Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 92
Interesting question: Which, if any, story of yours do you hate? We all have one we loathed which is yours and why?
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
We just talked about this  , i have two, but museum has to be the worst for me. It feels just wrong but sometimes you just have to write.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 54
Mine would be the path we walk. My first Inuyasha story, though not my first fan fiction. I'd say the main reason I don't like it is because Sesshoumaru had no character development, no room to grow. I spent so much energy trying to keep him in character, which he was imo, that readers aren't able to see how he moves from one thing to the next. Such as going from hating Kagome to wanting to mate her.
I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 15
I'm sure they'll be others, but right now I'm the least happy with "Wicked Verse". I wish I would have named it something a little better, maybe made it chapter length with more plot instead of a one-shot that's more PWP. I think the title makes it sound like poetry or a songfic, it's not the former at all and it barely qualifies in the latter. Oh well. 
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most.
After three Im under the table, after four Im under my host.
- Dorothy Parker
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 26
For me it's my second story "Love's Inexorable Turbulence." Ugh! It's not the story I hate, but the name I gave it. I had toyed with several ideas for a title, and why I thought that was the best one, I'll never know! I HATE that title!  To this day, I don't know what I was thinking! I'm so glad I finished the story, so I never have to look at that title again!
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 39
I don't really hate or dislike anything I've posted. Now there's plenty I've written that I did dislike, but never posted! I suppose, if I have to to pick one, it would be Breaking (a Kag/Nar fic). And the only reason being, I wished I'd delved more into it.
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
I can't say I HATE anything I have written, certainly some stories are better than others though.
What I find interesting is what the readers/reviewers like!
Sometimes I think... "Everyone LIKED that? But this one is SO much better!!! How come they don't they like IT more?!?"
Obviously I have no idea what makes a story good! I am not inclined to go back and rewrite any though. I see them as markers in time and growth, something to learn from.
Nobody, I like Museum! Don't you dare touch it!
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 14
For me, it'd be the first Sess/Kag I ever penned, which also happens to be a fan favorite: "La Vie en Rose". I hate this story SO much. And people are constantly asking when I'm going to finish it. Answer: Never. I've long thought about just giving it away... *sigh*
The reason I hate it is because it IS my first attempt, and I just don't feel it's all that good. I wrote it on a lark, and was never very serious about it. And there's just something about the story that doesn't feel genuine to me. I just feel like it's amateurish and forced. Maybe I'm just too critical of my own work, I don't know.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 26
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 19
The fic of mine that I hate the most...?? Hmmm it would have to be This is my Life, Let me Live it it was my first attempt at fanfiction ever...the story just plainly sucks, i have toyed around with just deleting it but i don't have the heart to. maybe someday i'll go back thru it and fix everything.
And my wonderful Icon was made by the equally wonderful Danyealle Myst
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 10
I don't have a fic that I hate. What I am not happy with is my lemons. They never come out how I envision them and I think that is because I leave a lot of details unsaid (or unwritten, if you prefer). However, I believe that this is not an uncommon affliction among authors, and so I venture into the sea of lemonade often.
But here is a related question for authors out there.
"Which of your original characters do you dislike the most or are the hardest to actually make three dementional?"  I have idea about spelling
For me, that would be Floin in my second attempt at the chapter stories. He is the reason I have not been able to move forward with the story because I cannot get him right.
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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 25
I'm not very fond of any of mine to be honest. Then again, we are all our own worst critics.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 20
MomoDesu wrote:
I'm not very fond of any of mine to be honest. Then again, we are all our own worst critics.
I totally agree with you there. I would love the story while I'm writing, and then once its finished I hate it and I think its crap u.u''
And I honestly dont like any of the ones I wrote before the first posting of Inu Doesn't Know.
*piku piku*- the sound of blinking
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 279
MomoDesu wrote:
I'm not very fond of any of mine to be honest. Then again, we are all our own worst critics.
As a reader and lover of some of the finest that this pairing has to offer, I must interject with...
I LOVE your stuff... and so does almost everyone else I know. Silly girl!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 25
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
As a reader and lover of some of the finest that this pairing has to offer, I must interject with...
I LOVE your stuff... and so does almost everyone else I know. Silly girl!

*huggles* You are too sweet.
I think it's one of those things where I see myself improving little by little with everything that I write. I hate to look back on things I've written and see things that could be better. It makes me want to rewrite everything I've ever written since I started.
Last Edit: 2009/02/11 15:58 By MomoDesu.
Reason: Because Momo fails at BB coding.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
LC Rose wrote:
I don't really hate or dislike anything I've posted. Now there's plenty I've written that I did dislike, but never posted!
This. I've only one piece floating around out there that I am seriously sorry I ever posted, but I learned from said experience. If I'm not happy with it, it doesn't get posted. And I have a terrible inner critic liek woah.
possessed wrote:
What I find interesting is what the readers/reviewers like!
Sometimes I think... "Everyone LIKED that? But this one is SO much better!!! How come they don't they like IT more?!?" 
Obviously I have no idea what makes a story good! I am not inclined to go back and rewrite any though. I see them as markers in time and growth, something to learn from.
This, too. I'm often surprised at what people love of mine, and the stronger things I prefer that the readers just "..." on. So, obviously, I'm out of touch with what the populace wants, but fear I am a slave to the muses most of the time.
