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New or not, let's be friends!
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TOPIC: New or not, let's be friends!
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New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
I'm new to Dokuga, and I'm already in love with this place! I'd love to meet some other forum lurkers and writers alike! So let's get to know each other, comment on this thread with what you go by, a little detail about you, and how you first got into the sess/kag fandom!

So, I go by omyouji for obvious reasons, (points to anyone who knows what that means, hello wikipedia ) and I live in good old Canada! I don't think I have an accent, but I must admit 'eh' finds it's way into about 80% of my sentences when speaking.... I'm an Account Executive that works from home for a tech firm so I can finally find time to spend on writing, which I just recently started doing again!

My first exposure to Inuyasha was way back in 2008, a friend of mine lent me the first 5 box sets and I watched them all in the span of a week, oh god was I ever hooked. Right from when I saw Sesshomaru, I fell in love with his character! Initially, I appreciated the Kagura x Sess pairing, but the second I came across Youkai Yume on dA and saw her kagxsess fan art, I converted. In 2009 I posted several stories under an alias (they were terrible in my opinion) on FF and have since loved the pairing in silence.

Now that I have time and working from home, I can get back to my favourite fandom in peace

So ok that was a lot of crapola about me, tell me about you! Where ya from? How'd you get here? What's your cat's name??
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 59
Hajimemashite! Emiko to mooshimasu! Dokuga e yokoso!

Heh, figure I'd break you in with style.

Hmmm, where to start, where to start? I am a long time lurker on Dokuga - like from the origin and Single Spark old, lol - but do mostly reading, rather than writing. I admire writers; I just don't have the patience for it. I'm Asian (mixed), Caucasian (mixed), Hawaiian and live in Hawaii. I speak Japanese as a second language fairly fluently (fairly because I sometimes forget stuff since I don't get to speak it much as of late) and can write kana, but forget about Kanji! Because Hawaii has its own creole dialect of English called "pidgin", many people say I have an accent too, however, I can't begin to explain what it sounds like, lol. It's kind of a mashup of different languages descending from the people who came to work here in the plantation fields of old, if you can imagine it. I'm an dabbler in many hobbies, so I do photography, crafts, paint, cosplay and convention going, gaming, read manga, watch anime, do outdoor sports . . . you name it, I probably tried it once. I work as a veterinarian technician by day and bartender by night. I love animals and have 2 dogs and 4 cats! Oooh, um, I guess since it's currently a common description of me by others, I am the "girl with the purple hair", haha. I love it though!

How I came to love Inuyasha and Sessh/Kag? Well, I watched Inuyasha for a very, very long time (I'm guessing around 2002? I feel so old!!). Had friends buy DVDs and trinkets from Japan for me because it was only just starting to gain popularity elsewhere. Not really sure why this anime in particular resonated so much for me, especially considering how much I read/watch, but once I saw 1 episode, I was hooked! I floated through many parings within the fandom at first. I was Inu/Kag, even Sessh/Rin (although, it kinda gave me the willies because of the parental type role I envision of Sessh with Rin). But once I found Single Spark, Sessh/Kag just made sense to me. I never looked back. I'm not anti-ship for other pairings. I just found my home here and refuse to move out, lol.

Sesshoumaru . . . I'd volunteer as tribute if he were real and the prize!!!!

But yah, that's me in a long, drawn out nutshell! Welcome and I hope you come to love Dokuga as much as I do!!! Yoroshiku! <3<3<3
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Last Edit: 2015/07/12 03:34 By Smoke Goddess.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
Hey omyouji, welcome to Dokuga!

I am also fairly new to this site as a member as well but I have been reading fics from this site for a bit longer than that. I also live in Canada, and I desperatly wish that I could have a cool accent, but I can't so that sucks. I am currently learning Japanese just because I want to go to Japan.

My friend suggested that I watch Inuyasha but I said no because I thought it would be dumb...well was I ever wrong there! As soon as I saw the first episode I was hooked. At first I was all for Inuyasha and Kagome, I read a lot of fics were they were paired together. Then I started to read fics about Sesshonmaru and Rin, which now that I think about it was really weird, I mean they are father and daughter. I read one Sesshomaru x kagome fanfic and that was it, there was no hope for me. Now I can't read about Sesshomaru going with someother woman, it just gets me mad for some reason. However I do love reading crossover stories with Kagome x random pairing, its weird.

