Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 53
Knight of Disorder wrote:
Does each page generate an array on load for tab layout?
Yes and no. It's the "same" array for every profile page (depending, some tabs may be missing (no favorited fanart, etc...)). But the array could change between loads (horribly low chance, but still possible).
Without tracing, I believe the cbshowtabsArray var would be out of scope if I tried using it later on. So if I go with making the tab hidden, my best bet would be to figure out where it's pulling that data from the db, and do a pull on the index to build the ID.
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 76
Mitharus wrote:
Without tracing, I believe the cbshowtabsArray var would be out of scope if I tried using it later on. So if I go with making the tab hidden, my best bet would be to figure out where it's pulling that data from the db, and do a pull on the index to build the ID.
You could just define a separate variable outside the and set the cbshowtapsArray var to that within the same load command for the page. Then call the set variable later. That might be a little brute force but it works.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
I would need to look up the codes to tell you the truth ... I my self have never build a page like this only basic stuff.... It would be up to the web master or mistress to make major changes like adding a tab for favorite fan fictions
There's one for art so why not one for stories?
As stated early on it was the admins choise at the time the web page was built
And if this is something to be considered why not put it up for a vote
I mean adding a tab will more and likely be a lot of work depending on the coding
And if it changes the web page lay out
If this is something to beconsidered why not let the fans of Dokuga decide?
Just my advice on this as I'm sure the admins are looking in to maybe adding a tab on or to not put one up
To add a tab or to not add a tab that is the question ?
But that's would be my suggestion 
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 156
Personally, I'm with Pyre and prefer how the favourites are set up here, so that only you yourself may view them.
And while I do understand the argument of browsing the favourites of a writer you like to find new stories to read, I find this a bit of a moot point as the vast majority of authors here also have an account on FF.net/AO3 where the favs/bookmarks are public anyway (or can be set as such).
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 57
Catherine Archer wrote:
I would need to look up the codes to tell you the truth ... I my self have never build a page like this only basic stuff.... It would be up to the web master or mistress to make major changes like adding a tab for favorite fan fictions
There's one for art so why not one for stories?
As stated early on it was the admins choise at the time the web page was built
And if this is something to be considered why not put it up for a vote
I mean adding a tab will more and likely be a lot of work depending on the coding
And if it changes the web page lay out
If this is something to beconsidered why not let the fans of Dokuga decide?
Just my advice on this as I'm sure the admins are looking in to maybe adding a tab on or to not put one up
To add a tab or to not add a tab that is the question ?
But that's would be my suggestion
I actually think that's supremely unfair. You've got to remember that only Mith can do this or Wiccan. Our admins have direct access to the website's base coding. I know that it's probably not an issue of practicality, or even implementing, or testing it.
It's time.
Mith and Wiccan might not mind, but they have lives too.
They're already very busy at is it with administrating for us, answering questions, running the site, and doing that kind of stuff.
If it's not a problem, that's okay, but I think we need to step back and ask Mith or Wiccan if they can do it.
Not put additional unfair pressure by voting on this or that.
It's not an awards thing for art or stories.
Web-building is time-consuming, so is coding, and that's without testing to see what goes right or wrong.
If Mith wants too, or Wiccan thinks it could be done, I believe that they should decide, not us, the users of the site.
It's a nice thought, yes, but we're not the ones that would be doing the work.
You have to remember that.
You're asking someone else, who admins without being paid, to do something in their own spare time.
A please and a thank you would be more appropriate first I think.
~ Pyre
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
I am not trying to be rude or unfair
I was just asking a question and offering a possible solution if this was a matter
Worth considering... I know what it take to build, maintain and monitor a web sight
As well as bud, maintain and monitor a group such as big as Dokuga
As a single mother who works what feel like 24 /. 7 I know what hard work is
My basic html knowledge is of no help in this but in past post there have been. Good suggestions
I just want to drop the idea of a vote as some Dokaga's may not
Want the option of a tab for the favorite fan fictions like I would.
I just find theses tabs easier for some one who may have faved a story
Dose not know about the fave link ( like me I didn't know about it)
And would like an easier way to find there favorite stories again.
I just think that if a community is as large as this one maybe
Every one should have a say in to a major change
Because it could effect the over all lay out of the we design
Which would mean more work for our admins
Whom ready work hard to maintain the sight.
