Reviews for Healing Carefully by Caedes

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SilverInu93 (Chapter 22) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

 you sure know how to pull a tear jurker   but  with such a great loss there needs to be  a great joy also . but it waws great and i hope sesshy pups kags that would be funny to read

consuelo marquez (Chapter 21) - Mon 08 Dec 2014

its 12:57 A.M on a sundaynight/monday mornign  and i have to go to school in 4 hours ad you leave me WITH THIS?! arghhh, well...everything is great so far i have been reading your fic non-stop, so i have large hopes of reading it till the end. What i like about your story is that it is complez and very well written and detailed, but it doesnt go off on tangents like many storyies tend to do. i hpoe this doesnt happen because the chemistry between all of your characters is amazing and very real/organic, which truly makes a story great. so i love this and olease continue

carrotks (Chapter 21) - Sun 07 Dec 2014

I love this story just need some faster updates.this story has me anticipated  for the next thing

bri (Chapter 21) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

oh crap! this is going to change their realtionship...he better not make her wait or refuse her!

sesshouscat (Chapter 21) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

Omg t.t

I was hopeing to see her

and toga figt but OMG  so good 


AnimeLady04 (Chapter 21) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

oh no.......Since Kagome cannot battle Touga, wonder what they will do next.

Why can't he use Tenseiga?
Attacking the West like that is so cowardly........I hope the Queen of Cyrene gets her punishment. She could have quietly said something to Sesshomaru to ask for assistance instead of turning traitor.


Thank you so much for the update!

Debra (Chapter 21) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

This was a great chapter. Sucked that she didn't get to actually challenge Touga like they had talked about. At least they still won the battle. Poor Sesshoumaru still had so many issues that they needed to work out. Though I guess now there won't be someone who is constantly trying to order Sesshoumaru to do what he believes is best for the country. 

hope you update soon.

VivWolf (Chapter 21) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

Ittle confused... maybe it's the lack of sleep...but who is Emiko again? And how/when/why did they decide to go visit other people?


Felt like a rough transition between ch 20 to ch21. Still a well written chapter and intriguing, of course.

Please continue, can't wait for your updates. Love it!

No Uta (Chapter 21) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

Oh no. Poor Inuyasha losing both parents. I definitely did not see this coming at all. Kagome's last words ro Touga were harsh ones, how dreadful. Also I think Sesshomaru and him also had words about not want him to take Kagome as mate if I am not mistaken. Oh ver sad for everyone involved. I'm anxious to see how Sesshomaru handles this in battle. Another great chapter!  Thanks so much for the update! 




No Uta (Chapter 20) - Fri 05 Dec 2014

Hooraaaaay! YUUUUSSSSS. He took bitch. He took bitch. He took bitch. ;-) Great flippin chapter! 


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

So sad, keep it coming.

Nell (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

no I wanted her to stand up to toga but I didn't want him to die guess what are going to do but great chapter I was kinda hoping she got to fight him and get her rights to Sesshomaru by fighting but I love it I love it I love it I love it thank you for another great chapter hope you update soon your fan

NightQueen (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014


i have been so mad at Toga, but that last scene broke my heart for both brothers! I hiope Sesshoumaru doesn"t shut Kagome out, I hope he allows her to help him with defeating the East and healing the West,  Hopefully the people of the West will really realize she is one of them and will be its strength not its weakness1  My other favorite part is the growing closness between Kagome and Sesshoumaru that scene when she asks him what he needs and he really just needs her closness he needs her as a mate! my heart filled with happiness. I look forward to your next chapter. thanks for being a great storyteller!!! 

Sakura23 (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

I love your stories and your writing style, even as I sit here crying out "NO" for Toga and Izayoi. 

SilverInu93 (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

aww just went it was getting interesting  with inutaisho


xoMIA ;) (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

Well that was depressing and quick....

Kahdejus (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

Awww though he was kind of a bastard I still liked him. :(  Well can't wait for the next update.

Christina (Chapter 21) - Thu 04 Dec 2014

Such a sad chapter. Now they will never know what his father would have done. Well I guess Kagome no longer has to battle, but I forsee a fight with Sess. 

Tana_san (Chapter 20) - Wed 03 Dec 2014

Totally hot!!! It's truly freezing here and I'm so hot and sweaty because of this. Very intense and it's so great that Kagome never gave up her house in the human realm!

I liked how Kagome is finding answers and showing her anger and dominating a situation when it calls for it. Kagura ever being 'nice' to Kagome is interesting. You're doing a great job. I totally love this!  JEN

Kahdejus (Chapter 20) - Wed 03 Dec 2014

Haha yes finally lol. Also I think I love scary Kagome. (^.^)

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