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You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When...
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TOPIC: You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When...
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You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
I would like to thank Jupe, TangerineDream, Kazenokoi, Odango, LadySafire, Tal and Danyealle for helping make this list so very amusing. This idea was actually started in the chat room, by LadySafire (so give her lovins). Thanks for the idea, Saffie! And thank you all for helping out! Only a fraction of these were actually made up by me. Heh.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you imagine being in an office building devoted to Dokugians.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you feel the need to humilate Sesshy.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you blame r0o for Sugar0o's.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you look for sugar0'o in a store.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wish sugar0o's were real, to get you through the day.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when and when you plot to release mokomokos upon hated teachers and students.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you blame miroku for everything from late chappies to fail goodbyes/you blame the monk for any thing perverted that comes in to your mind.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you see a pie and wonder how best to get that lady over there with it without her knowing it was you.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you endlessly plot evil ways to get two people together who "don't" want to be involved.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you absently wonder how best to kill off Kagome and get Sesshy for your own... and then have to realize that they are fictional characters.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what FIREMENZ! means.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what an opo love tap is.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when your Blackberry alerts you to a chapter update each hour.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you log onto Yahoo, see Y!IM and the first thing to come to mind is minors.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you are looking through your e-mail for update alerts.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when your e-mail is filled up with Dokuga mails that are rated IMPORTANT.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you think being muted in a room by a mod is FUN, not punishment.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you forget that GM is a Car Company.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you blame r0o for everything.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you play with moko's for fun.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you blame thekatlady for starting this list.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you forget about the popcorn in the microwave and think the chat window's up.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you argue about who gets to snuggle with Sesshy.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have itchy eyes from all the "bleach".

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have a weird dream about Sesshy being attacked by wild pink bunnies.


You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have a rightous fear of bunnies.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you start looking at real rabbits and go "Stay away from me, evil plunnehs!"... and people look at you funny.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you beg for Skye's "love".

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have the glitter and sparkle herpies.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you squeak in a library when you see a sexy pic with stripes posted up in fan art.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when 'fluffy' has a whole new meaning.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know you should be doing homework, and start wishing a dog really WOULD eat your homework, preferably a big white one.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when r0o asks you why she wasnt informed of the list.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have the urge to pie fight randomly.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when marbles inspire a whole knew low for gutters.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when your words of wisdom are 'indeed', 'hn' or 'kill it'.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you don't even bat an eyelash while Skye is scolding Wicked for not paying attention. Again.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when someone mentions dungeons and people point to Saffie.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you can make and entire, understandable statement out of 'Hn'.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you're not surprised people RP as animals in a chat... because being an animal/demon is so much cooler.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what 'hn' means.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you think that 'hn' is smexy.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wonder what the mods are going to do when they find the list and how much more they add on to it.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when dog-ears seem like a fad to you.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what a Speedy Tomato is.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you find such things deviod of cloud-boats, rabid plunnies, plutonium, Spidy-kins, and moko's as strange.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what r0opants are!

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have made it on to LGP's hitlist, and even better to the top of it.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what LGP stands for.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you consider going to Bot-Con just because David Kaye *might* be there, even though you prefer not watching the anime in English.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you get even at Walter by creating potions.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you plot with your pals to kidnap David Kaye and make him talk just for you.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you [attempt to] kidnap pretty western lords.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you start eyeing old wells and wondering what would happen...

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you get everyone in chat to help you with a list.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when its fun to torture little toads.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you attempt jumping down old wells . . . and find out they are not dry.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know the Japanese word for "sit" but not much else.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you call quick drawings "drawbles".

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you frequent Dokuga chat.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you think 'Sesho' means 'doggie' in english.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when white hair is a sign of sexiness, not old age.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you obsess over grey hair.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when the words Stripper and Sess gives you chills. The good kind.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when inside jokes are actually outside.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you yell "sit" whenever you see a rosary... and then realize that perhaps yelling it out in a Catholic church probably wasn't the greatest idea.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when "Firemens" makes it into your everyday vocabulary as an actual, acceptable word. (I don't think this has happened yet, though only because I tend to be OCD)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you see actual firemen, IRL, and then run to the chat to tell everyone else about it... (this has happened on more than one occasion in my experience)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you jump into a hot spring..and it's the local fountain at the courthouse.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when a lot of this list makes perfect sense.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you hear "Sugar0o!" you duck.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when glomping is taken to skyscraper levels or is an olympic sport.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you are mega glomped when you enter chat..and need to call for Medic Sessho.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you can recognize every Dokugan artist's work by thumbnail alone.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you're looking for PJ that look like Sesshomarus clothing.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when one of the reasons you want to take Japanese is to learn it, and then watch the Japanese anime and hear Sesshy's voice and understand.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have PJ's with special Sesshy sripes on them.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you've made a moko moko.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wonder when you will be love tapped in chat.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you find saying "night" to Skye before she leaves better than any award possible.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you hand the hubby a mokomoko and ask if he'd be willing to play "Dress up."

