No one in my real life really knows the depth of my obsession. I hide it fairly well. Deny it? No Never!
Volunteer the info.... nahhh. So tattoos posters and the like are a no go. Now I do have a bunch of manga and movies that are hidden in my closet at my Mom's house. She keeps threatening to throw them out, but I know she loves me too much to ever do such an atrocious thing... I hope!
LOL! I intend to have a secret stash once I purchase a house and get out of this apartment living life style.My ex supported my anime lifestyle and understood my love for IY... but I don't think I ever told him I participated in fan fiction. My mother is the only soul who knows how deep my dorkiness goes.
My college friends just think I'm the normal amount of socially awkward and they attribute that to having been in the band. Guys think watching anime and playing video games is cool enough... but not when they're visiting the sorority house. Sooo....thinking back, I don't think any guy I've dated understood the depth of my passion... only my mother... and I'm the butt end of constant jokes, "Kendra in there watching that inuchacha mess." Then I rebuttal, "You weren't saying that last night when you told me to turn it up and shhh! It's getting good!" LMBO!
I like Inuyasha because it's awesome! Great character depth, some partial nudity in the totally innocent way, just enough action, great looking artwork and of course... the dark and mysterious Sesshoumaru.
Though I do have plans to don cosplay with my bff, we haven't gotten the courage to do so yet. My dad was a dungeons and dragons lord of the rings nerd... I try to be a little less dorky than him