LOL, nicely said. I actually think my earlier stuff for Sess/Kag was alot better than the stuff I write now, barring my newest stint into TMNT. Love that show. Turtle Ninjas rock.
I'm less spontaneous now and more rigid and staid. It takes me longer to write anything for Sess/Kag, because it takes me longer to think about what to write for Sess/Kag.
I'm terrible and too lazy to write a chapter ficlet.
My spelling can be pretty bad too, especially when I have to spellcheck everything. It also doesn't help when the spellchecker is WRONG too.

. Stupid limited dictionaries, especially when you know YOUKAI is the correct word and it's not
Yodel or
Yours or any other derivative of
I also really struggle to write non-comedies. I mean I just can't be serious. I find myself twisting something in my stories to make them humourous! Ack! I should try to be serious for seriousness's sake and write something without Kagome doing something silly that makes people laugh!
I'm terrible!
I also find myself, repeating specific phrases in all of my ficlets. Like 'she blushed' or 'her eyes were round like twin moons' or 'his golden eyes glittered like polished coins'.
I make myself cross-eyed with how many phrases I know I've repeated in a lot of my ficlets. The plots are different, but some of the narrative is the SAME!
Sometimes I do wonder what I was thinking when I wrote some stuff. It's even worse when I spend like ages re-reading and re-editing new chapters or old stuff. I have to physically pull myself away from the PC or I'll be stuck there for fifty years trying to improve something I wrote a year ago.
I'm terrible!
~ Pyre