I would love the extra tab for myself as sometimes I can sometimes only remember details of a fan fic
And by reading some of the other post there was a very technical conversation about how to
Possibly make it happen
And if if did happen I would write a letter of heart felt appreciation or I would would
Make something that could be auctioned off to help fund this sight
I truly appreciate what the admins are doing and I'm greatfull for the technological conversation
As it seams we have some really great mine working on answering a question as why don't we have it and
Can it be done
I did not mean to put "pressure" as you say on the admins I was simply asking another question about
The topic I created and offering a possible solutions for the admins to see if they wanted everyone's opinion
I'm sorry if you misunderstand my last post in the future I shall try to elaborate more
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
Chie wrote:
Personally, I'm with Pyre and prefer how the favourites are set up here, so that only you yourself may view them.
And while I do understand the argument of browsing the favourites of a writer you like to find new stories to read, I find this a bit of a moot point as the vast majority of authors here also have an account on FF.net/AO3 where the favs/bookmarks are public anyway (or can be set as such).
I my self do not have an account with them but I have read fan fiction there and I found the idea intresting there also another sight
One I do have. An account with that your favorite are private as fair as I can tell any way I don't visit the sight much
But the sight is called www.mediaminer.org it looks simple but I'm not sure if the storage that it would take to maintain something
Like this
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 279
One thing everyone HAS to remember:
Mitharus is the ONLY person who can make changes the the site. Period. I do not have either the technical knowledge, expertise, or time to do so.
And, quite frankly, neither does Mith... really.
He's been kind enough to donate his time to keeping the site up and running, to fixing what he can of the 'cobbled together' (I am still amazed that Miss K put it together to the point that it has survived so long) code, slapping down hijackers when they rear their ugly heads, and dealing with any hosting issues that arise. You all have to admit, we have PHENOMENAL uptime for a site like ours!
We have had the benefit of his expertise and knowledge, something that we could never have afforded to pay for... not without double the donations we receive (or more). I, for one, am extremely grateful for whatever he can do for us - to the point that I'm not about to push for extras that, quite frankly, we don't need to keep the site up.
And there you have it. My main concern, always, is to keep the site up and running, with all the current features available to our members. Would it be nice to have extras? Sure! Do I think it's reasonable at this point? Not really.
So, Catherine, while your idea is something that the guys (Mith and Knight of Disorder) have been batting around, it's not reasonable to expect that - even with a vote of the members - it can be done. It's just not something that *I* would consider important to the overall running of the site.
I'm sure Mith, DQ, and r0o would join me in expressing our thanks to those who support all our efforts and understand our limitations. We do what we do because we love the site and what it offers our members.
So, there you have it... while I'm sure everyone would like different, new features (tabs, mobile version, etc.), it's just NOT a priority.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 53
Knight of Disorder wrote:
You could just define a separate variable outside the and set the cbshowtapsArray var to that within the same load command for the page. Then call the set variable later.
Pfft... I'd like to make the page data smaller, not larger. Gee...
Catherine Archer
There's one for art so why not one for stories?
To add a tab or to not add a tab that is the question?
But that's would be my suggestion
The entire Favorite Stories/Author code was added on top of the existing 'Fanfiction' module that's used. That fanfiction module itself didn't have anything for for favorites, only a way to add/display stories. So MK wrote all the existing favorite code herself including the pages (views) to display what authors/stories you have favorited.
Adding a tab in the profile doesn't look to difficult over all. But I will not add one if I cannot come up with a good way to make it public/private. It isn't up to me to decide that the stories everyone has as favorites should automatically be known to the world. That should be up to each user and not some "because we say so" setting.
Yes, we admins can go in and see what stories everyone has as favorites, but the only way is by accessing the database directly. That's not exactly a solution that's scalable.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 57
Thanks for clarifying Wiccan.
Now that does pare it down to size.
>.>. One person rowing boat you got there Mith.
Also I agree with Wiccan. I don't see the favourites tab for stories as a priority, although I do understand the interest in it, it's really more of an additional thing, not neccessary but maybe something that might happen as Dokuga evolves.
I'd rather have a site that works.
Mediaminer just gave me headaches when I used it.
So messy.
Also, I understood what you suggested Catherine, there was no misunderstanding.
The voting thing just gave me a sinking feeling, since I know it's not up to the site users to decide. That's admin territory right there. It's a site feature thing, something an admin has to think about, decide if its appropriate, and go through the process of either implementing it or not.
That's why I thought the voting thing was inappropriate for our general Dokugans like you and me.
The suggestion was sound, yes, the discussion appropriate too, but the voting isn't in our field.
That's admin stuff there.
Out of our league.
I do apologise if I confused the issue.
I'm not a web-builder, coder, or programmer, but I do have experience in networking and server-side versus client-side setups.
It's not as simple a task as coding for this or that. It's a whole slew of planning and execution, followed by testing, and implementation.