I do not have a cat but if I did its name would be...neko, because its a really simple name and anyone that does not speak Japanese would find it to be very creative.
So that's it for me, have fun on Dokuga because it is the best site ever!!! And help me pray for a mobile app.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 279
This is an old story for our long-time members, but you new folks might find it fun...

So, how did an almost 61 yr old woman end up on a Sess/Kag site??

Short answer: It's all my daughter's fault.

She sucked me into watching Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network back in 2003. Yeah, that's a while ago, eh? (Native Michigander here, too close to Canada and too much time in the U.P. to miss picking up the "eh"!!) I got hooked on both InuYasha and Witch Hunter Robin. When we got to the end of Witch Hunter Robin (they sooooo needed to go further with that one!), I was totally dissatisfied and started Googling everything I could. Of course, I found fanfiction!! I joined a site dedicated to WHR, which might explain my name. Once I read everything I could find on my fave pairing, I started to branch out into IY/Kag fics. From there, it was a logical progression to Sess/Kag.

I found 'A Single Spark' and was so completely hooked that I quit reading other stuff. After a while, IY/Kag just bothered me, for some reason. I became friends with, and then beta-ed for, Demonlordlover in the 'Spark days. When 'Spark started having hosting issues, I became friends with Miss Kagura - and was around for the collaboration between her and Demonlordlover that became Dokuga. For the first year or so, I stayed on the fringes, content to watch it evolve and prosper, despite being heavily lobbied by Miss K to join the site as an Admin.

After over a year of being coaxed, cajoled, and otherwise pestered, I finally gave up and became an Admin. When Miss K disappeared so suddenly, I felt I owed it to her to make sure that all her hard work did not go to waste, so we (our dedicated, generous members) rallied to keep the site going. Thanks to the generosity and assistance of all our TERRIFIC members, we're still here and going strong (with the exception of minor glitches).

So, yeah. Still here, still enjoying all the many permutations our creative, imaginative, most excellent authors come up with for Sess/Kag fics!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
Dokuga ni irasahimase, Omyouji-san! Tomodachi ni narimashou! (

I'm Rinku; been here since ASSK, started watching InuYasha in 2003. I instantly shipped SxK when Sesshoumaru first appeared and a simple Google search lead me to the original Spark. I followed it here to Dokuga. Even though I was an avid reader on Spark, I never submitted a fanfiction or fanart until Dokuga started up Some of my fav authors are Rinseternalsoul, Miss_Kagura, RosieB, Forthy, MissKatt, MuteShadow and numerous others that are and aren't still active in the SxK fanfiction community They were all definitely inspirations for my writing style. I've studied Japanese for six years, did the exchange program through my school in Ottawa, Ont and provided translation. I speak French and Spanish too because that's what I'm a mix of; mi madre from Spain and mon pere from Quebec, Ontario ^.^

I'm Canadian - so we both have maple syrup for blood, eh? ^u^ I'm 25, transgender (transitioning from f-m) and a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I sincerely hope you enjoy the community here - it's one of the best fan communities I've ever seen for a noncanon pairing with fantastic admins/fans.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 60
Welcome! (I even googled omyouji as I had no idea what it was lol)

I’ve been a fan of Sesshomaru/Kagome fanfiction since I was 14, I think. I’m 24, by the bye. I was there when A Single Spark was still around and I swear I cried and fretted upon realization that it was going to be nonfunctional anymore, but luckily Dokuga was born, so here I am!

I used to read Sesshomaru/Kagome fanfiction for years, until I started writing some stories of my own. Been writing roughly three years now, and I still love doing it. The readers are very encouraging here :3 I even have a account under a different username. It’s the same stories found here. I’ve done a few drawing, too, but I am much better at writing. I even edit for a few authors. So I’m very active here!

I live in the US of A, no job as I’m disabled, but I’m independent.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 57
Welcome to the neighbourhood,

I came across Inuyasha through fanfiction, starting with Enkida's Concordia Discors, and a few others that eventually moved onto Forthy's stuff, and Tallymark's. I wasn't a huge fan of Inuyasha art since I didn't know much about it. I came across Dokuga after surfing Spark, way back when, and when Dokuga came online, I fussed for months wondering whether or not to make an account.

