Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
This might be a bit off the wall but I was wondering, what are your reasons for shipping Kagome and Sesshoumaru?? I've been curious because a friend of mine who roleplays as Sesshoumaru says he can not see them together, but the pairing just makes more sense to me then Kagome and InuYasha does, so I was wondering what the reasons were for other people ^^ 
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 95
Of course someone who roleplays Sesshomaru would not think Kagome would be a good match....cause Sesshomaru would never think to consider Kagome too. I ship them because Rin is pure and innocent due to her age. Whereas, Kagome is old enough and exposed to all corruption...yet remains pure hearted. Just as she understands Inuyasha and brings out his good aspects...Kagome would understand Sesshomaru and find for herself his good qualities. Her character of being a strong and courageous woman is also something that would appeal Sesshomaru. Someone who is not so timid and subdued like Rin, but passionate and fiery like Kagome. Although it is the complete opposite of Sesshomaru, I believe opposites attract 
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 95
To be honest...I can keep going on about how they are the perfect fit for each other...but I'll hold back for others to share their opinion.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 9
For me it had to do with the relationship between Inuyasha and Kagome. In both the manga and anime portrayal of them I was never satisfied with their romance. As a kid when I first starting watching it at like 10 years old I was totally for it, loved Inuyasha to death. But as I got older and started to watch the series again and examine it I just couldn't see it. I understand why Kagome and him are a couple, but something about that just bores me now. Maybe its something personal that I don't like about his personality. He's a well rounded character, but then again so is Sesshomaru. I don't know,its just his past and inner workings just seem more interesting of a story than Inuyasha's, and he would definitively be the ice to Kagome's fire if they were a couple. (Firm believer in opposites attract.)
Shipping them just sates that curiosity of what could have been. I've always loved a good story and Kagome and Sesshomaru just seem like they would make a better one. I hope what I've said makes sense.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 3
Now see I was the same way, when I was 12 and got into it, -thanks to my 7 year old cousin xD- I liked the pairing, and even when I read the manga I liked InuYasha and Kagome, it just made sense. Then I read Raindrops by youkaiyume on deviantart and just...THEY made more sense to me, because I could see as Kagome grows her personality will change, but InuYasha's wont in the time she's growing up, he'll remain the same. So it makes more sense to me that as she grows and becomes more refined, he'll begin to work on her nerves, and then Sesshoumaru would come along and she'd be like 'hmmmmm....'
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 55
When I finished Inuyasha I was lamenting to my best friend, who could relate, but told me about SessKag.
I had never heard of it and never thought of it, but she had me read Fugue and yeah... I haven't looked back.
Then there was HotM, and she told me about Dokuga, and I spiraled into my OTP.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 279
I got into Inuyasha in 2004, then proceeded to read everything I could find on ff.net. I stumbled across "Unworthy One" by Vyncent and, the more I thought about it, the more Sess/Kag made sense to me. From there, I found 'A Single Spark,' and started devouring all the classics on that site. That led to a stint at being a beta for some of the most fantastic, creative, kind, gracious writers a person could meet: Vyncent, Demonlordlover, Miss Kagura, and a host of others.
For some odd reason, this fandom (and this site in particular) has attracted an amazing bunch of people... I've met some of my best online friends here, and I can't imagine what it would have been like without meeting them. Some are still here, some I'm still in touch with even though they've progressed to other fandoms, and some (and I'm not telling who yet) are even thinking about coming back to finish up some unfinished works!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 9
It really is amazing that one fictional couple, that's not even a "real" couple even in their universe, can bring together so many people But seriously I'm obsessed with imagining what if the show's main character had been Sesshomaru with Kagome still as the leading lady. Cause he's got a lot going on inside that big arrogant head of his and probably a loooooooooooooooooong past to. But then I guess where would Kagome fit into it if the show was about him and not Inuyasha and which lead to Kikyo and the jewel and then eventually Kagome's arrival in the past. But then again I have some ideas how that could have worked to.
