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OLD RULES 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 21
First of all i wish to extend my heartfelt welcome and thanks for joining this lovely little guild. For those of you who don't know me my name is Ikaru, i am 22 years old and am currently a full time college student. As that last statement entails i don't exactly have as much free time as i would like, but what time i do have usually has me glued to my computer reading fanfiction or writing it, if my muse decides to cooperate that may also be noted i was not the original creator of this fine guild, but some months ago it was handed to me and i willingly took up the task of reading many fanfics, and though i let it get away from me for a time due to RL i am ready to get back into the swing of things!!!

OK so the first piece of big news is that i have a co-moderator helping me now, should some unforeseen even keep me from my duties here, Hairann can pick up the slack, or vise versa. However, she will mainly be dealing with the forums and feedback. Everyone should also thank her because it was her reminder that jogged my poor memory that the guild was still here...

Alright second,I will be posting assignments, in the forum and on the bulletin, on either Friday or Saturday evenings, mainly depending on which one i have the most time available to me to post them. They will typically be between 10-15 stories in length and you will have approximately one week to complete it. On extended holidays, however, i may extend the assignment slightly, i haven't quiet decided on this yet but you will be notified if i do decide to do it so you have time to let me know if there is a problem and we can work something out.

Third, always be kind a respectful in your reviews, we are here to give praise where deserved and constructive criticism where needed. We are not here to bash anyone's work. Flames are not tolerated by Dokuga and if you leave them, you will be reported to the site admins. Should anyone be found leaving reviews that are too harsh, though not harsh enough to be considered flaming, you will receive 2 warnings, the first is just that a warning for thoughts whose reviews might have come off just a little too harsh, the second warning will result in disqualification from that weeks assignment, should it happen a third time, Hairann and I will go over the offenses and should it be deemed necessary you will likely be cut from the group. I do not believe we will have a problem with this, should you have any questions before you post a review feel free to message Hairann or myself and we will be more than happy to help you. Remember reviews are a way to help the author grow, and we want to encourage their growth as best we can.

Fourth, in order to fulfill the assignment reviews must be a reasonable length. There is not set limit on the amount you must write, but it has to be more than something like 'it was great!!''Loved it!' explain your opinion a little, let the author know exactly what you liked best about their story, or what you thought could use a little polishing.

Fifth, Hairann has decided that those who complete the assignments each week will receive a banner of her own making to award their accomplishment. So that is a little incentive to work hard and finish up the readings.

Sixth, there are thousands of stories out there, and we will be reading our fair share of them here, and it will most likely happen that one or more of you will have a personal issue with subjects in the stories. Things such as Rape, incest, and other such graphic topics are bound to show up, I'm not going to tell you to muscle through it if you have a real problem with such topics, again let Hairann or myself know and we will do what we can. I post the Assignments without looking at what all is in them at first, so i will most likely never know what stories i have posted until i begin the assignment myself, so please feel free to contact me with your concerns. i will never omit a genre from the list, so don't ask, but we can work something out to make sure everyone is comfortable while they work. Also for any minors we have in this group, you are of course not required to review the stories rated M or higher in order to receive your banner, considering it's against Dokuga rules to read the story in the first place. Just let us know if you are a minor so Hairann can keep that in mind when she's double checking your reviews.

Seventh, please also note that many stories may not be completed, or may be of considerable length, should a weeks Assignment consist of several extremely large stories, i may extend the assignment to a two week project to give everyone ample time to complete it.

Eighth (this will end soon i promise), one review per story per member is enough to finish the assignment, however should you feel, or if it is your preference to review to several chapters in a chapter story than by all means do so, whatever you feel the most comfortable with, or whatever you feel will be the most effective way to reach the author and express yourself.

Ninth, When you have completed the the assignment you must check in per-say by replying to that weeks post, let us know what you thought of that weeks assignment, discuss with other members what you thought were the best or even worst of the stories, but remember to be respectful because everyone can read the forum. At the end of the week Hairann will check the list of members who have completed the assignment and give them their banner as soon as she is able to, some weeks however remember that she has a life too so there may not be a banner that week but i will try to come up with some other reward for those who finish the assignments.