*shrug* I've also never taken down anything I've written, nor re-written it to a great extent (with one exception - Nihon Idol - when desperately needed a revision of the first few chapters in order to be finished). I can see where I started, how I've grown, which experiments worked and which didn't. It's all a learning curve, to some extent, so even if I never find an audience for my work, it's still a worthwhile endeavor 
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 11
Love knows no bounds, my first one. I very strongly dislike it.. It's in need of some serious editing.. Which needs to be done sometime soon.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: -666
"Which of your original characters do you dislike the most or are the hardest to actually make three dementional?" I have idea about spelling
I'd say the most difficult original character that I had to work with was The Dragon King. Writing someone who was so fundamentally evil, but capable of love was really a challenge. Even now I don't think he came out quite right, because a good chunk of people never really got the idea of how powerful and how scary he really was supposed to be.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 15
LuxKen27 wrote:
This, too. I'm often surprised at what people love of mine, and the stronger things I prefer that the readers just "..." on. So, obviously, I'm out of touch with what the populace wants, but fear I am a slave to the muses most of the time.
Yeah, this is so true. I think I've poured everything into a chapter and folks are like, "ZZZZZzzzzZZZZ". I guess I need to count myself among the folks who are out of touch as well.
And MomoDesu you're on crack!  I've yet to read of fic of yours I didn't like.
Last Edit: 2009/02/11 19:28 By DaiyoukaiGeisha.
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most.
After three Im under the table, after four Im under my host.
- Dorothy Parker
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 26
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 18
I dislike everything I write to a certain extent, mostly because I'm a perfectionist and am easily dissatisfied. ^_^; Though I also like most of what I write. Because I'm good at feeling two completely opposite ways about something.
(But I really, really hate Canis!)
Can't say I have any original characters that I dislike because I don't make original ones often, I like working with the cast Takahashi gave us. In a few unposted works I've got some original characters, but I rather like them. ^_^
Last Edit: 2009/02/11 22:06 By tallymark.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 39
LuxKen27 wrote:
It's all a learning curve, to some extent, so even if I never find an audience for my work, it's still a worthwhile endeavor
I have enjoyed everything of yours I've read. So you know I am in your audience, Lux, and I'm proud to say so. Even if I offered no comment at the time, I was given a good read. You have a great ability to transfer emotion through words.
tallymark wrote:
(But I really, really hate Canis!)
I LOVE THAT STORY, TALLY!!! But I can understand how you love and hate something at the same time. That doesn't mean you can stop updating it, though!!! (hint, hint) 
Muses...cannot live with them, cannot kill them.
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 216
story r0o hates that she's written?
Well in reality, i like only abotu half of them. Some of them just make me sad b/c well its not what i really want. in my mind i know i can do better, but i'm fearful of starting to update with 10k word count overly large worded crazies. Yeah you all would hate me i know it. Actually i't be easier to tell you which ones i really adore more then anything.
Really Do you know how to dance? has got to be my all time fav! i never thought id delve to deeply into the side characters, and i must say that i find it handsomely lovely to do so. I think no one ever gives a really good reason for anything beyound the featured coupling, and i find doing that beautiful. It feels like a real story, not just a fanfic. i dunno maybe i'm weird. I like a lot of my lemons too, but that's bc i'm a GMonster0o... >_> ....anyway...yeah, i also love A Woman!, A Woman's Wrath, and Betrothal.
I think its easiest though to hate our first fics b/c they are so very Novice in comparison to where we currently are when we look back. I'm not all that fond of "A new beginning" from its lack luster title, to its cliche'-ness, it makes me cringe a bit, but at the same time i realize that i was new to fanfiction writing, so i don't hold it against myself. This is probably why its been a full year since i updated that fic! i'm hoping to get it going again soon, and re-vamping as well.
As for OC/MarySue's well i think I'm going to have to go with either Kags father, Sess' Momma, or Miyako. In most every fiction i have i call Kags father something different but the version i make him out to be reminds me of Mr. Yagami [Light's dad from deathnote] i kinda like him to be big and burly, a complete contrast to Kags in all of my stories in stature, but usually they have like temperaments, but he's usually wrapped around kags fingers. Generally Hatsumomo, or Sessmomma in the majority of my stories, is what i think we would all make his mother out to be, but then i have been known to make her playful to a point!
And my only real reoccurring MarySue/OC, Miyako... well she's really it, i actually try to keep the roles in my stories basted still off of the original characters from the manga/anime...Miyako generally is tough no name taking, ass kicking female that is in some way she or form related to Kags, generally when i turn her into a demon as its what r0o likes to do. for me she kinda looks like a female Kouga only she has sky blue eyes instead of aqua/indigo. And she's inu not ookami. i've never found her role hard to write for though as she's usually somewhere between friend/mother with Kags.
okay then, i'm done ^_^
- r0o
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Re:Authors: Fiction Hating 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 9
i have to say it was my first, fanfiction for Legend of Zelda, it was so poorly written and i didn't take the time to work with it that i do these days. now it would be something i would like to rework...if i could find it.
but i am never completely happy with my work, which i blame the "Artist syndrome" that is why i do like getting reviews it lets me know that i am doing better than i thought i am. believe me i have a hard time beleiving that Heaven Hell and earth is so liked.
my most disliked OC....i have none i only really have one and she has been with me a long time so i like her.
Last Edit: 2009/02/12 08:17 By Crimson_Angel92.
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