Hey all!!!
I just wanted to let y'all know that I (your intrepid Wiccan) am kinda floating in and out. The Oxford school shooting in Michigan was relatively near my home, and I have a grandniece who was in a classroom right near where the shooting was taking place. I'm monitoring various news feeds for updates and trying to process having something this horrific happen in my little corner of the world, plus still working full time.
That said, PLEASE, be careful with your ratings, author's notes, and such. Our dear Danyealle-sama is distracted from going through the site to check for compliance and as her back-up, I'm kinda distracted too. We will GREATLY appreciate you all being the kind, upstanding, wonderful folks we know you are, and monitoring your stuff while we're off dealing with Real Life.
Thank you all so much for your ongoing kindness, consideration, and assistance, as well as all you INCREDIBLE stories!