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you Make Sesshoumaru's clothing just for "Dress up".

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you now know what biddies are, thanks to forthy.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you "borrow" Sesshomaru and Kagome for your "acting troup".

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know something about everyone in chat......and really wish you didn't at times. (... I don't get it... And really, I don't want to. XD)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you look in chat just to see who to hide from and who to glomp.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have serveral alias's to hide from Mods.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you're trying to draw Sesshoumaru as Superman.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you realise you should make another alias just in case... 'cause the Mods always know.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when your best friends are your most worthy enemys.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when the site has a permanent place in a tab on your browser.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you were there for the begining of the inside jokes.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you look foward to Doujinshi Updates.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you open your lap top and go "WTH?! I'm still in chat!!!"

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you purposely make it so you can ninja in on the chat.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you beg your favorite author to update in the next hour.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you learn that the darkside doesn't have cookies, it has bishies and you purposely go to the darkside because the pull of bishies is stronger than that of cookies.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know better then to give r0o any pocky. (we all love you, r0o. XD *huggles*)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you are part of an amazonian tribe.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you've abandoned your homework to help with this list.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have to ask people to slow it down so you can get this list pasted to a doc.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have your own costume.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you spend 300 dollars on a bow with no arrows.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you stay up at all hours of the night talking in chat.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you stalk your favorite authors and artists.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you've been warned by the Mod's not to stalk.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you're stalking the mods.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when bribery comes in the forms of cookies, bishies, and FIREMENZ art.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when Fox has made or is in the process of making you a Dokugasona.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you skip dinner just to read an updated chapter.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you become shameless color slave *cough*katlady*cough*.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you type this list just so every one else can laugh at it and add their own stuff.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know you should go to bed, but the list is just so darn cool.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when chat starts to pick on you for random stuff you've said or done.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when your new description is 'sleep deprivation and beyond'.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you've taken the tour through Dokuga Inc.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you warn every one to be safe or else....

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wonder if you can start a Dokuga Convention.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you fight over mindless things like world domination.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you call everyone by there nickname or know all their nicknames by heart and call them out in your sleep.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you change the words to "A Girl Worth Fighting For" to "A Fluff Worth Fighting For".

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you feel bad for Itsy 'cause she's the one doing all the hard work. (I feel bad for Itsy, too, but I may be slightly biased on the account that I AM Itsy. Lol)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wonder where in the world they're getting all that pie for the fight.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you help your friends plot the doom of others.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know Itsy'll be up until tomorrow night smoothing this list out before posting it. (Only a slight exageration; I'll be taking a couple five minute naps)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you cry if you see something fluffly ruined 'cause you're thinking of mokomoko.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you've named your cat Mokomoko or Sesshoumaru (I had a cat named Sesshomaru once...)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you put your cat named Sesshoumaru into a Harness and tell every one you finaly mananged to Harness The Big fluff ball. (Don't worry, I'm not THAT cruel... mostly 'cause I hadn't thought of it.)

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you spend 80 dollars on ebay for the ultra rare Sesshoumaru throw blanket just to tell others in chat you sleep with Sesshoumaru every night.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know Itsy will need coffee or r0o's pocky to finish.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you use ebay as a check list to see what you have or don't have to find out if you have most of the Sesshoumaru stuff.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wake up to a screen full of panicked PMs on MSN from people asking you if the site is down or if it's just them. (I can honestly say this is quite amusing. Though I do believe only MODs know this pain. XD)


Have something you wanna add? PM me! Please keep it clean, and nice, or it won't be posted. No feelings are meant to be hurt. This is all done in good fun, so please don't get upset. If you were specifically mentioned, it means we luff you, so there's nothing to worry about. XD Ja!

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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.

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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
You konw you're addicted to Dokuga when you have a dream about eating sugar0os and wake up with the sugar rush.

-This was posted anonymously before I deleted the story. XD Lemme know who came up with it and I'll give 'em credit!
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.

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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 6
YKYATDW you can't go to bed without checking to see who's in chat
YKYATDW you dream of chat
YKYATDW you get depressed at NOT being muted.
You know your Addicted to Dokuga when you hand out cookies in chat
YKYATDW the Mods ignore you please for Skye love
YKYATDW you can hear the chat pops in your sleep.
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The Fluff is my muse the fluffs name is Sesshoumaru
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 6
YKYATDW you start poking authors for updates in the next hour
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The Fluff is my muse the fluffs name is Sesshoumaru
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 40

I love this!