Most sites go through weeks to months of planning before making the smallest changes, especially sites run by a database like Dokuga.
The slightest change, not done properly, can literally break a site.
It can be a management nightmare to clean up if not done properly.
Thus admin-heads needing to figure that stuff out.
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2015/05/23 20:28 By Pyre.
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
As you can say curiosity killed the cat lol
I am greatful for this sight and the ad mins have been doing at great job
@pyreite no hard feeling you made an intresting
Insight to my my question
And to Wiccan I understand what your saying and thank you for being so helpful in aswering this
@ Mithras and knight of disorder
Quick technology question for you is the platform
For www.mediaminer.org/ larger then here? I know storage size would be an issuer
For such a platform so what's the difference?
And thank you all for for answering my questions it seams we have some brilliant minds
Here on Dokuga
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 53
sesshouscat wrote:
@ Mithras and knight of disorder
Quick technology question for you is the platform
For www.mediaminer.org/ larger then here? I know storage size would be an issuer
For such a platform so what's the difference?
And thank you all for for answering my questions it seams we have some brilliant minds
Here on Dokuga
The backend code is different. Here, the backend code was designed for "generic" sites, and has some plugins being used for the Fanfiction part of it.
Storage isn't really much of an issue either (though I need to fix some stuff that didn't get restored *grumble*). What does eat up more disk space is the images, but that's expected.
And it depends on your definition of "larger." You have to remember, because Dokuga is Sesshoumaru/Kagome related only, by definition sites that allow fan fiction from a larger set are going to be, well ... larger.
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
Mitharus wrote:
The backend code is different. Here, the backend code was designed for "generic" sites, and has some plugins being used for the Fanfiction part of it.
Storage isn't really much of an issue either (though I need to fix some stuff that didn't get restored *grumble*). What does eat up more disk space is the images, but that's expected.
And it depends on your definition of "larger." You have to remember, because Dokuga is Sesshoumaru/Kagome related only, by definition sites that allow fan fiction from a larger set are going to be, well ... larger.
-M that makes since. But if an image is to large isn't why not put the image with smaller pixels
I know sometimes the pixies are to latge they take longer to load be cause if the storage and space
But I also know some times the less pixels lead to a distorted image.
Which dose not lead to desired results though right? Or are we talking about the over. All image of
The webpage lay out ?  sorry for so may questions I'm just a bit confused still
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 53
sesshouscat wrote:
that makes since. But if an image is to large isn't why not put the image with smaller pixels
I know sometimes the pixies are to latge they take longer to load be cause if the storage and space
But I also know some times the less pixels lead to a distorted image.
Which dose not lead to desired results though right? Or are we talking about the over. All image of
The webpage lay out ? sorry for so may questions I'm just a bit confused still
No, I'm only counting the user uploaded images in the Fanart section.
Overall, the user uploaded images are only using around 5.5GB of space (including the thumbnails generated). We do limit the size that can be uploaded (~2MB), and at least one person hit an internal memory limit, even though the size was under the size limitation, when generating thumbnails that was increased.
Disk space usage wise though, we aren't even close to anything that would cause an issue yet.
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
Mitharus wrote:
No, I'm only counting the user uploaded images in the Fanart section.
Overall, the user uploaded images are only using around 5.5GB of space (including the thumbnails generated). We do limit the size that can be uploaded (~2MB), and at least one person hit an internal memory limit, even though the size was under the size limitation, when generating thumbnails that was increased.
Disk space usage wise though, we aren't even close to anything that would cause an issue yet.
-M well that's good to know lol
I'm just starting to learn Java script my self  I only know basic htmls so I am having to deal with storage issues now before I can get it even up right now my fan page is just a bunch of images and when I try to load them they are to big
: / I've changed the size of them but when I come to my scripting I'm drawing a blank for
Code that would work such as the one I suggested here... And I'm at a lost right now I'm sure I'll figure it out lol
My next question is this
Which is bette in creating something like Dokuga Java script or basic HTMLs?
 thank you again for your help
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 53
sesshouscat wrote:
My next question is this
Which is bette in creating something like Dokuga Java script or basic HTMLs?
thank you again for your help
Well, you could do it in complete javascript, and a basic HTML body. I'd hang myself, but hey, some people like it.
You will need to have something on the web server side though to handle specific request. PHP is what is used on Dokuga. So, for example there was a request that came in like:
Code: |
Then the server would know to display the story with the matching ID of 1. Javascript is all client (web browser) based.
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Re:Web sight idea/ question 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
That acttuly make more since now thank you for clarifying that
I appreciate all of your help
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