Hey guys!
I'm finally back and working hard on the "Total Eclipse of the Heart" fanfic but unfortunately the one beta I have is busy at the moment, so I'm looking for another dedicated beta who can go over my grammar, help me out with ideas (characters, plots, etc), and just overall help me accomplish this fanfic that I am so desperately trying to continue to work on.
I need this beta to also be very patient with me. I'm a college student and have various events happening in my life that need more attention than this fanfic at times. There may be periods where I need to break away (like when my father passed away at the end of last year) or pause in writing this fanfic in order to come back to it.
Please message me if you are interested and if you are a fanfiction writer, I would love for you to tell me what your favorite of your works is so I can read it as well and give it some great reviews!