Hello, all.
Under the advise and direction of Nobody after a conversation about reviews, I would like for you to read this before posting a review containing constructive critisism.
Now, most of you have the critisism down pat. And critisism is absolutely necessary to help an author grow... eventually they will thank you for it. In our reviews we are aiming to help make each writer better and make fanfiction as a whole better for everyone. We are also aiming to set the example for others who either lurk and do not review, or who review simply to get the author to continue writing.
However, we also want to make sure our reviews do not hurt any authors feelings. It is one thing to offer advise to help someone grow, and quite another to tell someone their story sucked, or offer negative personal opinions about the topic an author chose to write about. Please keep in mind that it is quite easy to be hurtful instead of helpful.
A good critisism device: Bookending
Bookending is when you tell someone something nice about their work (your story had a very nice idea)
give them some helpful hint (but the flow seemed a bit interrupted... you may want to try looking for a beta to help with this)
And then give them something else nice. (Your detailing of the story was very colorful and emotional, very well done!)
So, say something nice, give critisism, and then end with something nice, keeping the overall feeling positive.
Here is an example of a very nice review:
hikari hime (Chapter 2) - Fri 06 Jun 2008
Just like Kagome357, I'm an honest reviewer, so I'll tell you you mix up tenses and have a little problem with punctuation. Anyway, you have made real progress between the first and second chapter, and I'm sure you can improve a lot, and become a fairly good writer. We all start somewhere, and I've seen very good signs of your creative skills in the second chapter. The story might prove to be interresting, and you put feelings in the characters, and that's far better than some fics I've red before. You're not just describing an empty following of actions, you're also putting emotions in it, and THAT is a very good start. A good beta reader would probably help a blooming good writer like you, starting by editing the many mistakes in the first chapter... ^_^ (don't ask me, I don't have a good mastery of the English language myself, and my own beta is indeed very patient with me lol). I can't wait to read more from you and see all the awesome improvements you can make.

dewa mata
This was a great review. It was very upbeat, making me feel as though Hikare Hime enjoyed helping the author out. There was critisism, about exactly the right things, and suggestions as to how to eliminate the issues in the future. She also relates to the author by saying she is not perfect either and uses a beta herself, making it easier for the author find the courage to go out and ask for help. This review is positive, upbeat, and yet still offers help. Awesome.
Reviewing is the thing that keeps authors going and shapes who they are. Negativity will solve nothing, and positivity is key. We want people to continue writing, and we want them to become betters writers for our viewing pleasure. We do not want to make our authors angry or make them view their own work in a negative way.
In summasion, when reviewing, please be as sensitive as possible, and try to think of how it would be to recieve a review containing constructive critisism. Try to imagine being a young, new author and review accordingly.
Thank you for listening and being apart of something so important and affective to our site and the stories on it. I am so very proud to be among those who try to help!
Sesshoumaru's Boy
aka: Maru