I wholly admit that I am guilty of this (and so many others):

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when the site has a permanent place in a tab on your browser.
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-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye

I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 92
You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you've had a chat action named after you.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know that glitters are the way to stop a rampaging r0ozilla attack.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what a r0ozilla is.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know what opo is and what the evil little beast is capable of because you've experienced it first hand, multiple times.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you know the plots to upcoming stories because you've heard them in chat.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you leave chat with plunnies glued to you, usually several of 'em.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you fear plunnie gluings.
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you make it your homepage.
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To do homework or read fanfiction, that is the ultimate question...
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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 696975
Shay wrote:
You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you make it your homepage.


You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you voluntarily become a mod
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I claimed Sesshoumaru\'s Mokomoko-sama at the Claiming Thread!
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
Ya know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have been away from it for a few hours and start getting twitchy.
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you get up five hours after going to bed because you can't go to sleep and get back in the chatroom.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you leave the chatroom open all night just to say you're there first.
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.

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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
LadySafire wrote:
Ya know you're addicted to Dokuga when you have been away from it for a few hours and start getting twitchy.

Guilty of that one.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when things in everyday life make you think of what Sesshoumaru would have to say about it.
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To do homework or read fanfiction, that is the ultimate question...
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 6
we were talk about this today..... I left my list on the other comp but this one took a bit to figure out but it's kinda funny

YKYATDW you heard the GM is Bankrupt and you worry about Skye and Dokuga.
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The Fluff is my muse the fluffs name is Sesshoumaru
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 6
YKYADTW you Make a Backround for your computer With the Dokuga Logo

(I'll get pictures posted latter)
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The Fluff is my muse the fluffs name is Sesshoumaru
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
OMG, yes! I must see it!

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you see Kagome in characters not even slightly related to the InuYasha story-line.
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.

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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 40
You know you're addicted to Dokuga when the first thing you do in the morning is reach for your computer and sign into chat just to say good morning.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/19 05:29 By Rikayu.

-Banner by the lovely, Priestess Skye

I claimed Miroku`s Staff in the Claiming Game!
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 3
Its the first thing you look at in the morning, and the last thing you look at, at night.
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 27
You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you start quoting fics in your regular speech. >.<
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I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~! trees rule.
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
When you have a hard time pulling yourself away, even if you should be getting ready.
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.

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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
when you leave family movie time cause your computer did an email 'ding' and you want to see if there has been an update yet.
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To do homework or read fanfiction, that is the ultimate question...
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Beautifully Wicked
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 20
I am guilty of many of these!

Especially the no Skye Love and begging to be muted.

You know you are addicted to Dokuga when: You get Slushies for everyone in Chat. (I have done this)
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Wicked knows all... watch her bounce

I claimed Jakotsu\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Sword in the Claim GAME!
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 6
YKYADTW ever you see a crescent moon you automatically think about Sesshoumaru and wonder if its his calling card
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The Fluff is my muse the fluffs name is Sesshoumaru
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Shikon Miko
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 34
OMG I am guilty of soo many of these. Especially everything to do with pie.

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you see chipmunks in real life and wonder if you can train them to be your mindless pie-making slaves
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I OWN SESSHOMARUS ARMOUR!! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!

Master Pie Maker with my awesomely special Pie Crossbow

Ongoing Challenges:
Funny Edible Oneshot(not for YIMs!
I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant
Christmas Rumours
Switching Genders
Dirty Secret Challenge
Kirai\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Neverending Title Challenge
Past Love Challenge
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 52

- You look forward to the next zombie movie because it'll show intriguing new methods for Kagome being eaten alive, preferrably by Sesshomaru.

- You keep an open eye for anything you think would make an interesting method to kill Kagome off with.

- The best eye bleach oneshots you come up with are the ones that come to at random, rather than trying to wrap your brain around the best methods of making hundred's of people's eyes bleed.

- You consider stories incorporating bunnies to be darker in plot than stories incorporating zombies, werewolves, vampires, blood, gore, rape, etc.

- You spell or pronounce bunnies as bunnehs.
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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
Walter, I do believe that is all just you. Except the last one. That's semi-friendly. Lol

You know you're addicted to Dokuga when you wake up and get onto the computer just to see who's in chat, even though you should technically be getting ready for the day's errands.
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It takes courage to kill, wit to avoid it and strength to never be tempted.
Sometimes you\\\\\\\'ve just gotta bite the bullet and take the plunge. Sometimes you just have to say \\\\\\\'I was wrong\\\\\\\'.

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Re:You Know You're Addicted to Dokuga When... 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 1
I'm guilty of so much.. ^^
I get on here and surf around right when I wake up.

YKYATDW if all waggling eyebrows remind you of Miroku and you automatically think something perverse is up.
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