I officially restarted writing fanfiction for this site, taking a stab at the Sess X Kag thing without having read the manga and or watching the anime.

I've watched and read a little of both since, but not the whole series in either case.

I work in RL, am old enough to know better, and young enough to enjoy life.

If anything fanfiction and drawing are best done in the downtime between wondering what to do with the five hours before bed, and wondering what to watch during the five hours in the morning, on a day off.

~ Pyre
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Last Edit: 2015/07/13 02:01 By Pyre.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 156
Welcome, hope you enjoy it here!

I suppose I'm one of the not-so-new people here. I got into anime in general back in 2005, I think, when I befriended this girl in upper secondary school with whom I'm still very close today. She also got me into fanfiction and SessKag, and fairly soon after starting to read fics I was trying my hand at writing them myself.

I started writing in 2006, so I've been around for over nine years now. ^^; Back then of course I was over at A Single Spark, but when it closed down I made an account here on Dokuga straight away. And I've really been loving it here, it's such a fantastic site! ^__^

In real life, I'm 26 years old (for a few more months still..). I also have an accent, since I'm from Finland and English isn't my first language. Currently unemployed, which kind of sucks, but then again because of that, I have nothing but time to write...
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello I'm new to Dokuga but not to SessKag fandom.

My name is Arvie, I'm from the Philippines and I've been a fan of anime since Dragon Ball (early 90s). Uhmm...I used to write fanfictions (back in 2004) but stopped due to real life things. *le sigh* My first foray to this ship was in 2006 with ShadowWeaver's My Experiment. From then on, I never looked back. Currently, I'm into drawing fanarts inspired/or not by SessKag fanfictions in here and in
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6

Hi Emiko!! What an exotic mix! I'd love to hear what pidgin sounds like, I've never heard someone speak it before! I'm half Jamaican, and my family speaks patois, which is kind of like a mash up of slang, english and random languages, so maybe it's similar? It's amazing that you speak so many languages, I dabble in many but have mastered few I also used to see the Sessh/Rin fandoms but it gave me the heebie jeebies too, esp after the final act! Purple hair rocks!! Hajimemashite~!

Hi Misaki!! Woop woop, go Canada! I would give my first born to tour Japan for a month A friend of mine just went and I am all the jealous! I also didn't think Inuyasha would be any good when my friend showed it to me, do you watch any other anime? I find the majority of the other anime's I watch are rom coms or romantic dramas! Prayers for a mobile app are underway!!

Hi Wiccan!! LOVE IT! I remember the good old Adult Swim days on Cartoon network, many a night I stayed up until the wee hours watching their assortment of late night anime! I've never seen Witch Hunter Robin, I'm gonna have to check it out!! I went through the SAME thing with Inu/Kag, I shipped them like crazy then started to realize that their personalities just didn't mesh. Inuyasha is too whiney And we are so happy you're here as admin keeping the site and the love alive!! I'm very thankful!! What is your favourite aspect of Sess/Kag?

Hi Rinku! Heh, it's funny I find most people start with a deep burning love for sesshomaru and some way or another find Sess/Kag and the burning love turns into an inferno! RosieB is the author that inspired me to write fan fiction, all of those writers are amazing! Woop for Canadian and woop for multilingual! My boyfriend's family lives up in Ottawa, in Kanata to be exact! Huge support on the Transgender side, a good friend of mine is transitioning m-f so I see the hardships she goes through, good for you for having the courage to be true to yourself! Do you ship any other pairings?

Hi BelovedStranger! Single Spark sounds like it was a fabulous community, I wish I could have been a part of it! I would have fretted too, it's like having a lifeline cut off I'm also on, using the same pen name. FF is where I got my start in fan fiction when I was - oh god - a measly 12 years old! I find FanFiction a little more impersonal, since there's so many fandoms on there, and much prefer it here. Where did you start posting your writing? I'm happy you have your independence, a disability can be a very hard thing to overcome and to keep moving forward through it is extremely admirable!!

Hi Pyrie! You know, I have to agree on the art, I had trouble finding an appreciation for the art too. I'm very particular, so most doujinshi's lost their appeal on me. That takes skill to write without watching the whole series! You have a very imaginative mind to fill in the gaps, I love it! Is there any reason you chose not to finish the anime/manga? As someone who works in RL, I completely agree. It's great when fan fiction can accent your life and be a fun thing as opposed to a chore!