Real hardcore Inuyasha and Kagome lovers always say were screwing with Rumiko's vision and tainting the whole concept of the story but I really don't think its that deep. Besides nothing is gonna stop me from fan girling over my OTP anytime soon. I plan to be 90 years old in a nursing home still reading Sesshomaru and Kagome fanfiction. 
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 55
The fact that we are TEASED into Sesshoumaru's past but given nothing super concrete or engrained gives this fandom so much room for character development and speculation. I love that a major natural course for this character leads to Kagome
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 76
I'm weird then. I just consider inuyasha perpetual child and beneath the notice of anyone. I watched the whole series once then dumped most of the episodes that didn't have sesshoumaru because I identify with him more.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 33
Uhm. I used to be InuKag shipper, but... my curiosity over SessKag overwhelmed me, and I indulged myself by reading Unspoiled. From there I was hooked. I can't bring myself to ship InuKag as much as I used to ever since.
Besides, Sesshomaru is my most favorite character in Inuyasha; I like it when authors write about him, even if only in so little parts. Kagome... well, I always think, even when I still have no firm understanding over the concept of love and whatnot, she deserves more than Inuyasha could offer her. I hate it when he goes back and forth between Kagome and Kikyou, and I think that was the moment when I resented him for it--I don't even hate Kikyou... However, since it seems like Inuyasha and Kagome are the main pairing, I don't even acknowledge any other potential male for her. Not even Sesshomaru, since they have so little interaction in the series.
Thanks to forthright, I discover the delight of shipping these two.
Even when I'm old and surrounded with my grandchildren, I Will still ship these two.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 38
I will always 100% ship Kagome and Inuyasha. I always felt their love was born of desperation and circumstance. After all, how can you not love the hanyou boy that fights tooth and claw to save you from others trying to kill you? But it's still terribly sweet - I always felt they were fated for one another. The site Eternal Destiny (Inu x Kag site) says it perfectly, "She was born to meet me and I was born for her". In both her incarnations they met and it's just ughhhhh. I ship them so hard sometimes it's not even funny.
I think what happened was I read other stories. I stumbled upon crossover's first [Kurama YYH x Kagome] and it spurred into this spiral of - "WHO ELSE CAN SHE BE WITH?" The fic, " The Red Hunger" [SO, SO, SO M/MA] is what really gathered the Sesshoumaru x Kagome need I have built over time.
Even still though, I get bored every now and then with them and I have to go through and read different Kagome x WhoeverFitsMyNeeds stories [Thranduil is my favorite right now]. I think it was either UB or WhisperingKage that said it but, "Kagome is the W**** of the crossover world". She literally gets paired with everyone.
So in the end - maybe I don't ship Kagome x FlavorOfTheMonth; maybe just I ship Kagome in general. I always feel like the only person with this problem because many Inuyasha writers are truly in that single pairing. Either Sesshoumaru and Kagome or Inuyasha and Kagome and they don't read or really write anything else and here I am - "OHNOOOO A NEW ANIME CAME OUT? HOW CAN I MAKE KAGOME APART OF THIS WORLD???" Lololol.
But there are so many worlds to explore Dx Like MIROKU x KAGOME. It's always beautiful.
o_e; See? I have a Kagome Shipping problem.
Despite all my nonsense though, I find it hard to pair Sesshoumaru with anyone else. Inuyasha I can give a lover if the fic is KagomexSess but if Sesshoumaru is not her lover in the story? Then he's forever single. And maybe KagxSess are a side pairing to the main pairing of Kagome and whomever else I fancy.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 109
I think its more a question of how I've grown. I actually liked the original pairing but as I grew up, I appreciated the charcter of Sesshomaru more compared to Inuyasha who seemed immature. And then, I've had a hard time going back.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 57
I actually like Kagome x Inuyasha more than Sesshy x Kagome, cause it's canon and it makes sense. They're best friends, even if Inu acts like a jackass most of the time. Plus Inu is more likely to be friendlier towards Kagome since he's half-human, while Sesshy is full youkai, he's a whole 'nother world away from Kagome. Less in common. Less likely to cross paths that kind of thing.