Tenth, as the moderator of this guild i reserve the right to add to this list at any time i see fit. I may also add little surprises to some assignments when i send them out just to keep things interesting. Everyone will be notified in some way if/when anything major occurs in the rules or anything else for that matter. Never feel afraid to talk to Hairann or myself, but be warned we can both be rather blunt people, i myself am a nice person but i tend not to sugar coat things, so you will get the plain truth when you speak to myself or Hairann. We also want your feedback, talk in the forum that is what it is there for, or even PM us we aren't hard to find, if you have a suggestion on how we can make the Reviews Guild better let us know!! It wont do us any good if it stays bottled up in your

Lastly, everyone is required to read this, so as proof that you have read and understand all that i have written here reply to this post. If there are any questions, or something that you haven't understood let me or Hairann know and we will be more than happy to be of assistance. Also do to the lateness of the hour i am posting this, next Friday or Saturday will be the day i post the first new assignment in a very long time. So everyone has a week to get this read and signed, be sure to invite some of your friends to join too, we want all the members we can get!!!
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Last Edit: 2010/07/03 01:59 By Ikaru.
the snow covers the world in a blanket of white, making it pure once more...

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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 33
Sounds good! I know how much it bums me out when I get no reviews for something, so helping out others is a fine and noble idea!
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Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 54
Read and stamp of approval.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 32
Good to go! Gotcha Boss!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 27
right on!!

can't wait for an assignment...!
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I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~! trees rule.
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 54
Third, always be kind a respectful in your reviews, we are here to give praise where deserved and constructive criticism where needed. We are not here to bash anyone's work. Should anyone be found flaming, you will receive 2 warnings, the first is just that a warning for thoughts whose reviews might have come off just a little too harsh, the second warning will result in disqualification from that weeks assignment, should it happen a third time, Hairann and i will go over the offenses and should it be deemed necessary you will likely be cut from the group. I do not believe we will have a problem with this, should you have any questions before you post a review feel free to message Hairann or myself and we will be more than happy to help you. Remember reviews are a way to help the author grow, and we want to encourage their growth as best we can.

Let me clarify this as Dokuga itself does not allow any flames whatsoever and if you post flames, you will have to deal with the site admins. That being said, even without your review being a flame, the rules above will still apply if it is too harsh as we are here to help authors grow, not stunt their growth.

Ikaru-chan when you have the chance, edit your post to reflect this so everyone doesn't have to worry about reading all of the replies just to make sure they have all of the rules. It should say something like...

'Third, always be kind a respectful in your reviews, we are here to give praise where deserved and constructive criticism where needed. We are not here to bash anyone's work. Flames are not tolerated by Dokuga and if you leave them, you will be reported to the site admins. Should anyone be found leaving reviews that are too harsh, though not harsh enough to be considered flaming, you will receive 2 warnings, the first is just that a warning for thoughts whose reviews might have come off just a little too harsh, the second warning will result in disqualification from that weeks assignment, should it happen a third time, Hairann and I will go over the offenses and should it be deemed necessary you will likely be cut from the group. I do not believe we will have a problem with this, should you have any questions before you post a review feel free to message Hairann or myself and we will be more than happy to help you. Remember reviews are a way to help the author grow, and we want to encourage their growth as best we can.'

And also if you can Ikaru-chan, not sure if it can be done on the groups as it can in Dokuga's main forums, but try to move this post to a 'spotlight' so it will remain on top and will be the first post people see when they enter the forums.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
Sounds good!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
Ready and waiting!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 47
Sounds good to me.
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I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 10
I finished the assignment. I really enjoyed most of the stories I read . A few of them were very promising and I would love to read more of them. Looking forward to the next assignment!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 54
Stacerue wrote:
I finished the assignment. I really enjoyed most of the stories I read . A few of them were very promising and I would love to read more of them. Looking forward to the next assignment!

