Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
So, all of a sudden, I had the desire to know what sort of Inuyasha Fandom guilty pleasure ships my fellow Dokugasonas enjoyed.
And by that I mean the pairing that you read under a blanket, in your closet, late at night so that no one knows you actually read that sort of stuff.
My top guilty pleasure pairing has to be... AHHHH!!!! I'm blushing and glancing around furtively just thinking about it.
My number one is definitely a romantic Shippo/Kagome pairing!
I can't stop giggling.
There are only, like, five of them out there, and most of them are one sided on Shippo's part, but that doesn't make me stop dreaming up delicious scenarios where Adult!Shippo and Kagome start dating. CU or AU, it doesn't matter to me.
But don't let me melt from embarrassment at revealing one of my deepest fandom secrets.
Spill your guts!
In the words of Chitanda Eru, "I'm curious!"
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7
My guilty pleasure pairing is . . .  Miroku and Kagome
 I read this really really good fanfic on them and fell in love and also some smut stuff  buuuuuuut, now I always find myself looking for more to read.
 I think they are really cute together 
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 95
I was actually curious about the Shippo/Kagome pairing...but of course discovered that there were not that many fanfictions on that pairing. I think this pairing would be interesting. I mean...Shippo isss after all 'old' in human age. And I always thought Shippo would be HOT as a grown demon.
*nose bleed*
I'm supporting you Asami-chan!
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 52
Oddly I've never really thought of a Kagome/Shippou pairing and I've written just about every other male (Miroku, Naraku, Totosai, Myoga, etc.). I guess it's because of the mother/son relationship, that being a little off what I do sadism on.
I've been kind of working on a massive crossover story that would feature some potentially interesting pairings, including Cooler(DBZ) and Sango, Rin(As an Adult Peacemaker from Scrapped Princess) and Socom(Same), Aoshi Shinomori(Kenshin) and Mara Jade(Star Wars), Saitoh Hajime(Kenshin) and Seras Victoria(Hellsing), and maybe a couple of others. I've had this story in development for a few years but I'm not sure if I'll ever get around to writing it. It would be an S/K on this site if I ever do though.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 5
I've thought about KagomexShippo. It could be cute if done right I think but I would have to say SessKag is my ultimate guilty pleasure in terms of Inuyasha pairings. I have however at times found myself wondering about Kagome/Kouga since that guy really did try hard for her and in some sense it's cute and romantic..
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"From this year on, you know the springtime, cherry tree...
I wish you would never know the scattering of your blossoms...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Ki no Tsurayuki (872-945)
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 154
My guilty pleasure (used lightly, because I read them when I'm looking for something darker) is Naraku/Kagome and/or Sesshomaru/Naraku (with Sesshomaru dominant). I'm not usually up for the longer, darker stories. Generally, reading a few of the oneshots or shorter chaptersd stories will do it for me. Sadly, though, I find that authors are reluctant to let the story remain dark and tend to close it out with unsatisfying fluff - which I do not truely believe possible with either pairing.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
I now find myself desperate to read a Miroku/Kagome ship. That sounds brilliant! And I don't doubt there are tons more than of the Kagome/Shippo pairing.
Oh! I feel so bad!!!
Thanks for the support SSA!!
(He would totally be drop dead gorgeous.)
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 95
SuWan wrote:
I've thought about KagomexShippo. It could be cute if done right I think but I would have to say SessKag is my ultimate guilty pleasure in terms of Inuyasha pairings. I have however at times found myself wondering about Kagome/Kouga since that guy really did try hard for her and in some sense it's cute and romantic..
I swear I laughed so hard when I read "That guy really did try hard". *PUHAHAHAHAHA* Oh~ Kouga.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 156
Frankly, SessKag is enough of a guilty pleasure for me.  In general, I'm a very canon-compliant shipper.
Still, I would be open to some Miroku/Kagome.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7
Well if you guys want to read a Miroku and Kagome fanfic, there is one by Sandra E called Chasing Methuselah, idk how to do a direct link, but here is the url for it:
When I first read it I thought "hmmmmmm I like this" lol, i think it's a really good read 
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7
Ken-Desu wrote:
Well if you guys want to read a Miroku and Kagome fanfic, there is one by Sandra E called Chasing Methuselah, idk how to do a direct link, but here is the url for it:
When I first read it I thought "hmmmmmm I like this" lol, i think it's a really good read
Well never mind lol, it is a direct link, but it is rated M, which i believe is MA here so no YIMs ! *gets into mom pointing finger stance*  lol
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
Ohh!!! Yummy!
I have so many problems, and you guys are only making them worse!
Why do I suddenly feel compelled to read Koga/Kagome?
I feel like I'm being bad!
Here's to walking on the wild side!