I only really like Sesshy x Kagome 'cause it's different, and authors like RosieB, Tallymark, and Forthright wrote about them.
Their fics are where I first learned about the pairing, but the quality of the writing was so good, I was eventually sucked into this fanon world of a 'what if' pairing.
Although I prefer Kagome with Inu, I do like her with Sesshy too. It's such a challenge to bring them together since Kagome is the Shikon Miko, a reincarnation of Kikyou, and the only person that can reunify the shikon shards.
While Sesshy is Inu's brother, heir to the Western Lands, and an arrogant stuck-up prig.
They make a good fit, plus I'm a sucker for unconventional romances.
They're really entertaining.
~ Pyre
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 7
I can go for ages of why I have them as an OTP.Just like everyone else...I used to ship inukag and KouKag.But suddenly I saw this..sesskag art and I was like "oookkaayy...why?".But after reading a few fics over deviantart(not sure which xD there was too many that I loved) I fell inlove with sesskag.Yes they seem impossible but they are also possible(if only they actually tried to make them communicate through the series).They are not "perfect" which makes it even better.Comparing to other possible Sesshomaru pairings,Kagome has the tendancy to hate Sesshomaru/Like him.But the thing I like the most is how authors could make Kagome breaks his ice (this is like the first basic reason of every sesskag shipper).But anyways,I also have a kink for Holy+Demon thing you know?,complete opposite attract that needs to fight for their love.For some reason to me it seems like a true dedication.Because you are opposites,what is worth fighting for when people disagree that you are together anyway?.Naturally both of you are supposed to hate each other but you suddenly love?.Yesss Ploott twwwiiiisssttt  .I love a good challenge.And Im also not afraid to rebel againts rules because I love to see people freak out.So~Sesskag all the way till I walk to my grave XD (never gonna ship anything else accept for these two)
Anyways to make it short,
They are like Yin and Yang,
Moon and the Sun,
Angel and Demon,
Fire and Ice.
Should I keep going? XD
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 154
Like dancingfingers, I came into the pairing via the fanfiction. When I watched the anime, I was a an InuKag shipper (I hadn't actually considered the possibilities of non-canon pairings, really). Many, many years after watching the anime, and after my reintroduction to the world of fanfic, I kept seeing SessKag fics in the Favourites lists of people who were writing and reading the ships of another anime I was reading fics for. I kept asking myself, "How could that possibly work?!?"
Eventually, curiosity—and a lack of new works for other OTPs—drew me to the Inuyasha lists. I read a couple of the top fics for both SessKag and InuKag... and the SK ones were much more satisfying.
I think I like the pairing because Sesshomaru has a lot of the characteristics that I like in a male character: quiet, disciplined, educated, takes time to think and plan, sticks to his code (but is still able to change), elegant. Inuyasha has a lot of the characteristics that I find annoying in people, generally: loud, impulsive, reckless, indecisive—probably a lot of what I think is the worst in myself (except the loud part).
Of course, I also enjoy other Kagome ships: InuPapa, Miroku, Naraku (if I need something dark), and a few others who are more obscure.
Last Edit: 2015/04/19 16:45 By mtnikolle.
Reason: Spelling
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 12
Like many of the confessions above, I saw the number of reviews and favs on classics sesskag stories, and curiosity got better of me. I picked up Inuyasha after I stopped watching it for a long time because I missed Yamaguchi-san's voice, despite Inuyasha's immaturity. Then I rediscovered Narita-san's Sesshoumaru. His voicing was awesome. It took me like 10 inukag stories and 1 sesskag story to realize that a love between Sesshoumaru and Kagome makes way more sense than the canon. I believe in opposite attracts as well.