Hi Chie! I can't believe english isn't your first language! As you know, I've been reading your fic The Shikon & The Miko, your english is fabulous! The best friends are the ones that ship the same pairings It's hard to read and not get that itch to write your own, luckily with Inuyasha there's so many different storylines that can be explored, it's a writer's dream! Hey, unemployment sucks but at least you get to enjoy writing without the stress of work! I'm sure you'll find something in no time! What do you find is the best part of writing fan fiction?

Hi Arvie! Welcome to Dokuga! YES DRAGON BALL! Used to watch it every morning with my brother, he had a total obsession with krillin!! RL things always get in the way, but I'm glad you're back! If you're on FF, let's follow each other, my pen name is the same on there as it is here! Have you ever drawn doujinshi? Do you think you ever would?

Eeep! So happy to meet everyone! I'm really looking forward to continuing to spend all of my free time on this site with you all!
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 9
I am from Kanata too! lol Used to live right by Hazeldean in the old B-Wood; now I've moved towns and luckily have Dokuga since I haven't met a lot of people in my new town. I ship InuYashaxKikyou, RinxKohaku from INuYasha, HermionexDraco from HP, NarutoxSakura and now just wondering if I want to start writing for Kamisama Hajimemashita XD Haven't decided yet but its an option.
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Last Edit: 2015/07/13 12:09 By ForgottenHero-Rinku. Reason: misspell
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
Welcome to Dokuga! I'm a lurker/reader since I can't write worth beans. If I get good ideas, I pass them to my best friend and let her work her magic. Sadly, she's not into this fandom. I, however, got into Inuyasha when it first aired on cartoon network and shipped Inu x Kag but loved Sesshoumaru. I never actually paired him with anyone. One of my friends showed me and I got addicted to fanfics. The first one I read was a fic where everyone was on a TV show like Maury. As I got older, I realized Inuyasha was immature and started liking Sess even more and decided to try Sess x Kag and I never looked back.

Anyway, I'm 24, soon to be 25 since my birthday is in 10 days. In RL, I work as a massage therapist and it's fun and amazing how many people you meet and hopefully make their day a little better. I love music and playing piano and languages. I took six years of French but it's very rusty because I don't use it. Every now and then, I make it to an anime convention or two. It becomes my vacation. Lol.

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. Nice to meet you.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 156
Omyouji wrote:

Hi Chie! I can't believe english isn't your first language! As you know, I've been reading your fic The Shikon & The Miko, your english is fabulous! The best friends are the ones that ship the same pairings It's hard to read and not get that itch to write your own, luckily with Inuyasha there's so many different storylines that can be explored, it's a writer's dream! Hey, unemployment sucks but at least you get to enjoy writing without the stress of work! I'm sure you'll find something in no time! What do you find is the best part of writing fan fiction?

Well, my English wasn't as great back when I was starting out, I promise you! :DD I have since studied it at uni, though, got a fancy degree and everything. ;3 But thanks! ^^

I suppose the best part of writing fan fiction is that the sky is the limit, there are so many possibilities. I love to explore the character dynamics and the development of their relationship. It's just something I love doing for fun, and I feel fanfiction is far less intimidating than writing an original story would be. Like fanfiction can be less of a hassle, in a sense, because depending on a story you don't always have to do as much world or character building as you might with an original story.
Of course I have to admit that the reader responses warm my heart as well. After all, what good is a story if there is no audience for me to tell it to? :3
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Shikon Miko
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 60
Omyouji wrote:

Hi BelovedStranger! Single Spark sounds like it was a fabulous community, I wish I could have been a part of it! I would have fretted too, it's like having a lifeline cut off I'm also on, using the same pen name. FF is where I got my start in fan fiction when I was - oh god - a measly 12 years old! I find FanFiction a little more impersonal, since there's so many fandoms on there, and much prefer it here. Where did you start posting your writing? I'm happy you have your independence, a disability can be a very hard thing to overcome and to keep moving forward through it is extremely admirable!!

I loved A Single Spark, especially all the red formatting! Very appealing to the eyes, but I'm more than a little happy that Dokuga was able to keep A Single Spark's archives!