Last Edit: 2014/10/14 12:12 By Kuro-kun.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Eh.....*raises hand* I´ll totally admit to reading the Koga/Kagome pairing (Is it wrong that I actually enjoyed the two or three Koga/Sango fics I´ve read as much or more?...I feel like a hardcore crack pairing shipper somehow...).
I´m a lot fonder of the Miroku/Kagome as an alternative to read besides S/K. "Chasing Methuselah", the fic mentioned before, actually was THE first MirKag fic I read, and it got me interested. "Iridiscent", by HalcyonMoments11 on ff dot net is another MirKag favorite of mine.
Buuuuuuuuut......my absolute guilty pleasure pairing that I totally only read sneakily....is actually the SessKagInu threesome pairing. *blush* Though I read it the first time for the PWP factor, the ones I actually enjoy more are the ones that go beyond the PWP and have them try to bond as a...."pack"? I guess?
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 5
LOL I'm glad it made ya laugh SesshomaruSecretAdmirer ....> u < Your replies are always just as endearing and I love them hahaah <3
ButI just remembered!! After reading Laia Moon's comment, I remembered once coming across an InutaishoxKagome fic. I can not for the life remember the name of it but I do remember reading it once and it was pretty nice. I know it really can't work since he's dead and all and yeah..but it was nice and an interesting read in terms in creativity!
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"From this year on, you know the springtime, cherry tree...
I wish you would never know the scattering of your blossoms...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" Ki no Tsurayuki (872-945)
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 34
For some stupid reason I haven't read any Kagome/Koga storys. I feel like an outsider 0-0
I have read KagomexNaraku fics...uuh.. I feel so dirty...
But my favorite pairing is sessxkag of course ^-^
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
NitoriNikki wrote:
For some stupid reason I haven't read any Kagome/Koga storys. I feel like an outsider 0-0
Don't feel bad! I just began reading Koga/Kagome fan fiction yesterday. It was surprisingly awesome!
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 34
Himura Asami wrote:
NitoriNikki wrote:
For some stupid reason I haven't read any Kagome/Koga storys. I feel like an outsider 0-0
Don't feel bad! I just began reading Koga/Kagome fan fiction yesterday. It was surprisingly awesome!
Ooh O.O Okay. Maybe I should too :'D
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
NitoriNikki wrote:
Himura Asami wrote:
NitoriNikki wrote:
For some stupid reason I haven't read any Kagome/Koga storys. I feel like an outsider 0-0
Don't feel bad! I just began reading Koga/Kagome fan fiction yesterday. It was surprisingly awesome!
Ooh O.O Okay. Maybe I should too :'D
You definitely should. Like I said, surprisingly awesome.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 154
Thanks for posting that collection, Walter. There were some good ones in there 
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
I have written long chapter stories for Sesshoumaru/Izayoi and Inuyasha/Rin
My guilty pleasures are Sesshoumaru/Mrs. H and Inuyasha/SessMom. Here's to you,Mrs.Robinson
Two that I love on deviant art are Sesshoumaru/Kikyou such beautiful people and Nolven's very dark, Naraku/Kagome almost makes wish that Kagome was the villain.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 33
I once read Shippo/Kagome pairing, but it seems off to me, so no, I don't read any of 'em anymore.
My guilty pleasure... Kohaku/Kagome, the one responsible for this is our dear forthright.
They're such a cute pairing.
Too bad it's not many of them, besides, I don't think just anyone can write this pairing as good as forthright.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
Kodak/Kagome? I totally have to try that now!
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 34
Himura Asami wrote:
NitoriNikki wrote:
Himura Asami wrote:
NitoriNikki wrote:
For some stupid reason I haven't read any Kagome/Koga storys. I feel like an outsider 0-0
Don't feel bad! I just began reading Koga/Kagome fan fiction yesterday. It was surprisingly awesome!
Ooh O.O Okay. Maybe I should too :'D
You definitely should. Like I said, surprisingly awesome.
Okay, I did read and what can I say.. You were right! It is awesome ^-^
I really like BankotsuxKagome too. U should try it out! "."
Last Edit: 2014/10/17 14:41 By Nitori.
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Re:Guilty Pleasure Pairings 10 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 9
NitoriNikki wrote:
Himura Asami wrote:
NitoriNikki wrote:
Himura Asami wrote:
NitoriNikki wrote:
For some stupid reason I haven't read any Kagome/Koga storys. I feel like an outsider 0-0
Don't feel bad! I just began reading Koga/Kagome fan fiction yesterday. It was surprisingly awesome!
Ooh O.O Okay. Maybe I should too :'D
You definitely should. Like I said, surprisingly awesome.
Okay, I did read and what can I say.. You were right! It is awesome ^-^
I really like BankotsuxKagome too. U should try it out! "."
Oh my gosh. Totally happening.
Also, I read that Kohaku/Kagome pairing by Forthright, Faint Heart, I think. Awesome. That woman is genius.
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