Now I realize this is going to sound mean, and sorry but tough pickle. I'm not even half way through assignment 6 and all I want to do is bang my head, repeatedly. It makes it rather hard to leave a review full of constructive criticism when all I want to do is tell them to stop writing. Obviously I don't and I do my best to give them some words of advice without sounding like a complete bitch, but gah.
We've had some bad ones before yes and I suffered through them without too many complaints lol and I will continue with this list, just needed to take a break to rant for a moment lol. A lot of these ones I'm simply reading the first chapter and leaving reviews based on that, since I don't expect they improved that great of an amount between the two chapters, but I could not stand to force myself to read another chapter.
I know this may sound like I'm just flaming them, and in a way I guess I kinda am, which is why I posted it here instead of talking about it on the forums or chat or something and why I didn't name which stories I was talking about. Guess I was just wondering if anyone else was having the same problems with this assignment as I was.
And no-chan if this steps over too much into the realm of flaming just delete, no hard feelings if ya do.