Where did I start posting my writing? My username is TwoHearts (lame, I know lol). I was 14 when I tried my hand at writing fanfiction for the first time at, under that username. The story was/is 'The Perfect Mate (rated MA), and...I sucked so bad ;-; It was awful! Before I abandoned it for about 7 years, I was accused of plagiarizing the amazing story 'Vying for Dominance' (also rated MA); however, it was proven that I had not. However, I realized I was not cut out to write yet, so I stopped until I gained more knowledge. Just a little history into my very first attempt at writing fanfiction. I rewrote the 4 chapters I had written at the tender age of 14, changed the title (the original title was 'Looking for the Perfect Mate'), and now it is a complete fic. I did SO much better this time at writing! And I've been going strong in my creativity ever since

I see my disability as closing a few doors while opening up others. Take my writing for example. I've always wanted to become a published author, so now that I have the free time to dedicate to writing, I was able to write an original manuscript and now I am searching for an agent to help me get into one of the bigger publishing companies. I always have this thought of 'go big or go home' Now it's just the waiting game for agents to get back to me. The search is on!
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 57
Hi Pyrie! You know, I have to agree on the art, I had trouble finding an appreciation for the art too. I'm very particular, so most doujinshi's lost their appeal on me. That takes skill to write without watching the whole series! You have a very imaginative mind to fill in the gaps, I love it! Is there any reason you chose not to finish the anime/manga? As someone who works in RL, I completely agree. It's great when fan fiction can accent your life and be a fun thing as opposed to a chore!

No reason really, as for not finishing either the anime or the manga, I just get distracted watching MLP the modern, friendship is magic one by Lauren Faust.

Or I get distracted by TMNT 2012.

Raph is my fav, so are anything red and green-eyed. XD.

Nods, fanfiction is seriously fun, but only when you really have fun writing. It can be a bit of a chore if you're suffering from writer's block.

~ Pyre
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
@Rinku, OMG i LOVE LOVE LOVE hermione and draco!! Although secretly I used to ship Harry and Draco, something about those two pairings just clicks! I just looked up Kamisama Hajimemashita and I'm so adding it to my reading list!! It looks so good

@Pfairy, like they were all on maury?? that sounds hilarious! That was my fave late night television show, I can already see Inuyasha and Sesshomaru on either side of Kagome.. "Inuyasha.. you are NOT the father" *backflips* LOL! Massage therapist, I've never met one before but I can imagine you must help a lot of people who have back or muscle pains. My dad was in an accident in 2007 and since then has to get massage therapy to help with his back pain. Have you ever cosplayed before? If so, as what?

@Chie I agree, that's definitely the best part of writing fan fiction. Have you ever written any original stories with original characters? I find it hard to really set the scene without writing too much when it's with original characters / settings / plot. Having a good balance is really important! Reviews are definitely a good reward, even if it's just one, it's nice to know someone is enjoying the fic as much as you are!

@BelovedStranger, you know what, the come back is the most important part! I did a similar deal, was writing under a different pen name from when I was (12? 13?? oh god) and my fics were TERRIBLE! But, the idea got traction and I ended up getting a lot of reviews on one of the stories. RL kicked in and I dropped writing altogether, then just in the past month or so I found that old story and decided to rewrite it with the same prompt, but a totally different course of events and I'm loving it! Oh my gosh, I wish you all the best! You have to have some serious creative juices to write your own original story! Is it also in the romance genre? Can you tell me a bit about it?

@Pyre, makes sense!! It took me years to finish Inuyasha, and I'm still not even close to finishing Naruto or Bleach.. I can't even remember where I left off with Bleach, too many fillers not enough romance *sweats* My brother LOVES TMNT, he's got posters all over his room. I agree, writers block is the worst, but the best way to get out of it is to read more fan fiction!!!
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
@Omyouji Dragon Ball and the VxB ship! Ahahah I live for that. I'm planning to do some doujinshi maybe in the future haha. :sweats:
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 156
Omyouji wrote:
@Chie I agree, that's definitely the best part of writing fan fiction. Have you ever written any original stories with original characters? I find it hard to really set the scene without writing too much when it's with original characters / settings / plot. Having a good balance is really important! Reviews are definitely a good reward, even if it's just one, it's nice to know someone is enjoying the fic as much as you are!

