I soooooo wish I had time to read all the goodies pouring out of peeps in response to the Dokuga_Official contests and stuff. So much goodness, so little time with all the stubborn spammers still creating about 100 accounts every 24 hours!
I am beyond pleased to announce that the site has enough to fund us through another whole YEAR!!! My deepest thanks and gratitude to all those who donated - you know who you are and you know the depth of my gratitude, on a yearly basis, right? <3 <3 <3
Mitharus and I have managed to block almost 50 IP ranges that the spammers use, but they keep coming up with more. If anyone has a problem logging in, please try again, or from home, it should work then. Yes, we've had to block a number of mobile IP ranges, but I'm really hoping it doesn't interfere too much with our valid users.
Once more, THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!