Hallo! I recently lost contact with my regular beta for my fic Inescapable, and am in need of someone to replace her for now. By lost contact I mean I have no clue what happened to her, but she disappeared from online 3 weeks ago with no warning and I'm hoping everything is well.
In the meantime, I have had 2 other lovely ladies help me with the story, and I appreciate their efforts. However, I'd like some consistency with who betas the story, so that I can get the chapters posted more regularly and such.
And so, I'd love it if there was someone who'd be willing to work with me on this! Beyond basic editing, I adore feedback in the form of comments and suggestions that help me see where flow is interrupted, continuity is lacking, there is too little action/dialogue, information is unclear or there just needs to be more information period.
I adore all of the help I have received thus far with editing the story, but feel badly for imposing on people who have their own lives and have only offered to help on a temporary basis.
IF either of the two ladies I've worked with would like it to be more permanent, I urge them to please let me know, but in the meantime, the post is open to anyone who would be willing to beta for me on a fairly regular basis for Inescapable!!!
Thank you for your time!