It took me a little longer to get this reivew to you, than I would have liked. I saw the update last night, and got all squeely with delight... my poor hubs wont be able to hear out of his left ear for a week. lol Anyhoo, I wanted to reread it all so I could be caught up to date. I know Sessho didn't make an appearance in this chapter, but I think the way the plot turned out, any Sessho material might have just been needless filler. It was better this way. I can't wait to see how the exchange with K/S will go, once she has the medicine for him (assuming she gets that far.... that Sessho keeps popping up like little bunnies.) I figure, he may take the offered antidote one of two ways - either he'll be moved by her efforts to help him or he'll believe it as her way of taking care of a problem, and be hurt by her efforts. You just never know with those two crazy kids. I really hope your muse will start working full time on this story - its hands down one of my all time fave stories. Looking forward to more! :)
Loving this. Inu's an asshole and really like the fact that you didn't rush their relationship. It's good see that sex hasn't made them like addicted to each other like most story and that addiction turns into insta-love. It's really annoying and spoils the story a lot of times. I can't wait to see the journey Kago takes to bring everyone together.
pauly (Chapter 5) - Sun 11 Jul 2010
WOW!!!! This is a great story and I really don't mind typos, I like your writing style and I think your plot is awesome. Please update soon. ;)
Sala (Chapter 5) - Sun 11 Jul 2010
Ah, ha! An update!
Amy (Chapter 4) - Sat 15 May 2010
jessica (Chapter 1) - Thu 22 Apr 2010
i love your storie it is so sick in a good way.
Woooow! I can't wait for more. Very hot! Great plot.
MidnightSTar (Chapter 4) - Thu 14 Jan 2010
Very well done.....can't wait until the next chapter! Love the story and the way it's going. Keep writing!
Marissa (Chapter 4) - Thu 14 Jan 2010
All I have to say is update like now!! OMG this story has to be one of my favorites, even when it was originally a oneshot. I found it to be wonderfully romantic but I'm writing this review with tears in my eyes because I feel Sesshoumaru and Kagome's pain. Plus I would like another lemon in the next chapter for them. I mean that is what it is all about, anyway, to get Sesshoumaru with his shirt off and with Kagome, of course.
Wow. I love your story please update soon.
OH! and i forgot to mention i adored how Sesshy remembered Kagome's gentle touch to his cheek to comfort him, one of my favorite things about their relationship in your story X3
Lovely chapter! I liked that we saw a little into Sesshy's home life, always brings a good natural life feel to everything going on ^-^
You still had some moments of gender confusion and a few instances with misarranged words and phrases that were doubled. Nothing terrible, but still things to look out for. I know that soemtimes that things are missed when editting, that is usually because you brain knows the content and so it will skip through things and your brain will tell you what it is meant to say regardless of what it actually says. Also because in general our brains will interpret what something is meant to say in terms of small words and such, so even readers won't always notice it when they appear. Haha. My best advice is to tell you to read it to yourself out loud. Your brain should pick up on the mistakes far better when you are speaking it as well as reading. That how i do the final edits for my stoires. ^-^
I also enjoyed that we were able to see a bit more interaction between Sango and Kagome, their relationshop is a good grounding technique for when Kagome is kinda all over the place. In my opinion.
I can't wait to see what happens next!! and I must say, arent' we an evil author by adding lyrics to the end tricking us poor readers into thinking there is more story to soak up ;D Keep up the good work!!
awe stupid puppy! >:l he's gone and messed it all up! for someone who holds honor and duty above all he's an asshat for asking her to jsut give it up without thought. I hope when she see's him again she gives him a good slapp, one of those sango to miro red faced one's because he's basically asking her to do something he never would! dogbeast! >:l other then that i really liked this, i cant wait to see more!
Hi, just review for this story on adultfanfiction...but when I saw that you loaded here, which is one of my favorite sites. I just had to review your story I just wanted to say again, how much I am really enjoying this story. I want to say I was one of your fans that wanted you to expand on 'Stay' and I am so glad that you did. Please continue writing, I have to know what happens next. I look forward to the next updates. Hurry..please....!!
I'm so happy that this is a chpater story. It is an amazing concept and so original and well written. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Oh i love that you've made this into a chapter story, and i love how your going with this now!!!
I can't wait to see what happens next time they run into each other, and IF Kagome finds out that Sesshomaru has a concubine? I'm also looking forward to see how Inuyasha acts after his behaviour lastnight!! Thanks for the great updates its much appreciated!!
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