Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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Sessh (Chapter 27) - Sun 29 Jul 2012

I needs more chapters! @.@
Thanks for the great work! 

Tori (Chapter 27) - Fri 27 Jul 2012

First of all, let me tell you what an amazing author you are. Your writing is absolutely amazing. You told us from the start what you were trying to accomplish and you've done it so well. Every emotion you were aiming for was nailed perfectly. Now, I'm not one to read Dark/Angsty fics, but I could not stop reading. It's so twisted that I HAVE to keep reading. And this is coming from a person who adores happy ending, light-hearted fics.

And there were plenty of scenes that made me cringe. Especially the urinating. I was eating when I read that (wasn't pretty). The only thing I don't see in this fic is any possible way for Kagome to love Sesshomaru. There is no possible way she can love him for that. Forgiveness is one thing, but love? Not after all of that. None, Nada, Zip. I don't know how you plan on doing that. Any way you do it will seem like Stockholm Syndrome taking effect. Kagome is a prisoner no matter which way I look at it. He rewards her, holds her down with a child, promises not to harm her again, regrets his treatment of her only after he's done so much irreversible damage. Sure Kagome is forgiving, but there is no possible way she can love him after that. You cannot love your rapist and be rational. 

If you get Kagome to love him in a somehow plausible way, you are even more amazing that I thought. I just don't see any type of love coming from this, even if centuries go by. I know you said it would be a very long road, but I don't see it happening even after that.

Well anyway, I'm looking forward to the next installment! (P.S. I made an account just to leave a review lols)

nolongeractive (Chapter 27) - Thu 26 Jul 2012

So I read this, start to finish, in two sittings - and it was only interrupted because I had to go to school. And even in school, I drew several pieces of fanart while trying - trying - to pay attention but really just thinking about this.


Wonderful, WONDERFUL character development. I can not wait for the next installment. I will post pics later of the fanart(s) that I did!


Mary (Chapter 27) - Thu 26 Jul 2012

Well, I must tell you, I've grown fond for this story! I have to admit halfway through I really grew tired of this 'sick-possessive' Sesshomaru that did nothing but rape Kagome and claim her his, while she'd cry herself to death and be a complete mess, but you managed to give it a subtle twist and before I knew it I felt Sesshomaru's chance coming unnoticed, and I must congratulate you for that from the bottom of my heart! The thing that I appreciate the most, and what I think makes a great SessKag fic is the fact that the writter has to manage to make the readers believe that Sesshomaru has changed, and not just throw us a situation where he suddenly finds himself attracted to Kagome, but we get to see where he comes from, and make it possible, understanding who he is. So I must say that you've got me completely hung up here, and I'll be looking forward updates! And a little question, didn't Kikyo and InuYasha already know that Kagura now served to Sesshomaru? Wasn't she the one that went looking for them when Sesshomaru summoned them the first time? Or am I just hallucinating a whole new part of that chapter, and she only met Shippo? xD

Aya (Chapter 1) - Wed 25 Jul 2012

I like the story idea but...I have to say, that I am disappointed in Sesshoumaru. I'm sorry but while the idea is good, I don't think he'd do ANY of that to Kagome, I think he wouldn't exactly enjoy having her around, but I don't think he's go out of his way to openly hurt her, defile her, and think that he can break her. And I'm more disappointed that anyone thinks Kagome could love him after that. Or if not she would get stockholm syndrom, which is not love, it is an obsession which is just as sick as the captor. I am very sad because I was eager to read this fiction, but will not now if most of these chapters are just him abusing her to try and break her. I could see Naraku doing these sort of things, not Lord Sesshoumaru...he has far too much honor to force someone to do that, I will TRY to read this fiction and just skip over the rape scenes...but I will hope for more of your other story, Choices and Consequences, for that is how I believe Sesshoumaru would act with Kagome. But this is my PERSONAL opinion, as is this work of fiction.

Mira (Chapter 27) - Tue 24 Jul 2012

I've never read a better story~ I've read all sorts of fanfics and books, but your story truly has me hooked! I joined DOKUGA just so I could review! I can't wait to read more of your story and I support you all the way! Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful story! You're truly a master writer.

Purr-the-inu (Chapter 26) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

nyaaaaaaaaaaa i cried at the end what a sweet thing to say

Sunset Love (Chapter 27) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

Poor Kagome I cant hep but wonder if she will die before she trusts and loves Sesshoumaru. I cant wait for the next chapter. When can I epect it? So everyone is trying to convince that kagome that sesshoumaru cares for her, also I cant wait to find out what happens with Kagura.

Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 27) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

I really like this story, usually i go for really romantic not at all angsty type of stories but this is really interesting and I actually could imagine sesshomaru being a monster, at least initially. Please update soon! this was a great chapter and i can't wait for more:)

Maracuya-Chan (Chapter 14) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

well damn! I loved her speech at the end! Go Kagome! I hope she really really gets sesshomaru good and that he hurts very very badly. 

Michelle (Chapter 27) - Fri 20 Jul 2012

awsomesome.story cant wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smcandy (Chapter 27) - Wed 18 Jul 2012


Another outstanding chapter I do wanna see more develops and I am willing to suggest and help for anything in future chapters down the road if you wanna hear it.


While at the same time I got some questions of my own to ask for what’s to come of this story:


Q#1 Will Kagome take her time forgiving and loving Sesshomaru back? He just began to realize now how wrong in few ways he as when he took her forcibly as his mate?  Or will she continue to hate him I think in realistic standing she wanna have some time away from him though, so that she clear her head more and decide if she can forgive him?

Q#2 Will Kagome see her family again back in the present time? How many months has passed since got pregnant I lost track. Will Seshsomaru accompany her since I am sure he might become curious about her world and era? I also assume that the children they have will either  accompany them since I think Kagome wanna to tell her family that they have additions or will Kagome and Sesshomaru have them stay back in the senjoku Jidai?


Q#3 Will Kagome tell her family about what has happened with her and will they come to except it or will they give Sesshomaru their own verbal beating or something despite the fact the families human? I assume they’ll not be happy with the news of Kagome currant situation.


Q#4 Will kagome and company  forgive Inuyasha instead of forver holing hate towards him for his mistake? and will Kikyo still harbor negative feelings with Kagome or will they come to be more tolerant of another like they did eventually in the anime and manga versions?

Q#5 Will any other daiyokai or yokai try and take Kagome as their own when they see she is Breeder and can produce full blood yokai offspring or will most opposing yokai try and continually attack her and her children and friends?


Q#6 Does Kaomge still have her miko powers? or are they gonna diminish over time? or will she become more powerful than kikyo’s Since they have been seal partly in both the anime and manga version? I  assume t she’ll become at full power sooner or later.


Q#7 Just how many pups is Kagome’s gonna have Sesshomaru? And will they be all males or will there be a few females? Will any be more like one or both sides of their parents in features and personality or something? Or will any take more on some of Kagome appearance of hair color and eyes ect?


Q#8 Besides Seshsomaru domain  and the subject admired and respecting her will kagome become more respected and have more enemies, friend or allies? I assume she become feared by many opposing parties? This can also be related to the end of question five as well if that is the case?


Q# 9 - Will Inuysha get to see his nieces and nephews or will they grow to resent/despise him as his half-brother did and kagome or will they become somewhat indifferent towards him or think of him as part of the pack you know family at all?


Foofafie (Chapter 27) - Tue 17 Jul 2012

love it keep going and many thanks for not taking it down

waterwomen1414 (Chapter 1) - Mon 16 Jul 2012

i absulutly love your storie though i only read it because i was going though the pictures and one picture she said that it was for your storie and because it gave enough imagery that she could dipict a picture from it i read it abd i am happy to say i LOVE it cant wait for your next chapter

thanks Waterwomen1414

amanda (Chapter 27) - Mon 16 Jul 2012

please tell me kagura that stincking hoe dies pleaseeeee. oh and i love this chap

Shezsnap (Chapter 27) - Sun 15 Jul 2012

I reread this story all over again. It makes me so sad ): I can't wait until Sesshoumaru has atoned for his horrible sins on Kagome! I hope she finds true happiness as well. Please update soon! I'm DIEING to know what happens next at the gathering!!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 27) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

Yay, an update! I can't wait to find out how kagura will strike and what Sesshoumaru will do about it! I hope you update again and soon!

Mysteria Connors (Chapter 27) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

Please tell me at some point Sesshomaru is going to get the kick in the ass he so richly deserves! Dont get me I love Fluffykins but I can so empathize with Kagome and what he is doing so wrong on many levels I dont care what era its in. Loved the chapter, hope you update again soon.

randomfan17 (Chapter 27) - Thu 12 Jul 2012

Yah! Your still here! Thank you! I wish there was some type of impartial marital counselor in the Feudal Era that could help those two out because they need it  badly. Poor stupid Kagura, gonna get killed trying to kill, ironic. Can't wat to see what comes next and that you stay here!

aiko (Chapter 27) - Thu 12 Jul 2012

dear  texanlady....

a big thanks for the awesome update... loved every word...  i still can't see kagome every forgiving sesshomaru... he's soooo  stubborn ... but i would love to know what kagura has planed ... *big hopful eyes make*


thanks again for the hard work...

salute,  maple86/aiko

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