Loving someone who is so different from you, appreciating something you've never thought you would, holding on to something you've never thought you needed, caring for someone you've never thought you would adore and treasure so much..... Oh gosh, I SHIP SESSKAG SO HARD. I'm a sucker for angst and soul-curling emotional relationship, and Sesskag allows so much for this. Oh... and sometimes I stay for the crack lol. Sesskag is a crack ship haha.
I came for the angst and crack, stay for the same thing, lol.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
I got into Inuyasha when I was in fifth grade (I'm 22 now  )and I remember staying a hardcore Kagome x Inuyasha shipper till about seventh grade, I refused to read stories that paired them with other characters  . However, something that always bothered me in InuyashaxKagome stories was that they were always the same and that Kikyo was always portrayed as a total bitch (and I actually like her). I'm talking about the Spanish fandom, by the way.
When I went back into the series more recently I wasnt all that crazy about InuKag. It seemed a little pushed together and I think the whole thing with Kikyo should've been resolved way earlier, kinda like in that Chinese drama. I still like the pairing but I'm not all hardcore about it, I actually kinda prefer them as friends.
After that I turned into a Kagome multishipper. I've read stories with her paired with everyone from the Inuyasha cast, but SessKag is the most popular Kagome pairing besides InuKag (and considering it's so fanon its amazing how popular it is), so it kinda stuck. Raindrops and Youkai Yume's fanart (and other peoples too, but specially hers) and also being friends with a hardcore SessKag shipper on deviantart were what sealed the deal for me. When I reread the manga more recently I was squealing any time they encountered each other/spoke to each other lmao.
To give some actual valid reason... I like the whole cold character-interacts-with-a-cheery-character stuff, I think there was a chance for some interesting interaction there, if it only it had been done.
I also like KogaxKagome, MirokuxKagome, NarakuxKagome and I'll give pretty much any Kagome pairing a chance. I dont really see the appeal in reading InuKag fanfiction anymore (unless it's really well written) I've already had an overdose from the manga 
Last Edit: 2015/04/19 01:02 By batidodeleche.
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Re:Shipping Question 9 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 21
My friend Zoe shipped Sesskag before I did and she got me into the pairing. At first I loved InuKag and during my first watch of Inuyasha I was more into cannon pairings, I didn't really think about fannon until I shipped Zutara. Anywho when I was partway through the series Kagome had just saved Kikyo in the lake and I was already kind of tired of the whole love triangle and didn't like to see Kagome get hurt over and over again by Inuyasha's indecisiveness.
The lake part was the final straw where I just didn't like InuKag that much as a pairing anymore. I think maybe it's because Kagome had revived Kikyo again and had acted so selflessly that Inuyasha still being torn between them and acting immature just didn't sit well with me. I then read an InuKag fanfiction where the demons were all vampires and Inuyasha acted like his usual self and rushed into a fight, getting Kagome hurt. Then Sesshoumaru entered the scene and took charge of the situation, acting more capable and smarter than his brother. I was immediately like - Huh...if he were the love interest in this story it would be allot more entertaining.
Then Zoe showed me YoukaiYume's Raindrops, and I loved it. I just really like the dynamic that authors have between SessKag whenever they write about them. Their banter is witty, and there's something more mature and deeper in a possible relationship between them than I'd ever thought about before. (My initial reaction to the pairing was the same as everyone else's - HUH? Noooo that's crazy! Who would ship that?)
Kagome is kind and thoughtful, and wants to make friends with everyone, so its not unbelievable to think she would try to understand and get to know Sesshoumaru. Kagome could bring out something softer in Sesshoumaru (just as Rin did) while still keeping him his cold and aloof self. I think Rin showed a side to Sesshoumaru that he didn't think himself capable of and a romance with Kagome would be refreshing, challenging and different for both of them. Anyway I'm so glad I found the pairing as its introduced me to some of the best fanfiction and nicest people ever ^^ (Sorry for the rant)
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