Double checked yours and added your banner under the Banners thread. By the way, when you finish an assignment, make sure you post it under the assignment thread rather than here as it will make things easier for us to keep track of what's going on with the assignment.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 5
I'm on the guide and ready to keep on reviewing
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 15 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 12
I almost always leave a review anyways so it shouldn't be a hardship for me, I will just have to be sure that I leave something more helpful than well done, I usually do but not always.
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 5
I leave a review nearly everytime as well:)
my only question is that some of the assignment stories are rated M or MA
So I will just read the other available stories:)
I hope that is okay?
I agree with all the terms and conditions:)
oh that made me feel!XD
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Nat-a-wee wrote:
I leave a review nearly everytime as well:)
my only question is that some of the assignment stories are rated M or MA
So I will just read the other available stories:)
I hope that is okay?
I agree with all the terms and conditions:)
oh that made me feel!XD

Hehe, yes Nat only read the ones that you are allowed to according to site rules. We know, now , that you are a minor and will simply not count you for any above T. These stories will not count toward your assignment, so you will still get your banner if you finish on time . And welcome aboard .

Oh and don't forget to post under the forum thread for the current assignment after you finish it. If you don't get this week's done, no worries you can start next week. We are currently on assignment 18.
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Last Edit: 2010/03/25 18:06 By Hairann.

I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 1
Sounds great. I look forward to expanding my reading horizons.
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Indie wrote:
Sounds great. I look forward to expanding my reading horizons.

Welcome and you're just in time, we just started a new assignment yesterday . It's assignment 19 and I'm pretty sure you're not, going by your challenge post on the forums allowing MA responses, but want to make sure before hand. Are you a minor? Either way is fine, just need to keep track of who can read what .
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 1
Hairann wrote:
Indie wrote:
Sounds great. I look forward to expanding my reading horizons.

Welcome and you're just in time, we just started a new assignment yesterday . It's assignment 19 and I'm pretty sure you're not, going by your challenge post on the forums allowing MA responses, but want to make sure before hand. Are you a minor? Either way is fine, just need to keep track of who can read what .

No, I'm 28. So haven't been a minor in a long while.
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Inu Guardian
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
I joined in a little late in the week, so I don't think I will get this assignment done. I will do my best for future ones, though. I've been looking for new stories to read, so this will help me there. I love that y'all started up a group that encourages people to leave reviews for authors. Kind words are appreciated and give people inspiration and let them know they're doing a good job. I'm 25, so no minor here. Truly can't wait to read all the stories!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Inu Guardian wrote:
I joined in a little late in the week, so I don't think I will get this assignment done. I will do my best for future ones, though. I've been looking for new stories to read, so this will help me there. I love that y'all started up a group that encourages people to leave reviews for authors. Kind words are appreciated and give people inspiration and let them know they're doing a good job. I'm 25, so no minor here. Truly can't wait to read all the stories!

Welcome aboard . The assignment this week is pretty small, in terms of word count, so if you want, you could probably still finished it up before the end of tomorrow. Of course you could wait and start on the next assignment no problem, but there was some pretty good ones this week that you may not want to miss out on. There are also our older assignments if you need more to read . If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Ikaru .
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm new so I'm glad this was written! Now I understand how things work better!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
Hi, I'm new and really excited to be a part of this. I usually don't review, since I started my own story I realized how important reviews can be. I joined to help set a fire under me and remind me REVIEWS ARE GOOD! So hello to all. BTW not a minor.
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Teana wrote:
Hi, I'm new and really excited to be a part of this. I usually don't review, since I started my own story I realized how important reviews can be. I joined to help set a fire under me and remind me REVIEWS ARE GOOD! So hello to all. BTW not a minor.

Welcome to DRG . Assignment 22 is up and you can find it here. Once you have it finished, make sure you reply under that thread so I can double check your reviews and get your personalized banner ready. Once it is, which I will reply to your post and let'cha know, you can find it here.

If you have any questions at any point, please let me or Ikaru know and we will be happy to help ya . We also have a few banners all members are welcome to use, which you can find here, here, and here.

As you can tell, I'm a bit banner happy hehe.
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Last Edit: 2010/04/20 10:27 By Hairann.

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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 54
Ink wrote:
I'm new so I'm glad this was written! Now I understand how things work better!

Welcome to DRG and sorry for the delay in my response, I never got the email notifying me of the post so I didn't know there was one hehe. One question, just so I can keep track, are you a minor Ink? No worries either way, I just like to know so I can count off the stories that are above T for our minors. Also if you view my last post on this thread, you will find all of the links you need right now . If you have any questions, please let me or Ikaru know and we will be happy to help.
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I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Re:MUST READ FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE GUILD!!! 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I'm not a minor
Thanks for everything!!!
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