...beta-ing a story that I'm about to write that's not exactly peaches n' cream. It will not be a typical SessKag story where they fall for each other (at least not yet). Sesshomaru will be cold and manipulative, and quite cruel too (but not in the violent/gore-ish way). I need a beta who can stand a Sesshomaru like that and can help me keep Kagome defiant and rebellious yet docile at the same time (think passive aggressive). If you are interested in beta-ing for me, then please reply.
Also, I hate to be picky but I would prefer it if you have watched/read Inuyasha long enough to tell me if I'm making the characters OOC.
I would also like it if you:
1) have written two or more IY fics before
2) have read some of the well-known SessxKag fics (ex: THotM, 7 Feudal Fairy Tales, Laying Amongst Dokkatsu, etc.)
3) have a keen eye for grammar (I'm very good at spelling)
especially TENSES <--my weakness -.-;
4) can be reached through email and/or messenger
Much thanks