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Sin (Chapter 7) - Sun 18 Apr 2010

Well damn if your chapters aren't capturing and emotional! I read that last part twice and cried twice. I love the way your writing makes you feel as if you're there. As if you're actually seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling and tasting everything in your story. It's so real that I have to work to pull myself out of your story. I'm, in fact, still sniffling at the moment.

At the end, all I wanted to do was hold Sesshoumaru. I don't know how you managed to take him so completely out of character and yet still make him Sesshoumaru. It works and you have my applause.

Your dramatic telling of this story has left me- I would say speachless, but I'm still talking- absolutely awestruck. I translated the Dutch, French and Italian and I swear I was grinning like a fool. All I could think was, "AWWW!!!!!"

I am so glad you're updating everyday because I am absolutely spellbound by this work. Please keep up the amazing writing and I can't wait to read another chapter tomorrow! <3

Midnight Cat (Chapter 7) - Sun 18 Apr 2010

Okay, this was painful...

The emotions in this chapter where so raw and so strong, that I found myself clutching my heart and thinking that the pain that both Kagome, but specially Sesshomaru are experiencing runs so deep that perhaps they are too damaged already? Is there a chance that only death will liberate them from all of it? PLEASE SAY NO!

Healing must be somewhere, there's got to be some form to liberate their hearts from all that suffering!

Also, finding out that Inuaysha had died of a hear attack was beyond scary!! Please do not kill Sesshomaru with a heart attack!! Please!! It would just be too painful! I am with Kagome here, I would be terrified of having my heart ripped away if the one I loved was taken from me so soon!! I know, nothing is forever, but not so soon!! He needs to learn about joy and happiness and experience love and not just for a few days or weeks!! I couldn't stand to see him broken again!

I loved that you included closure for Tetsura! It was tender and bittersweet; and very, very touching!!

I can honestly say that I admire you; as a writer you really are amazing!!

Thank you again for sharing!



iloveprettysilverhair (Chapter 7) - Sun 18 Apr 2010

Man, this story is so incredibly powerful.  The two of them are suffering so much it's almost too painful to read, but damn if I don't get sucked in!  You are writing this so beautifully and I can't wait to read more :)

love you so much (Chapter 7) - Sun 18 Apr 2010

this story is just amazing-- YOU are amazing. Please continue your creativity!~

LaDonna (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

You have a gift. I normally just read and then be gone but I find that I have to review this story. I can't discribe what you have done with this story. There is a beauty in it that brings tears to my eyes. Sesshomeru.... I love what you have done with his character. Though he is very out of character, it works for him. I can only imagine what his past was to make him feel that way. I love this story 20 out of 10. I'm waiting with baited breath for the next chatper. I hope that Sesshomeru will finally  be able to cry instead of just sheding tears. He needs it and I think that Kagome needs it too. I will be on the look out of the next chapter. Keep it coming and lovely job. You are very gifted.


~An Adoring reader~

Sessylove219 (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

Okay, I had to go onto altavista and use the babelfish translation to see what you was there, and it was soooo sweet! Your other reviewer was right...Sesshoumaru and you are both huge romantics! This story is so great!

mikaelalucine (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

OOOOOOO!!!!!!! how sad i love this please update soon!!!!

hikari hime (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

It's been a while since I read a story here, not to mention reviewing one... but I'm soo glad I had a little time for myself, for once, and could read yours.

I was a nurse, once, in another lifetime, so I can relate to what happens when you're taking care of somebody this way, no matter what shape he is in... I didn't stop because I didn't like my job anymore, very far from it. I just didn't have a choice.

Anyway, the way you describe all the trials, and all the emotions between the two main characters is just amazing. Sesshomaru is behaving oddly, but we still don't know what he's been through, and he's like... battling between his need of a comforting presence, and his need to stay dignified and composed, as if this defined his entire being. And perhaps it does.

I really admire your good work, and hope to read from you very soon.

Dewa mata

PS: I'm sooo glad somebody said that shocking a flat line is useless... it's just getting tiresome when they (on TV) all use a defibrillator when a good 'heart massage' (however you call that in English, I'm French after all, and I don't know the medical terms in any other language) is their only hope of getting the organ beating again. Keh.  ;p

Cinne (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

Loved this chapter!<33

dayna (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

Wow. That chapter was very intense. Seeing Sessy so emotional was very heartbreaking and I was almost in tears. For him to lose so much and then sit there and wonder who he is and what he will do with his life has to be hard to deal with. But its funny that Kagome herself is going through the exact same thing. I think she became so used to being in the past that it became her real home and for her to be snatch away with being able to say goodbye had to be hard also. I believe however that they will work together and love each other and their hurt will start to heal.

On a happier note, I love what Sessy said to Kagome is the different languages. So cute. I cant wait for her to find out what it is he said, if he ever tells her that is.

Cant wait for another chapter.

Aubrey Simone (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

As nice it is that he's speaking again, I find myself paying more attention to his pain. I wonder when he will tell Kagome what happened to him, and when Kagome will let herself love again. The only thing I can see as being a problem is the fact that they are going to love each other immediately - yes, it has been months, but most of that time was spent with Sesshomaru in a coma. I can understand her being attached to him, naturally, because she cared for him and because he links her to the past, but there have to be some sort of realistic interaction between them for them to start the process of loving each other.

Despite that, though, I'm still completely hooked, and I enjoyed the interaction between them when Sesshomaru was speaking to her in different languages. Also, the emotion at the end was absolutely breathtaking, and Sesshomaru asking who he is is something that completely floored me. You're a very good writer, and your way of displaying emotion is something that inspires me to try and write them as well as you do.

Anyway, thanks for writing such a wonderful story!

Much Love,


Quiet Whisper (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

*blinks stupidly* wow...that was...just wow... I really need to see what happens next... is it tomorrow yet? lol Great job as always, this story totally has me sucked in.

snowbird (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

You had me in tears there at the end.  Also, I'm so scared he'll someday have problems with his heart.  Please don't let them fall in love only for her to lose him.  It seems he and Inuyasha eventually made peace with each other.  I'm glad. 

Yoru-101 (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

Oh. Dear. God.

I know two of those three languages, (French and Dutch) and I translated the Italian one.

They brought tears to my eyes, Seriously. Both You and Sesshoumaru are true romantics. I seriously wish a world like that existed. I really do.

Thank you very much. This chapter was a pleasure to read, and I look forward to more.

stars (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

please updata

Saide (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

*drowning in Sesshomaru's foreign words to Kagome*

I just hope Kagome realizes that. ARGH! I'm squeeling like a I was in high school again. ;___;

fatcatmom (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

Great story. Can't wait for the next chapter. Both of them have been through so much. Will Kagome get over her fear of committment to be able to help Sess?

LadySafire (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

Excellent chapter! I am so glad he and his first caregiver met.

 i am dying to know what he said to Kagome. lol

Love watching Sesshomaru progress both physically and mentally as well as Kagome. A lot of hurt  between the two of them to get through.


Saide (Chapter 7) - Sat 17 Apr 2010



I'm in tears right now...Sesshomaru is fighting with a broken heart...this is too much to bear...and yet...

I'm getting hooked to your stories.;____;

Will be waiting for the next chapter. :3


Bree (Chapter 1) - Sat 17 Apr 2010

As a cardiac nurse, I really appreciate all the technical details you're putting into your story. You make it sound as if you personally live and breathe that kind of environment everyday. That's the sign of a good author, one who makes you feel as if you are really there. Please update soon!

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