I agree with you, balance is definitely the key! As for feedback, it's not just the reviews, but also favs/follows on and kudos on AO3, just anything that gives indication of people having enjoyed the story. It is nice to know indeed!

I wrote some short stories before I got to fanfiction. At one point, I had this epic fantasy novel in plotting. I would start writing it, I would get stuck, after a while I would re-read everything I had written so far, decide it was all crap, and start over from a scratch. This happened like three times, and the story never really got anywhere.

I haven't really written anything original in years. I do have an idea for an original story though, but I'm finding it very hard to even start writing it. I'm telling myself I have to do research before I can really get started with it, but I think in the end that's just an excuse. For some reason, I feel very insecure about original stories, in a way I never feel about my fics. There is all this self-doubt: if anyone would even care to read it, if it's too cliché an idea, if writing fantasy is a poor choice because everyone seems to be doing it, if I can pull it off properly, etc.

So for now, I'm focusing on my fics, hoping to bulk up more writing experience.
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Last Edit: 2015/07/14 05:20 By Chie.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 2
@omyouji- I have cosplayed a few times but not often. Free time is hard to come by with my schedule so having costumes ready is difficult. I have cosplayed Hideki from Nerima Daikon Brothers and Izaya from Durarara! (Even though I know nothing about that one. XD). I did a zombie I knew nothing about as a "prop" for someone else. Lol. I have a evil/dark side version of the tooth fairy from Rise of the Guardians in progress.

Other than that, I have a list that I keep of what I would like to do one day with reference pictures and different supplies that might be good for the task. The only other cosplay I attempted,from Soul Eater and also my first, failed because it was kind last minute and I ordered some parts online and it got lost in the mail. Plus side, someone actually wanted my picture because I had an SPCA "adopt a friend" sweat shirt on.
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Last Edit: 2015/07/16 22:30 By Pfairy.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
Omyouji wrote:

Hi Misaki!! Woop woop, go Canada! I would give my first born to tour Japan for a month A friend of mine just went and I am all the jealous! I also didn't think Inuyasha would be any good when my friend showed it to me, do you watch any other anime? I find the majority of the other anime's I watch are rom coms or romantic dramas! Prayers for a mobile app are underway!!

Hey Omyouji, I too would kill to go to Japan! Yes, I do watch other anime's, I am actually rewatching Kaichou Wa Maid Sama for the 4th time, and I just finished watching Yona of the dawn, which is so amazing. I have seen a lot of different anime, from Bleach to Haikyuu to Kamigami No Asobi. Oh I also love Jpop and Kpop. Oh and Canada is doing pretty well in the pan am games! Have you been watching them? I can't go this year because I sprained my ankle and I might have broken my wrist which makes doing anything a bit hard.
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Last Edit: 2015/07/17 12:57 By kags.Sessfanforeverlife.
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Re:New or not, let's be friends! 9 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 6
@4everinbluejeans if you do write any doujinshi link me to it! Would totally be down to read it

@Chie very true, follows are my favourite, it's like knowing how big your audience is before performing a show! & I've been there, trust me. A long time ago I tried to write a romantic drama and I got caught up in the same cycle of research, write, scrap, research, write, scrap. I find with pics, the grunt work of establishing setting, character traits and imagery has been done so it's really just up to the strength of your imagination. Don't stop trying though, maybe one day you'll catch your groove and you won't be able to stop

@PFairy It's soon hard to find time to cosplay, especially when you're making your own costumes! Oh wow the dark tooth fairy will be awesome when you're done! Honestly I've done more comic cosplays than I have anime, the only anime cosplays I've done are Haruhi from Haruhi Suzumiya No Yuutsu and Officer Jenny from Pokemon. Outside of that I did Catwoman, Harley Quinn and superwoman. I find props really tough, one year I didn't have a costume so I just made a sign that said "Batman's Biggest Fan" and even just holding that was a chore!!! Best of luck with future cosplays! I'm sure they'll be a lot of fun

@Misaki Kaichou Wa Maid Sama is soon good! If you want a good one to check out, watch Kodocha or Ranma 1/2. Probably my two favourite animes aside from Inuyasha and Eureka. You know, I haven't been watching but I heard that we swept the floor in a few events! Makes me feel bad that I didn't get tickets, I think there actually might even be an arena near me.. You should go to the closing ceremony, I heard it's going to be really exciting.
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