick (Chapter 23) - Tue 08 Sep 2009
somehow i've read too much of the non-grammar. It's certainly confusing.
Have you thought of one about punctiation? -if there's one already, forgive me; I'm very forgetful.
In case you ever run out of ideas, you should try just searching IY fics at qizilla.com
The very name says it, it's a page for quizzes like "What color should your room be?" and it's more than obvious what kind of authors post there.
I always wondered myself if negative reviews went towards that as well and the rebel in me never comments when I see that at the bottom of a story. I've never liked being told what to do. LOL Think it started in the womb. Also, if the first paragraph makes me cringe reading it due to the grammar or tense changes, I tend to go off to find another story. That's why beta readers are wonderful things to use. But that's my two cents. :D Another great parody. :D Bravo!
hah! Seen it! you used a smart word. Usually, we never have the honor of seeing such words as 'barter' in this kind of... erm... may I avoid calling it a fic? thanks.
I feel a tad frustrated with the current level of writings lately... (I'm not talking about you, you're always awesome :D ). I hope it's only because the good ones are not back from vacation yet...
Dewa mata
krazy4fluffy (Chapter 22) - Sun 06 Sep 2009
keep updatin!! XD this crack me up lol
Genocide of the unfaithful (Chapter 22) - Fri 04 Sep 2009
OMFG u got them all. all the things that annoy me in stories, i mena honestly if someone has a consious u would think that it would always be there. im like brain dead at the moment lol.
Redundancy makes my head hurt. If I see it, I walk away. LOL
Tilayha (Chapter 21) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
I have never read a story that bad with the texting vocab. But I have used it in my story when Kags and Sessh are actually texting each other.
You are right though, it deffinately messes with the flow of the chapter when mixing text type and normal words.
Excellent example!!!!
so you have officially hit what is, in my opinion, the single most annoying bad habit writers today have. People, text speak is for texting not for your fanfictions. Take the time to write full words and sentences, everyone will appreciate it!
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