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GreyEcho (Chapter 41) - Thu 13 Jan 2011

That ought to be a fun discussion. XD

Autumn (Chapter 41) - Wed 12 Jan 2011

I can't wait to hear about the pups mother.

sara (Chapter 41) - Wed 12 Jan 2011

I´m not someone who wants to have immediately a romance between two character who just met but is this ever going to be a romance between Kagome and Sesshoumaru as this story is on their site? And now you have him already having pups and this means there is a female who is/was important enough to him that he had pups with her and I´m asking myself why I even read this story anymore. Well, at least it´s well written so good luck for it.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 41) - Wed 12 Jan 2011

silly old man! Sess probably did it b/c he needed to!

martha (Chapter 41) - Wed 12 Jan 2011

thanks for update should be interesting when they come out and ask about the "pups" mother hehe 

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 40) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

yeah... he'd better be wearing that tea!


...Sorry... still in shock over Sesshomaru having pups. O_O So wasn't expecting that. I think I've been glancing at the last chapter in shock once a day since it was posted until now just totally blanking on how to post a review after something like that. I mean... here I've been thinking this is basically a twist off the cannon story we know and here's another whole twist I wasn't expecting. And then... and then my mind keeps poking in with 'this is on DOKUGA! It's supposed to be Sess/Kag! O_o WTF?!?' and I just don't know where to go with that or what to think about how it will come about and there's just so many things I don't know...

and yes, the run-ons that flow through my mind over it after the stun wears off is WAY too much to type with any sense. *laughs*

Hopefully I've not made your brain spin as mine. ;) Thanks for writing!

GreyEcho (Chapter 40) - Sat 08 Jan 2011

>.< oooooo... Yeah I forsee Kagome getting him back.

martha (Chapter 40) - Sat 08 Jan 2011

I hope he does wear that tea and it must feel nice for her to have a break from Inu-papa talking away. Thanks

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 40) - Sat 08 Jan 2011

lmao o.o wow he's asking for it!

katlady (Chapter 40) - Sat 08 Jan 2011

:giggling  madly : you make beautful pups

I love it

:girns: your  pathetic

yep  hes  wearing that Tea

please update soon


REDWOLF (Chapter 40) - Fri 07 Jan 2011

WHEWWWWW...WEEEEE...Oh Sessssy is a daddy and that sorta leaves Kagome out in the cold unless he's just banging some body for pups. But , well, maybe, he just pulling the alpha stuff and ''im the main stud" and can father ALL pups, but, that just dont seem like Sesshoumaru. Heck, this is one fantastic story. I can't wait until you answer all these questions. Know wonder his father is needed.... This has been my favorite story from the first time I read the very first chapter or one shot. Keep up the FANTASTIC work.

Autumn (Chapter 40) - Fri 07 Jan 2011

Sesshoumaru is going to get it. I can't wait!

bug (Chapter 40) - Fri 07 Jan 2011

...Please, oh please, oh pleeeease! make his tea somehow end up in his lab... possibly with the help of his newly introduced children??? With a cherry on top?

Seijaku (Chapter 39) - Fri 07 Jan 2011

That's so cute! More! More! lol

ElweChan (Chapter 39) - Wed 05 Jan 2011

Ok i really like this story but there's just one problem. The Chapters are far too short. U write great but need to write more. a few paragraphs aren't gonna satisfy my mind much. also im having a bit of trouble following how long they have been with Sesshomaru. Has it been Weeks, Months? Try to specify more. Like i said, its great, but it has potential to be the very best and i know with your talent that u can do it! also i would like chapters just a bit sooner.

Anna (Chapter 39) - Wed 05 Jan 2011

The pure cuteness is suffocating XD Can't wait to see how this newest development will work out!

PS Drooling on your computer might damage it... be careful.

Autumn (Chapter 39) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Looks like Saitou is speechless. Update soon!

Velvet Sometimes (Chapter 39) - Tue 04 Jan 2011


*Flails in her wanting to know*

Ree you ebil Tease...

Shadowminion (Chapter 39) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

Awwww... Just... awww

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 39) - Tue 04 Jan 2011

:3 i love this but watch your AN's Wiccan's likely to come after you for convo's. though i still adore this!

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