I actually have an open challenge over at one of my Inuyasha LJ prompt sites, Unsung Heros. It has 100 prompts

. The only thing is, to qualify for that site the prompts have to be in the POV of a minor character; not allowed POVs are Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru, Kikyou, Naraku, Kagura, Kouga, Sango and Miroku.
It's technically for a drabble collection, but I honestly have no problems with it being a chaptered story instead. And if you wanna use the prompts but not follow the rules, ie the POV, simply don't post the finished links on the site or claim the banners.
I have no problem if you wanna just use the prompts and not actually do the challenge itself

. 100 prompts are a 100 prompts

Epic Drabble Challenge Link is completely work safe.